Theoretical Sensitivity. However, video unveils this world of nuanced expressions and makes these communicative behaviours amenable to interpretation. Philadelphia. It is said that data for a grounded theory research project should be obtained through using the best technique available to obtain the information that is desired (Glaser Strauss, 1967). Thus, it facilitated the emergence of a theory explaining how the participants met the main concern. Two of these recordings yielded 25 minutes of video, which was transcribed into narrative format. The research study from which this paper is derived aimed to develop a theory to explain how people with PIMD confront that primary difficulty and communicate with others. The increasing sophistication of the memos was in many ways the key to the process and it enabled an understanding of how a minutely detailed micro-communication such as a glance from one person to another might form part of a macro-theory which explains how the attention process (of which eye gaze is one small part) operates. Communication partnerships with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. The result was that the memos wove a horizontal mesh that named the relationships that were inherent in the theory, some of which are detailed in section two. Table 1. The fieldwork for the study took place in a school for adolescents and young adults with PIMD in Ireland. Some weapons come pre-augmented, such as the Mint Mace, Salt Morning Star, Spicy Coaltana, and all elemental arrows. 31 (5):1252-1257. The Journal of Learning Sciences. In all, over 200 memos were written. Using video methods in grounded theory research. At the same time, the reliance on detailed baseline data meant that the patterns of behaviour that were being identified were patterns of very small behaviours, behaviours that might ordinarily remain unobserved. As explained above, the videotape was analyzed by running it at normal speed, running it slowly and running it frame by frame, where each frame encompassed the action of 1/24th of a second. Scope of Research: Grounded theoretical research attempts to describe or explore a specific issue. Boca Raton, Florida. He or she may offer a stimulus to the other person in the dyad, to which the other may attend and then action may follow. The Grounded Theory Perspective: Conceptualization Contrasted with Description. There are doubts as to whether the collection of audio recorded data facilitates the development of a grounded theory. Through a comparison of these concepts, they plan theories. On a few occasions I interacted with the participants in order to maintain the relationship which had been established prior to and during the data-gathering period. In short, the verbal-behavioural data juncture may reveal accurate detailed description of the behaviour that is observed or it may not. We invite you to submit your paper for consideration for the next issue of Grounded Theory Review, which is published in late December and June each year. The process that enables the person to act and to communicate is the process of attuning, which affects and reflects how the partners feel (their being), what they do and if and how they become mutually engaged. The nature of the qualitative micro data that was captured is described and the fit between such data and classic grounded theory is discussed. Following the 50th anniversary wish of GTs co-founder Dr. Barney Glaser, we would like to see a conglomerate of new grounded theories that span a wide array of disciplines and topics and that demonstrate general applicability and conceptual strengths in diverse social contexts. Mill Valley. Video recordings were made of three of these dyads, each of which consisted of one student with PIMD and one carer or teacher (who was the students keyworker). This paper presents a method for the collection and analysis of qualitative data that is derived by observation and that may be used to generate a grounded theory. Speziale H. and Carpenter D. (2007). This can induce the Hawthorne effect (Heacock et al., 1996), which suggests that the presence of the researcher affects the people being observed (Polit and Hungler, 1999) and therefore the observed behaviours are changed because an observer is seen to be watching. Understanding how people communicate is difficult both for those who have the experience of an intellectual disability and for those who attempt to communicate with them (Caldwell 2007). Features of Grounded Theory. The fruit of this process was the fine-grained detail of incidents and sequences in behaviour that constituted the transcription and formed the basis for the data analysis. It has been noted that capturing of recorded video in a very thorough narrative transcription sensitizes the researcher to the observation of micro-events (Nilsson, 2012), a process which was very evident as the data transcription progressed. Given that interaction is dyadic and may be viewed as a continuous process of social coordination (Fogel, 1993), the main concern of both the person with PIMD and the non disabled person is to understand the nature of this continuous communication process in order to communicate effectively with the other person. Researchers collect data through any means they prefer and then analyze the facts to arrive at concepts. Nakken H. and Vlaskamp C. (2007). Thus, detailed analysis demonstrated the interdependence of each person in the communication process. Classic grounded theory (CGT) was chosen as the preferred method for the study because so little was known about the patterns of communication that were inherent in what the study participants did. As a result, in some interaction sequences several behaviours could be identified as occurring in a very short period of time, with the result that a very fine detail of what happened in the communication was evident. The video records show that for most of the time, the participants were involved in interacting with each other and appeared to give little thought to the camera and observer. The Discovery of Grounded Theory. This was achieved by running the video-tape at normal speed, running it slowly and running it frame by frame, where each frame encompassed 1/24th of a second of the action. Glaser B. However, interactional observations have been specifically identified as a form of data that may generate theory (Glaser, 2007). This view is reinforced by Heacock et al who comment on the capacity of video to allow fine-grained recording, they state that it is not unusual for an observer replaying a videotape to detect nuances in non verbal behaviour that an observer in the field setting missed (Heacock et al., 1996, p. 336). The 25 minutes of videotaped observational data in this study detailed more than 1000 incidents comprising 36,000 data points. The Pragmatics of Human Communication. Heacock P, Souter E and Chastian J.(1996). The constant comparison process not only generated codes that changed as the data analysis continued, but it also generated memos. Video offered a possibility of examining these behaviours and those of the non-disabled partner in detail, with the consequence that the grounded theoretical analysis made it possible to identify the main concern of the participants. Target behaviours in unstructured interaction research. Glaser B (2005). In short, the density of the data was uncovered through the precise nature of the analysis. In order to manage the mass of recorded data, just two of the three recordings were examined and between them selected episodes of interaction were examined, which yielded 25 minutes of data which were transcribed and analyzed. ISSN: 1556-1550. The advantages of using video to record, and subsequently to document the action and interaction that was the subject of the study, were immense. Dense data typically contains subtle communicative behaviour. Polity press. Nursing Research: Principles and methods. Are you developing a classic grounded theory? In brief, the theory suggests that all communication takes place in a setting (the place where the dyad is located), which influences the state of mind of the people in it (their being). Diary records show that I had spent some considerable time becoming familiarised with the participants before the observations commenced. In Martin V.B and Gynnild A (eds). The narrative illuminated the verbal and non-verbal interactions of both participants in the dyad in detail and in sequence. Doing Grounded Theory. Accurate descriptions of what is going on run a poor second to socially structured fictions (Glaser 2001, p. 146). Brown Walker Press. Qualitative Research In Nursing. In the context of thick description of an event, he notes that the descriptions were thicker than most (Schonfeld ,1992, p. 209). Schonfeld asked the research group to analyze the behaviours that they saw. Eye gaze changes quickly, at times up to three to four times per second. However, that precision was only made possible because of another aspect of video, namely its permanence which meant that it could be viewed as many times as required and in many different ways. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Indicative behaviours. A good example of dense data is a sequential analysis of shifting eye gaze patterns between two people. The first was that I was present in the classrooms where the interaction took place and my presence was compounded by the video camera and the stand upon which it sat. Routledge. Are you working on a formal theory, or are you reflecting on a methodological issue? In undertaking this study, I took as the starting point Watzlawick et al.s (1967) statement that observation of non-verbal behaviours has been shown to offer a powerful insight into the meaning that people place on an interaction. Caldwell P. (2007). The theories will be peer reviewed by experienced members of the advisory board of the Grounded Theory Review. This took the group (the number of whom is not specified in the report) 18 months to analyze 7 hours of video. Equally in many cases a pattern was established, whereby the same behaviour of one person consistently elicited the same reaction from the other person. A need for a taxonomy for profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. 45:18-29. Ware J (2003). Consistency, context and confidence in judgments of affective communication in adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. The Grounded Theory Perspective 3: Theoretical coding. The progression in the data analysis process is described from descriptions of these micro-behaviours towards the emergence of the concepts of the theory. Grounded Theory: the Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney Glaser. This was the process that is described thus in sorting, the analyst is constantly moving back and forth between memos and a potential outline working with it so everything fits (Glaser, 1978, p. 118). Journal of Advanced Nursing. London. Grounded theory is not concerned with describing the data but with identifying the patterns that are inherent in the data.

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