Russia declined to sign the treaty on grounds that its provisions for cross-border investigations into criminal activity in cyberspace violate national sovereignty. Since there are no further questions from the media, Im going to go ahead and conclude this meeting. Many states would criminalize attempts to commit covered offenses, as well as aiding and abetting and conspiracy, or even the criminalization of the laundering of the proceeds of cybercrime (Chile, China, Nigeria, Norway, Russia, USA). Some states have also called for the inclusion of content-related crimes, such as incitement of terror (China, Russia), disinformation (China, Indonesia), and copyright infringement (Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Norway, Russia, USA). In both cases, it may take a thousand cuts to demolish their foundation, yet each cut contributes significantly to their erosion. And until we recognize that until every most countries are able to cooperate effectively, the fight against cybercrime will not be won. Office of the U.S. Opening Stages in UN Cybercrime Treaty Talks Reflect Human Rights Risks. MODERATOR: Thank you so much. Ambassador Deborah McCarthy, head of delegation for the United States of America, Mr. George Tyendezwa, Vice Chair of the African Group on the Bureau of the Ad Hoc Committee, representatives of the media, good afternoon. Do you do either of you have any final remarks at all? A number of states, including Brazil, Dominican Republic, the European Union (EU), Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA, are particularly advocating for a narrower crime-related focus, warning against the use of this treaty to impose broader controls on the internet. Sadly, there isnt there is also a large there is serious underreporting of some of this incident. Beyond the list of specific offenses, the scope of culpability is also in question. This is an instrument that once we finish it has to be ratified by a number of countries, member countries, and that implies working with their own governments domestically, their own members their congress, their parliaments, et cetera so each government also is engaging in consultations not only with stakeholders and experts, et cetera, but also with their own domestic authorities and domestic parliaments that have to approve the instrument once its finalized. Participation in Foreign Press Center briefings and programming does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation of briefers views. Multiple governments around the world participated at the meeting with the UN, where they discussed and tried to find common ground on the treaty in order to facilitate global cooperation on cybercrime. This follows years of reporting by U. N. independent human rights experts and non-governmental organizations on human rights abuses stemming from overbroad . Thank you, Mahvash. For Nigeria and also some of the other African countries, we have also seen an increase in ransomware attacks. As a UN-convened committee of government experts from around the world gets ready to begin. In 2019 and again in 2021, the U.N. General Assembly expressed grave concerns that cybercrime legislation was being misused to target human rights defenders or hinder their work and safety. According to UNODC, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, offences typically cluster around the following categories: offences that are computer-related and content-related, and offences related to infringements of copyright etc. That process is still in a nascent stage and states only recently established the procedures and rules for treaty negotiations. But also and this is the important part as we work this issue to distinguish between cybercrime and cyber security its is giving our law enforcement the tools to more swiftly pursue those that are attacking critical sectors as well as individuals, communities, local communities, et cetera, and to develop newer tools that are more swift in this process. But the Cyber Polygon event held in mid-2020 was organized around the central theme of "the prevention of a 'digital pandemic.'" UN Member States and stakeholders to draft a global instrument focused on improving the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime. jobs from Clear Legal Jobs. And the point really is that the glue that will hold all of this together is international cooperation because we have domestic legislations dealing with cybercrime and all sorts of other crimes, but what makes the difference is when countries are able to cooperate with one another, effectively recover evidence of these crimes electronic evidence and also preserve that evidence and share it with other jurisdictions so that even persons who are hiding in some of these far-flung jurisdictions can be brought to book. First, I will go over the ground rules, then introduce our three speakers. In fact, most crimes now qualify as a form of cybercrime since most activity can be digitalized, whether as content, meta, or other data, and electronic evidence is vital for the prosecution of nearly all offences. On that question, I will refer you to the Department of Justice. Also creating a mechanism for offering technical assistance and capacity-building initiatives, particularly in light of the specific needs of small developing states such as those in the CARICOM region. And with that, it is my great pleasure to welcome Ambassador Deborah McCarthy to make her opening remarks. Privacy Policy Second, Canada should concentrate primarily on the urgent need for improved international cooperation in criminal matters. MR TYENDEZWA: Well, its just to agree with my two colleagues. The purpose was to provide inputs . Summary U.S. lead negotiator for a UN Cybercrime Treaty, retired Ambassador. Come enjoy a conversation between Michael Gilles (JD/LLM '10), Attorney-Adviser for Law Enforcement and Intelligence in the Office of the Legal Adviser for the U.S. Department of State, and Professor Shane Stansbury as they discuss Mr. Gilles's experience as part of the U.S. delegation to the UN General Assembly's Ad Hoc Committee to develop a new treaty to combat cybercrime. After their remarks, we will move on to the Q&A. Arguably the most controversial provision in the Budapest Convention Article 32 on trans-border access to stored computer data, which is understood to be one of the reasons why Russia will not sign the instrument exemplifies the limits of what can be agreed among states in this regard. Democracies are in many ways like the internet. But it is also recognized that the from submissions on the floor, it is becoming clear that cybercrime in itself is an attack on our human rights. MODERATOR: Thank you so much, Mr. Tyendezwa, for your remarks. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), by contrast, has argued that any inclusion of technology-facilitated offenses (as opposed to corecybercrimes) should be limited. multiplayer survival games mobile; two of us guitar chords louis tomlinson; wall mounted power strip; tree trunk color code Even though cybersecurity and cybercrime coalesce in various ways, Canada and its allies must be prepared to draw an intentional line between the two. Being transnational in nature, all member states of the United Nations are vulnerable in the fight against the use of ICTs for criminal purposes. As my colleague Eileen Skinnider explained elsewhere, there are a number of gender-sensitive resources available to Canada and others involved in drafting the cybercrime treaty, including the Gender Impact Assessment. Letter of the Chair - Attachment. We are focusing on international cooperation, technical assistance, prevention, having a mechanism, obviously, for implementing the treaty, and some final provisions. Now the next question came from Yumi Tanaka from Jiji Press, Japanese media house: What are the main goals for the United States at the cybercrime treaty negotiations at the United Nations? And this question is for Ambassador McCarthy. On the technical assistance side, which is critical also for implementation, we want to ensure that the treaty language is flexible and technology-neutral because of changes that will take place, and we feel that we should look for programs that will offer training for law enforcement and other personnel supporting the administration of justice under this convention. We are focusing on international cooperation, technical assistance, prevention, having a mechanism, obviously, for implementing the treaty, and some final provisions. AMBASSADOR MCCARTHY: And let me add one other thing. In January 2022 UN member states will start negotiating a new convention on "the use of information technology and communications technologies for criminal purposes." EU institutions and member states have been working towards defining their position for the first round of talks, which includes a demand that any new agreement be "focused primarily on substantive criminal and criminal . Its not a cyber security treaty. The UK government opened the meeting by highlighting their interest in hearing multi-stakeholder inputs as the treaty negotiations advance, noting that for the treaty to be effective and practical, it needs to be informed by multi-stakeholder input. One, in this process is the critical role beyond the member states of stakeholders, stakeholders coming from the NGO community, coming from the business community, coming from the academic community, the legal community. I thank you very much for the opportunity to engage with the press on the sidelines of the third session. Theyve given valuable input, and yes, absolutely. I think it is very important that the member states are able to agree at least as it concerns the fundamental cyber offenses; that is your offenses that affect the integrity, availability, confidentiality of systems. In the elements on prevention, which are also critical elements if we are going to arrive at an instrument that will be of benefit to all, we believe that we need greater investment in domestic criminal justice capacity, periodic re-evaluation of domestic legislation, and of also of administrative practices. Its not a cyber security treaty. While there is no specific Sustainable Development Goal to address cybercrime, the latter can be seen as an obstacle to achieving a number of targets. He is the current vice chair of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes. MR TYENDEZWA: Thank you very much, Ambassador McCarthy, Ms. Swaby. For Nigeria and also some of the other African countries, we have also seen an increase in ransomware attacks. And more and more were seeing the trend, as have other countries have seen their health care facilities and systems taken offline and including during our pandemic. Several world leaders addressed the Forum, in person or by pre-recorded statements. Weaponization of cybercrimes to target journalists, whistle-blowers, political dissidents, security researchers, LGBTQ communities, and human rights defenders is, in the words of the OHCHR, a well documented practice. We have a wide variety of member states, including those represented with me today but beyond, including such countries as Angola, Ghana, El Salvador, South Africa, Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore, and I could list a long even longer list who are actively participating in these negotiations. In terms of specific crimes, those most commonly proposed for explicit mention in the treaty include: illegal access to a computer or computer system (China, EU, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Mexico, Russia, USA), illegal interception of communications or traffic data (Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Russia, USA), data or system interference (Chile, EU, Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Panama, Russia, USA), misuse of devices (Liechtenstein, Norway, Russia, USA), cyber-fraud, (Australia, China, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, USA), offenses related to infringements of copyright and related rights (Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Norway, Russia, USA), and offenses related to child pornography (Australia, EU, Indonesia, China, Russia, New Zealand, Norway, Mexico, UK, USA).An indicative list of other specific crimes that have been floated by some states includes: use of the internet to incite and commit acts of terrorism (China, Russia); disinformation, conspiracy, hoax (China, Indonesia); material that contains racial, nationality, religion, or political based hostility (Indonesia), offenses related to arms trafficking (Mexico, Russia), use of cryptocurrencies and dual-use assets for criminal purposes (Mexico), unauthorized access to personal data (Russia, USA), offenses related to the distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Russia), and illicit distribution of counterfeit medicines and medical products (Russia). Some crimes inherently involve information technologies, and most states appear to agree that these pure cybercrimes should be captured within the convention. Given UNODC's mission to promote global peace and security, both of the topics in the committee focus on strengthening regulation and accountability regarding the trade of illicit goods, which are firearms and falsified medical products respectively. 1. Excellent. As a UN-convened committee of government experts from around the world gets ready to begin negotiations to draft a Cybercrime Treaty, there's a pronounced lack of consensus among UN member states about what constitutes a "cybercrime" and how expansive the treaty will be. Ambassador Deborah McCarthy, U.S. Lead Negotiator, Andrea Martin-Swaby, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of Jamaicas Cybercrimes and Digital Forensics Unit, Mr. Terlumun George-Maria Tyendezwa (Nigeria), Vice-Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes. I thank you very much for the opportunity to engage with the press on the sidelines of the third session. While tensions run high across the globe over the invasion of Ukraine, the worlds governments are meeting at the UN this week and next to find common ground on a proposed treaty to facilitate international cooperation and coordination in computer crime investigations. The first Convention on Cybercrime, also known as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime or the Budapest Convention, which was held on 23rd November 2001, was the first So Yongjoo Lee from MBC, a South Korean outlet, asks: Reports of cybercrime by North Korea are continuing. To follow on from my colleague, I think its important to recognize the following: Were looking to draw up a new criminal justice-focused treaty. Yet, states hold widely divergent views in relation to cybercrime. And during this session, we are focusing on three key areas, key for many, many of the member states that are negotiating. I think it is very important that the member states are able to agree at least as it concerns the fundamental cyber offenses; that is your offenses that affect the integrity, availability, confidentiality of systems. Would you like to add anything, Mr. Tyendezwa, as the vice chair of the ad hoc committee? In December 2019, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on countering the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes, and introducing an Ad Hoc Committee. who will draft the proposed treaty. Well, thank you so much for those very informative remarks, Ambassador McCarthy. The committee is scheduled to hold its first negotiating session from February 28th to March 11, 2022. For example, laws purporting to combat misinformation and online support for or glorification of terrorism and extremism have been misused to imprison bloggers or block entire platforms in some states. But Canada and like-minded states must attach high political priority to the process. More specifically, Canada cannot waver from the protection of human rights, such as freedom of speech and privacy. The UN General Assembly voted in December 2019 to begin negotiating a treaty - a treaty that focuses on cybercrime, but also has the potential to develop numerous policies on a global scale with important significance for human rights. Include Nongovernmental Organizations in Treaty Negotiations. No, thank you so much. If nothing else, the negotiations will test the strength of Canadas resolve to cooperate in criminal matters and uphold human rights in the process. Well, its just to agree with my two colleagues. Sadly, there isnt there is also a large there is serious underreporting of some of this incident. The proposal is entitled the . After years of discussion, the UN General Assembly, to begin negotiating a Cybercrime Treaty that has potential to reshape policing on a global scale, with serious implications for human rights. They contribute. The United States,along withkey multilateral partners,is playing a pivotal role in working with otherUN Member States and stakeholders to draft a global instrument focused on improving the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime. Fifth, and importantly, Canada should remain receptive to inputs from civil society and actively promote the inclusion of non-governmental organizations, private entities, academics, and others during the negotiations. Thank you very much. They contribute. AMBASSADOR MCCARTHY: Well, thank you for the question. Yes, and adding on that, I would say that there is a growing recognition on the floor that the treaty that is being negotiated will be focused on countering cybercrime. Today, we stand at the starting point of another monumental effort relating to another area of great concern around the world: cybercrime, he said. Basically, I think the bulk of us agreed on this as the goals of negotiating this treaty. Its not a treaty on terrorism. Many, if not most, crimes can now have a technological dimension to them, making the substantive scope of this treaty potentially vast. And let me add one other thing. Negotiation of a treaty on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes (UN Cybercrime Treaty) will begin in New York in January 2022. And then last but not least but any, many means is adequate protection of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law in this particular instrument. Well, what I would indicate is that it is clear that member states are taking full advantage of their right to participate in the process, and we have been hearing on the ground and in terms of the submissions made by member states that certainly in respect of the issue of international cooperation, the issue of criminalization, the chapters that treat with also technical assistance, that there is full commitment on the ground in respect of what it is should be reflected in the new instrument or what is hoped to be achieved in the new instrument. Weve also sought to make our voice, the voice of member states heard, particularly, like my colleague from CARICOM mentioned, those countries that hitherto were not involved in some of the negotiations in other instruments that currently exist. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. Vague and imprecise definitions of offenses leave room for arbitrary interpretations and risk infringement of human rights.. Finally, many member states highlight that the treaty needs to be future-proof to survive the fast development of technologies and deployment of creative new ways to commit crimes in cyberspace, Australia. And our third speaker is Mr. Terlumun George-Maria Tyendezwa from Nigeria. However, the champions of the new process are some of the most repressive governments that have themselves sponsored cyberattacks, portending a greater likelihood of diluted human rights standards and expanded cyber sovereignty. If the diplomatic process results in a UN cybercrime convention that enters into force, the treaty could help to remove obstacles to international cooperation. Is Interpol part of the negotiations or the conversation thats happening at the UN at this time? Firstly, Id like to thank the United States of America for inviting me to participate in this very important dialogue concerning the invaluable work of the Ad Hoc Committee in seeking to draft the convention which treats specifically sorry with the use of ICTs for criminal purposes. Now Ill turn it over to the vice chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, Mr. Tyendezwa from Nigeria. But it is also recognized that the from submissions on the floor, it is becoming clear that cybercrime in itself is an attack on our human rights. Broadly, cybercrime can be described as having cyber-dependent offences, cyber-enabled offences and, as a specific crime-type, online child sexual exploitation and abuse. Are CARICOMs goals very similar to U.S. goals? That is will also be a critical part. Ms. Martin-Swaby will speak on behalf of the Caribbean Community, or CARICOM. Its not a treaty on internet governance. As with every criminal justice treaty, we will be dealing with authorities that restrain freedoms for the sake of public safety in these discussions, and we must be very careful on how we exercise those powers. On international cooperation, which is the heart of a lot of the matter which were discussing, we strongly believe that we should be facilitating law enforcement cooperation related to the crimes that we will come to agreement on and establish under this convention. A review of states submitted position papers demonstrates that some are eager to expand the negotiations to cover not only criminal justice matters, but also a range of issues related to cybersecurity and cyberspace more broadly. But having said that, what we expect will happen is that the convention will make it a lot more easier for law enforcement cooperating across jurisdictions to pin down and hold responsible those who are who have who are committing this crimes. ), by contrast, has argued that any inclusion of technology-facilitated offenses (as opposed to corecybercrimes) should be limited. An official website of the United States Government, Cybercrime Treaty Negotiations at the United Nations. And we as the U.S. are actively engaging in expert-driven outreach with all the member states, or a number of the member states, and we want to continue working broadly across the world to come up with and this is a key point an inclusive and fair criminal justice instrument that respects rights and provides practical tools for law enforcement. Most other states would go further. , Russia, USA), misuse of devices (Liechtenstein, Norway, Russia, USA), cyber-fraud, (Australia, China, Indonesia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, USA), offenses related to infringements of copyright and related rights (Indonesia, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Norway, Russia, USA), and offenses related to child pornography (Australia, EU, Indonesia, China, Russia, New Zealand, Norway, Mexico, UK, USA). The USA and Australia also point out that an online crime committed anonymously may play a role in framing what derivative crimes legitimately fall within the scope of the treaty. The issues addressed in this roundtable aligned with the topics states are due to address in the Ad Hoc Committees second session: criminalization, the general provisions, and the provisions on procedural measures and law enforcement. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. AMBASSADOR MCCARTHY: As one of the tools, one of the tools. Yes, they are. Text Passes Unanimously Following Extensive Debate, Adoption of Three Amendments Calling for Transparency, Inclusion. Precise definition of the conduct that is being criminalized will also be essential if human rights are not to fall by the wayside when this treaty is ultimately applied by various states around the world at the national level. Canada and like-minded states have much at stake in the negotiations and their ability to induce irresolute countries will not only help determine whether the process is successful but will likely shape discussions on a much broader range of issues, such as digital sovereignty, data nationalism, and online election interference, among others. And the question is: Do you know if there has been any cooperation between the U.S. and Russia to crack down on cyber-criminal groups in Russia since the start of the war in Ukraine, just like when Russia cracked down on REvil, which is Ransomware Evil, at the U.S. request? And I think that question, again, is for Ambassador Deborah McCarthy. The UN General Assembly voted in December 2019 to begin negotiating a treaty a treaty that focuses on cybercrime, but also has the potential to develop numerous policies on a global scale with important significance for human rights. Do you do either of you have any final remarks at all? Australia, the EU, New Zealand, Nigeria, Switzerland and the USA, for example, highlight the need to include cyber-enabled crimes within the treaty. Hello, good afternoon, and welcome to the New York Foreign Press Center for a virtual briefing on the UN Cybercrime Treaty Negotiations. Two weeks of initial negotiations, hosted by the Ad-Hoc Committee Secretariat from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, kicked off on Feb. 28 with statements from over 60 Member States about what the treaty should encompass. Consensus regarding what constitutes acts of war in cyberspace has also remained elusive and difficult to define, making the subject ill-suited to an international treaty. Ms. Swaby, Martin-Swaby, would you like to take this on? About the Ad Hoc Committee. NEW YORK FOREIGN PRESS CENTER, 799 UNITED NATIONS PLAZA, 10TH FLOOR. Theyve given valuable input, and yes, absolutely. So we can tell you what each what that punishment will be depending on the jurisdiction where that trial takes place. To ensure a common EU approach and the consistency of a future convention with current and future EU law on cybercrime and protecting fundamental rights, the EU should engage in the . That is, I think were all ad idem when it comes to those particular goals. AMBASSADOR MCCARTHY: Thank you. Indeed, one regional cybercrime treaty (the Council of Europes Budapest Convention) even includes copyright infringement as one of its central criminal prohibitions. Even as you raise ransomware, thats a system interference. Russia has formulated and put forth a draft convention to the United Nations to fight cybercrime. So you will not see ransomware necessarily reflected under that nomenclature in respect of the instrument, but it would be captured under the offenses that are listed there. Our first speaker is Ambassador Deborah McCarthy. Our second speaker is Ms. Andrea Martin-Swaby, deputy director of public prosecutions and head of Jamaicas Cybercrimes and Digital Forensics Unit. Thank you so much for that answer. These would include, for example, crimes where data or a computer system are the target of the offense (Nigeria, the USA and, to some degree, the EU). Thanks, you're awesome! If negotiations are successful, and the resulting treaty is widely ratified, it will have a far-reaching and unprecedented impact on how cybercrime is . Finally, many member states highlight that the treaty needs to be future-proof to survive the fast development of technologies and deployment of creative new ways to commit crimes in cyberspace, Australia, Japan, Liechtenstein, Nigeria, the UK and the USA advocate for clear and technology-neutral language to avoid the need to amend the treaty frequently as technology evolves. The UN, through the so-called Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime, is currently in the midst of drafting a new Cybercrime Treaty. Many of the states initial submissions also include calls on ensuring adherence to human rights standards and paying special attention to the potential adverse impact on freedom of expression and other human rights. Even in the face of strong public protest over a set of proposed revisions to criminal laws that infringe Indonesians free expression rights, the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights last month sent to the Parliament a new draft of the Criminal Code (CC) that threatens to further Download the reportLatin American countries have a choice to make in the coming monthswhether to accede to a new set of rules for coordinating and cooperating with each other and nations around the world on criminal Update: On 16 June, following the approval by the Councils Permanent Representatives Committee, the EU Parliaments Internal Market Committee overwhelmingly endorsed the deal on the EUs Digital Services Act. Read more about it here. That is will also be a critical part. Even where states agree to maintain a law enforcement focus (Chile, USA, UK, Canada, the EU and its Member States, Colombia, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Switzerland, Nigeria, Indonesia), questions arise regarding what crimes should be specifically encoded in the treaty. But just like Ms. Swaby indicated, the we expect that at the end of when this convention is done, what it will provide is the ability for individual nations to stipulate punishments.

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