The extent of Western influence over Cilician Armenia is also reflected by the incorporation of two new letters ( = "f" and = "o") and various Latin-based words into theArmenian language. Friction was frequent, especially with the neighboring principality of Antioch, the ill-defined frontiers of which afforded easy pretexts for disputes. In 966, the Emperors army extended its conquests further south, to Tripoli in Lebanon, Aleppo and Damascus. They dismounted before dawn at a distance ofthree miles from Sis, and sent a messenger to inform the city of their coming. Their chief was captured and brought to Kessoun, the headquarters of the district, near Marash. The monks of the Black Mountain (Amanus), also supplied them with foodstuffs. Pope Gregory XIII in his Bull of 1584, declared that No nation came more readily to the aid of the Crusaders than the Armenians. And while Europe appeared to have forgotten its crusader colonies in the East, Kalaoun was pursuing his conquests, slaughtering male Christians and carrying their wives and children into captivity. The precarious situation of the Frankish principalities of the Levant, due mostly to the growing indifference of Europe, and the increase on the other side of the military power of the common enemy, tipped the scales in favor of the Prophet. The Armenians who remained in the country and those who lived in the mountains, subjected to the oppression of the Greeks, had been most fervently wishing for the return of their old masters. Despite troubles and wars, in the midst of the greatest dangers, the Armenians of Cilicia devoted themselves to literature and arts, built churches, monasteries, castles and fortresses and flourished in commerce. Pages 17. eBook ISBN 9781315028804. This, however, never came about. Early Armenian migrations to Cilicia Cilicia under Tigranes the Great. The mighty Saladin, lord of Egypt and a part of Syria, was then preparing a campaign against the Crusaders. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Crusader states and the MongolIlkhanatedisintegrated, leaving the Armenian Kingdom without any regional allies. The Armenians, compelled to battle during all this time againsttheir enemies, once again lost the port of Ayas. Located outside the Armenian Highlands and distinct from . Hyperleap helps uncover and suggest relationships using custom algorithms. Europeans incorporated elements of Armenian castle-building, learned from Armenian masons in the Crusader states, as well as some elements of church architecture. Accordingly, he set sail for Venice and thence to other capitals of the West, where he succeeded, with the support of Pope UrbanV, in arousing some interest and obtaining a considerable sum of money. The kingdom of Ani having already been subjugated by the Seljuk Turks, Roupen turned his eyes towards Cilicia, a country to which many Armenian chiefs and their people had emigrated from the national homeland. This page was last changed on 8 July 2022, at 18:50. [1] It was initially founded by the Rubenian dynasty, an offshoot of the larger Bagratid family that at various times held the thrones of Armenia and Georgia. Unless the Western powers could come to their aid, the Crusaders and Cilician Armenia were doomed to early disappearance. But the fanaticism of the Greek Emperor greatly contributed to the fall of the Empire and the retrogression of world civilization. Frederick was given the leadership of the Third Crusade in1189. From the battlefield King Hetoum fled directly to Moussoul, where Ghazan Khan, the Mongol ruler, was then holding court. Urgent appeals by the Christians to Pope NicholasIV and to King PhilipIV of France were of no avail. More than 30,000 of the enemy thronged around the fortress, amid the ruins of the city and of the bourg. Leon, anticipating the final assault, assembled the grandees and the clergy, made them all swear on the Gospel to remain loyal to the Christian faith and their sovereign, and promise to die for Christ. Below is a massive list of armenian kingdom of cilicia words - that is, words related to armenian kingdom of cilicia. The Latin and French languages began to be used by the clergy and court, together with the Armenian vernacular. In response to the appeal of the traitors, the governor of Aleppo, Seifeddin Ishk-Timour, sent 15,000men to assist the Turcomans,and on February24th the Egyptians were moving under the walls of Sis. Defending Christianity - Armenia Under Sasanid Rule and the Battle of Avarayr (430-634) - The Separation of the Armenian Church and Its Consequences - Islam and the Arab Empire - The Armies of the Arabs March Towards Armenia (639-659) - Armenia Under the Rule of the Arab (645-859) - Armenia Between the Arab and Byzantine Empires People are easier to rule in small numbers. He adopted courts of justice similar to the Assizes of Antioch the Assizes of Jerusalem being in force among Christians of Syria and Palestine. In order to clinch his military success over the Latins with a political stroke also, the Baille Constantin now (in1222) arranged a marriage between the young princess and Philip, son of Raymond the One-Eyed, the Frankish Count of Tripoli. The Armenian Orthodox Church believes in apostolic succession through the apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus (Jude). He recaptured all the territories surrendered to Raymond and launched an attack against the Prince of Antioch and his ally, Foulques dAnjou, King of Jerusalem. He even despoiled the royal palace, sending to Antioch not only its ornaments and treasures, but the royal crown itself. Mleh at first agreed to a settlement offered by the guard of Roupen, by which he was to receive an equal share of the territory. The Anatolian kingdom of Cilicia was founded by the Roupenian dynasty (mid 10th to late 11th century), and grew under the collective rule . One of the deplorable episodes in Armenias long story of domestic friction occurred about this time. He then returned to Tarsus, where he was crowned as King. As a result, the Moslem prince set free a part of the prisoners captured at Romgla, and restored the church vessels and relics taken from the same place. At length, through the mediation of the Commander of the Templars, a treaty of peace, to last ten years, ten months and ten days, was concluded between LeonII and the Sultan in1285. Bibars, their Sultan (1260-1277), took the field in1266 with the fixed intention of wiping out all the Latin states in Western Asia. The Armenians looked upon Godfrey de Bouillon as a savior. This principality, even in the midst of all the horrors of war, displayed a surprising vitality, by comparison with the timidity with which most other peoples of theNear East succumbed to the brute force of foreign conquerors. He had also sent Armenian contingents to the aid of the French and English forces during their siege of Ptolemais (St.Jean dAcre). Aclimax was reached in1194 when Baron Leon, detecting a design to attack him plotted by BohemundIII, the Prince of Antioch, forestalled his adversary by luring him to an entertainment, where he was seized and thrown into confinement in the castle of Sis. The letter credential which the deputation presented was a request for the dispatch to Cilicia of Leon deLusignan, as the rightful heir to the throne. Among them was friar Jehan Dardel. Four of their five children lived in Cilicia; of these, two died,allegedly poisoned, and the other two were driven out of the country. Thoros, thereupon, ordered a massacre, to which a great number of Greeks within his borders fell victims. They were transported with joy, for many of them had been so discouraged that they were planning to revolt, put the members of the Regency to death and surrender the city to the Moslems. The young princess was proclaimed Queen under the regency of Adam of Gastin. [5],, Armenian (native language), Latin, Old French, Greek, Syriac, Christianity (Armenian Apostolic, Armenian Catholic). After confrontations with Byzantium, the Seljuks and the Mongols, the Second Crusade led to the crowning of the first Cilician king despite opposition . Meanwhile, following the policy of his immediate predecessors, Guy was endeavoring to bring about a union with the Roman church, in the hope of receiving the military and financial aid so indispensable for the safety of his country. The specified conditions on which Byzantine goodwill towards the Armenian nation might be obtained were these; (a)To recognize two natures in Jesus Christ; (b)To honor the fourth Council of Chalcedon; (c)To solemnize the birth of Christ on December25th; (d)To celebrate mass with leavened bread and water mixed with wine; (e)To eliminatethe formula, Holy God . The Bible and several works of former Armenian writers and translators were copied under his auspices. On one occasion the Emperor, after dining with his guest, offered him all the battle service decoration as well as other gifts, not counting those presented to each of the thousand Turks who composed his escort. According to other chroniclers, feasts were given in honor of the Seljuk Sultan in an atmosphere of amazing splendor. The clergy clung to its prerogatives, and the nobles looked askance not only at the abandonment of religious isolation, but also at the creation of a royal authority to replace the seignorial allegiance which they were capable of selling to the highest bidder whenever opportunity offered. On January6th,1199, Cardinal Konrad of Wittelsbach, Archbishop of Mainz, the delegate of Pope CelestineIII, placed a royal crown upon the head of Baron LeonII, in the Church of Holy Wisdom (Sourp Sophia) at Tarsus. .mw-parser-output .infobox-subbox{padding:0;border:none;margin:-3px;width:auto;min-width:100%;font-size:100%;clear:none;float:none;background-color:transparent}.mw-parser-output .infobox-3cols-child{margin:auto}.mw-parser-output .infobox .navbar{font-size:100%} .mw-parser-output .infobox-header, .mw-parser-output .infobox-subheader, .mw-parser-output .infobox-above, .mw-parser-output .infobox-title, .mw-parser-output .infobox-image, .mw-parser-output .infobox-full-data, .mw-parser-output .infobox-below{text-align:center}.mw-parser-output .ib-country{border-collapse:collapse;line-height:1.2em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country td,.mw-parser-output .ib-country th{border-top:1px solid #a2a9b1;padding:0.4em 0.6em 0.4em 0.6em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedtoprow .infobox-header,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedtoprow .infobox-label,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedtoprow .infobox-data,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedtoprow .infobox-full-data,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedtoprow .infobox-below{border-top:1px solid #a2a9b1;padding:0.4em 0.6em 0.2em 0.6em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedrow .infobox-label,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedrow .infobox-data,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedrow .infobox-full-data{border:0;padding:0 0.6em 0.2em 0.6em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedbottomrow .infobox-label,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedbottomrow .infobox-data,.mw-parser-output .ib-country .mergedbottomrow .infobox-full-data{border-top:0;border-bottom:1px solid #a2a9b1;padding:0 0.6em 0.4em 0.6em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country .infobox-header{text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .ib-country .infobox-above{font-size:125%;line-height:1.2}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-names{padding-top:0.25em;font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-name-style{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .ib-country .infobox-image{padding:0.5em 0}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-anthem{border-top:1px solid #a2a9b1;padding-top:0.5em;margin-top:0.5em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-map-caption{position:relative;top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-largest,.mw-parser-output .ib-country-lang{font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-ethnic,.mw-parser-output .ib-country-religion,.mw-parser-output .ib-country-sovereignty{font-weight:normal;display:inline}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-fake-li{text-indent:-0.9em;margin-left:1.2em;font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-fake-li2{text-indent:0.5em;margin-left:1em;font-weight:normal}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-website{line-height:11pt}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-map-caption3{position:relative;top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-fn{text-align:left;margin:0 auto}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-fn-alpha{list-style-type:lower-alpha;margin-left:1em}.mw-parser-output .ib-country-fn-num{margin-left:1em}. The southern side, where the donjon rose, was fortified more carefully than the other points of the stronghold. Located outside the Armenian Highlands and distinct from . While in Venice, he received a deputation which offered him the crown of Armenia. It is through the chronicle of Jehan Dardel, the Franciscan monk, a native of Etampes in France, that the events of the short and tragic reign of LeonV are known to us. The assumption of a royal title was an act of great importance for the Byzantine government. Thoros was then honored with the title Palatin of Pansebastos.. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Crusader states and the Mongol Ilkhanate disintegrated, leaving the Armenian Kingdom without any regional allies. Constanitin, aware of the vast project devised by the Crusaders, saw in this a unique opportunity for deliverance from Byzantine suzerainty. Agriculture was carried on only in the shadow of the city walls and strongholds, where there was comparative safety. He was finally assassinated in1373, during a palace revolution. Hetoumentered into negotiation with Melik Adil Zein-ed-Din Ketbougha (1294-1296), who had just seized the Egyptian throne from Nassir-Mohammed. There were also a marshal, chamberlain, chancellor, a great cup-bearer (bouteiller), a grand courier (head of the Kings messengers), all in accordance with the customs of the courts of Europe, though a few functionaries survived from Greek originals such as the Proximos, a financial officer of the kingdom, and the Sbast and the Pansbast. Queen Marie thereupon sent to PierreII of Cyprus a deputation consisting of the knight Leon of Hamous and two prominent citizens of Sis. Two commercial routes start from this place. Leon had also to undertake under oath not to enter the castle of Gorigos, on that west coast of Cilicia which was inhabited mostly by Armenians, but to land on the island. He enjoyed considerable authority over his compatriots in the Tzamandos (Zamanti) district, and soon after the assassination of King Gagik, he organized a band of Armenian warriors and unfurled the banner of revolt against Byzantium. The structure of Cilician society became more synonymous with Westernfeudalismthan to the traditionalnakhararsystem of Armenia. He put to death a considerable number of men and women, and some priests and deacons; then putting the monks aboard a vessel, he exiled them to Cyprus, where most of them died.. Before his death, Leon designated for the throne his daughter Zabel (Isabelle), born of his second wife, Sybille, the daughter of Amaury of Lusignan, King of Cyprus and his queen, Isabeau Plantagenet. Commercial and military interactions with Europeans brought new Western influences to the Cilician Armenian society. to make a sorrowful and bitter confession. Western Europe generally believed that the Byzantine Empire would not last long. The Sultan at the head of his troops rejoined the two emirs after crossing the Nahri-Aswad.The army, despite numerous obstacles encountered en route, captured mountains and collected a prodigious spoil of oxen, buffaloes and sheep. Out of this transit traffic, the Armenians derived immense benefit, the royal treasury being enriched by huge customs revenues. Emerging from those parts, Roupen first moved westward and entering the difficult mountain heights in the north of Cilicia, he seized the fortress of Partzerpert (high castle), situated on a tributary of the upper Pyramus, about a days march above Sis. The negotiations dragged on for a long period. PierreI, undismayed by their indifference, organized an expedition and sailed from Venice in1365 with a fleet of thirty galleys, carrying knights and soldiers of several nationalities French, Italian, German, English and Greek. One, through Lampron, served Cappadocia, while the other, through Gaban and Sebastia, reached Greater Armenia. Please review. Ithink, therefore, that although your enemies have often violated truce pacts, you would in the present case be wise to beware of precipitate steps, and delicately invite them to conciliation. In1156 upon some flimsy pretext Massoud again sent his troops against the Armenians. Just invest little period to read this on-line . The lower city did not seem likely to be able to hold out long, but the royal palace, surrounded by a massive wall and vast enough to shelter a considerable portion of the citizens, could adequately be defended. The coronation took place with solemn pomp, in the presence of fifteen bishops, thirty-nine feudal barons and a great number of feudal knights. Christendom in the Levant was in a critical situation when Leons son HetoumII, ascended the throne. Abdicated and became regent for Leo III, This page was last edited on 12 March 2022, at 17:59. Amaury, Prince of Tyre, had married Isabelle, sister of Oshin; and because of this fact, the King of Armenia now found himself involved in the affairs of Cyprus. They arrived safely at Anazarba, and from there travelled to within a lieue (league) of Sis. , the logo, and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of Kilij-Arslan, when escorted in, was astonished by such magnificence, but at length took a modest seat. Since the fall of Antioch the Armenian state was completely isolated from Christian or civilized contact; nevertheless, the peace treaty, harsh and humiliating though it was, gave it a respite of about eleven years, during which time Leon wisely carried on the work of relief and rehabilitation. ExQueen Mariam, the Count of Gorigos, Cilicia and his princely wife Fimi, departed to Jerusalem and spent their latter years in the Armenian convent of Sourp Hagop (St.James). Enragedat this reverse of his army, Bibars was about to launch a new expedition when he died from a wound received, according to some chroniclers, from an Armenian archer. This fertile province of Cilicia, once so rich through its agriculture and commerce, had, as a result of the Arab invasions, been reduced almost to the condition of a desert. Its history is divided into reigns by three royal dynasties: Orontid (321 BC-200 BC), Artaxiad (190 BC-12 AD) and Arsacid (52 AD-428 AD). Address : 51/18 Pushkin st, Yerevan 0002 RA, 2014. (1080). Guy rejected their demands and for a time succeeded in thwarting their attempts to collect the money by force. Barbarossa met his death in the icy waters of the Galycadnus River (Gheuk-sou), either in crossing it or while bathing. How ever, the fall of the kingdom of Ani brought two parties into existence: one, the defeatist, resigned to submission to the Greek yoke, the other, still animate by national spirit and not forgetful of certain acts of treason, cherished dreams of vengeance and the recovery of national independence. But they were not slow in reorganizing and returning to the offensive, laying siege to the Castle of Till Hamdoun, in the vicinity of Sis. Pierre consented to thefait accompli, and lent the new sovereign his full support against his foreign enemies. Certainly it could not be accomplished through armed resistance. Those who were for peace requested the King of Armenia to become their advocate. The Franks advanced with difficulty across Bithynis. In 1226, the crown was passed to rival Hethumyans through Levons daughter Isabellas second husband, Hethum I. Building on years of successful diplomacy and sheer force of will, the Roupenid lords of Armenia found their crown by putting the powerful Armenian barons to heel and alternating their loyalties. Four times the loyal Armenians attempted to enter the donjon, and each time failed. It was captured by the Seljuks in 1150, and later by the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. Attracted both by the luster of Leons fame and the repute of his bravery, the Englishmonarch was moved to offer him a reverential hospitality. its foundations were laid in 1080 by Ruben I when the Rubenid principality of Cilicia was founded. One of them, Roupen, was, according to some chroniclers, of direct royal issue. [4], Commercial and military interactions with Europeans brought new Western influences to the Cilician Armenian society. In1197 he despatched Nerses, Archbishop of Lambron and Tarsus, in company with one Baron Paul, to discuss ecclesiastical questions. BohemundIII,rushing to the aid of Hetoum, treacherously made Roupen prisoner, and the latter obtained his release only upon payment of 30,000dinars as ransom and the cession to the Prince of Antioch of the cities of Adana and Mamestia. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, also known as Cilician Armenia Lesser Armenia, or New Armenia and formerly known as the Armenian Principality of Cilicia was an Armenian state formed during the High Middle Ages by Armenian refugees fleeing the Seljuk invasion of Armenia. The Armenian envoys returned home by way of Gorigos, the only port that had not fallen into Moslem hands. The Memlouk general made a triumphant entry into the city of Aleppo with the captives in his train the Armenian King, his Queen and children, the Dowager Queen Mariam, the knight Souhier Doulart, his wife the Countess of Gorigos, the Katholikos BoghosI, many Armenian barons and dignitaries of Sis. The Pope exerted all his energy to bring about a new expedition. He encouraged scholars. The majority favored war. Some petty wrangle over precedence between the Venetians and the Genoese flared up in Cyprus. 31 Oct 2022 11:58:03 Armenian presence in Cilicia dates back to the first century BC, when under Tigranes the Great, the Kingdom of Armenia expanded and conquered a vast region in the Levant.In 83 BC, the Greek aristocracy of Seleucid Syria, weakened by a bloody civil war, offered their . Nearly twenty years had pastsince the last unsuccessful Crusade under LouisIX (St.Louis). Many aspects of Western European life were adopted by the nobility includingchivalry, fashions in clothing, and the use of French titles, names, and language. Contributor Names [Kurkjian, Vahan M.] [from old catalog] American Committee for the Independence of Armenia. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Middle Armenian: ), also known as the Cilician Armenia ( ), Lesser Armenia, or New Armenia, was an independent principality formed during the High Middle Ages by Armenian refugees fleeing the Seljuq invasion of Armenia. Other columns, in their drives through the mountains, captured and massacred the inhabitants and took quantities of booty. He was received by King CharlesVI, in a manner due to kindred royalty. The relationship between the Crown and the feudal lords became closer. He was to pay an annual tribute of one million silver dirhems;to release all imprisoned Moslem merchants, indemnify them for their losses; to surrender the fugitives, to grant the Moslems full freedom to trade, even in purchasing slaves, whatever their nationality or religion might be. Edessa and Acre had already fallen to the Moslems; Tripoli and Antioch soon followed. To the Crusaders, Armenian Christians presented the only reliable allies in Anatolia and Asia Minor, and were pivotal in the founding of the Crusader principalities of Edessa, Antioch, Jerusalem and Tripoli. UrbanV, however, preferred Leon, a kinsman of Pierre of Cyprus. This turn of affairs enabled the Armenians to regain all their possessions in Cilicia and vicinity. It should be understood that the ethical standards of the period were inevitably lowered by the incursions of barbarians and the bitterness of conflicting interests. Leon resented this double humiliation by the Genoese and Cypriots, but refrained from expressing his feelings, for the reason that he might be forced to depend upon both for help against the Egyptians and Turcomans, who were blocking his way to Sis. On his return to Sis, Hetoum was overjoyed at finding there two Byzantine envoys whose mission was to ask the hand of his sister Ritha-Marguerite for the associate Emperor, Michael Palaeologus. To celebrate Christmas and other feasts of saints on dates adopted by the Latins. His exquisite civility won distinction for him. Almost all the passes of the heights of Taurus and Amanus had been incorporated within the Armenian kingdom, and many of them entrusted to the care of European knights the Templars, the Hospitallers and others. With no official title of authority, Roupen, nevertheless, issued a declaration of independence, and shortly afterwards, in the words of Hetoum the historian, died in the peace of the Lord, after living a pious life, and was buried in the monastery of Castalon, leaving as successor his son, Constantin.. At dawn his soldiers captured the place and slew the Turks who were within. By david jacoby. About two thousand Franks and Armenians from among its inhabitants whohadtaken refuge on the vessels in the harbor were drowned. Almost all important cities and castles in Cilicia, except Sis and Anazarba, were occupied by the troops of Melik Ashraf Shaban of Egypt; and two Turcoman chiefs, Davoud Beg and Aboubekr, each with eleven thousand warriors, threatened the very outskirts of Sis. The besieged put up a vigorous resistance, and the King himself was manning an arbalest when he was struck by an iron projectile which broke his jaw and knocked out three teeth. The King of Cyprus then returned to the West for additional subsidies and troops. 2008 - 2022 Furthermore, without waiting for the reconsideration of the case by the King of Cyprus and the Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Antioch, as recommended by the Pope, Leon again laid siege to Antioch. TheFranciscanswere put in charge of this activity. The island was devastated by the Genoese, who then levied a tribute upon it of 40,000sequins. As to King ConstantinIV, he was, according to Jehan Dardel not a wholly unbiased reporter atyrannical and selfish ruler, indifferent to the welfare of his country and to any possibility of its deliverance from its Moslem oppressors. The eagle and lion are ancient Armenian symbols dating from the first Armenian kingdoms that existed prior to Christ. Within this enclosure, referred to by Dardel, as the bourg, were other edifices, among them the metropolitan church of St.Sophia. The kingdom fell at the beginning of Leo V's reign to the Mamluks,[3] and henceforth title holders were only claimants to the throne. In a passing remark about the monuments of Cilicia, Gustave Schlumberger refers to it as the glorious kingdom of Lesser Armenia. Here is the testimony of Victor Langlois: Numerous are those events, those brilliant traditions, and however lamely we may follow the course of Armenias victories and progress; however hastily we may examine the organization of her aristocracy and clergy; however slightly we may study her relations with the Western nations and the wars which she waged against the enemies, still shall we see that . The Emperor Frederick was thus won over to Leons cause, and promised him a crown, but a fatal accident delayed the consummation of this act. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images A new kingdom in Anatolia, the Cilician kingdom is the result of one dynasty's ambition. Greek legions as well as Turkish hordes ceased their incursions in Leons domain. The chronicles of Vahram of Edessa thus describe the triumph of young Baron:-, Those who were attached to the Emperors palace claim that Thoros prologed his sojourn until tha day when a Greek princess who was in love with him gave him treasures which he took away with him. Atrue delineation of the efforts of Leon for peace, is beyond our power; but we possess a precious document the text of the speech delivered by him before King Richard and the Lords in Westminster Palace at the beginning of the year1386. The rise of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia begins with the relationship between Armenians and the Byzantine Empire. Resistance being no longer possible, Leon sent an emissary to enemy headquarters. Roupen, however, who had married Isabelle, daughter of HumphreyIII, seigneur of Karak and Thoron, remained always friendly to the Crusaders in spirit. Leon, too, was forced to pay a tax of 280gold livres (36,000 silver besants). Only those who had taken refuge in fortified places escaped the carnage. The kingdom had its origins in the principality founded c. 1080 by the Rubenid dynasty, an alleged offshoot of the larger Bagratuni dynasty, which at various times had held the throne of Armenia. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, also known as Cilician Armenia, Lesser Armenia, Little Armenia or New Armenia, and formerly known as the Armenian Principality of Cilicia, was an Armenian state formed during the High Middle Ages by Armenian refugees fleeing the Seljuk invasion of Armenia. The immigrant lords from Armenia were known by the title of Ishkhan (ruler), corresponding with that of baron, which was later adopted by the Crusaders. In the meantime he was informed by traitorsof the Kings injury, and that the besieged were in a serious plight because the food supply of the fortress was exhausted.

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