The national ethos and mentality soon became Social Darwinism and became the de-facto ideology of the entire empire to the point where it became a de-facto state religion and Charles Darwin is seen being refered to as Saint Darwin and the subjugation and oppression of non-Britannians was justified as a result of this ideology. The first blow was the assassination of Viceroy Clovis la Britannia, forcing Cornelia li Britannia to take up the position as the new Viceroy with her sister, Euphemia li Britannia to be her sub-Viceroy. During the war, Britannia had slaughtered the Japanese resistance and decimated the Japnese Military due to their dated equipment compared to the Britannian Military. Upon conquering a new land, the nation was renamed into an "area" as the name of the colony and the native population were called "numbers" based on the number assigned to each individual area colony. With the destruction of the capital city, the Britannian government was in turmoil. During the era of Charles zi Britannia, the Empire mostly followed an ideology of Social Darwinism. ), However, Sir Ricardo von Britannia, Duke of Britannia, and his friend and subordinate Sir Richard Hector, Knight of One, led a retreat with Elizabeth III and the remaining loyalists in the British Isles to the North American colonies, establishing a capital on the east coast. The Holy Britannian Empire was the most powerful nation in the world, eventually having control of a third of the world. In the ensuing chaos, Shinjuku is destroyed as Britannian forces move in and begin to slaughter all of the residents regardless of whether of not they have an affiliation with the Japanese Resistance. The Second Black Rebellion ends after Schneizel and Cornelia made a deal with the leaders of the Black Knights to hand over Zero in exchange for the independence of Japan. Alias It is known as the most powerful empire in the world. Each Area is designated with a number, and its people are referred to by that number (ex: after Japan was conquered and made into Area 11, the Japanese were known as Elevens). Sometime during the Britannian-European war, the Holy Britannian Empire had established a tirbutary sub-empire in Europe called Euro Britannia. The Britannian capital of Pendragon appears to be His ascension was said to mark the beginning of "the Golden Age of the Tudor dynasty." I am an admin of this site. However, under Nunnally's reign, territories are allowed to secede and form new nations of their own with Britannia officially joining the UFN. Other aspects also include appretiation for classical arts, the opera, equestrianism and the names of certain Knightmare Frames i.e. It's not known what regions comprises the Britannian homeland but it presumably is made up of the American Colonies and Canada since they were the colonial holdings that the fallen British Empire had retreated to following their defeat in Europe. The government is so rooted into s. Afterwards, Zero's forces broke into the building and rescued all of the hostages and blew up the hotel building while having the hostages escape via life boats. A fight soon broke out and the Black Knights leader was soon forced to eject after his Burai was destroyed and was left unconcious. It said to have a commanding view of the state capital Chicago on the other side of Lake Michigan, but it is unclear if Chicago is the capital of Michigan in-universe or if it is the capital of Illinois as it is in the real-world. When Lelouch vi Britannia ascended to the throne during 2018, he quickly abolished many policies that grew during the Charles' era. After witnessing the crash of a military transport plane, Lelouch wanders into the midst of a restricted area in order to investigate the wreckage. All government services were suspended, and military forces in different areas are locked in a confrontation with the UFN. Consequently, no one superpower was willing to risk a world war by conquering Japan, even though each of them was perfectly capable of doing so. Eventually the British Royal Family escaped back to their colonies in North America where they were able to defeat George Washington and his rebellion and thus, the empire survived. Members of the military play important roles throughout the series. These supplies are also stockpiled at a standard and contain an emergency stockpile. The closest attempt to blazoning the depicted coat of arms of Britannia would be: Imperium of Man (Warhammer 40k) vs Holy Britannian Empire (Code Geass) Casual IoM : 25 millions imperial guards and 100000 space marines with all types of vehicles (including aircraft) , weapons and machines but no spaceship or anything that can attack from outside earth orbit The state of Idaho and its capital Boise exist, as the noble Hexenhaus Family has territory and lives there. The Britannian government has once again been in another rebellion led by Zero aka Lelouch, who has been placed in an amnesic student after he was captured, and thus putting the threat of the Black Knights into a major menace after the death of the third Viceroy Calares. He does not even make exceptions for his own children, as he shows no sympathy for their deaths, only pride in that those who cannot fend for themselves are being culled from the royal line. The Imperial Duchy of Cananda has 12 provinces including, Alaska-upon-Yukon, Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Greenland. #war of 1812 angrezi raj british australia british commonwealth british india canada remains canada holy britannian empire invasion of england new zealand sealion. Britannian Citizenship is optional in colonies. The aristocrat system was abolished, government members must be approved by the Emperor, freedom of speech would be allowed but to some extent, freedom to believe, work, believe, fair trial, privacy, safety, association, protest, and other freedoms not normally allowed in Monarchy Countries. Presumably this campaign began as events analogous to the real-world Manifest Destiny, but clearly eventually grew to stretch across both North and South America, presumably seizing former European colonial regions such as the empires of Mexico and Brazil. Zero took this as a opportunity to sneak in and meet the JLF forces lead by Josui Kusakabe and conversed with him until he lunged at him with his katana and was forced to kill himself along with his guards thanks to the Geass being used on him. The Holy Britannian Empire is also clearly inspired by Oceania, a totalitarian dystopian regime of British roots, which controls more or less the same territories, namely the whole of the American continent, New Zealand, New Caledonia and Southern Africa (conquered by Britannia in Season 2 as part of Prince Schneizel's conquests). Between the gap after the first Black Rebellion, the Black Knights and other terrorists such as Peace Mark and Wings of Talleyrand still resume their activities. Navy Names: Valkyrie Squadron, 1st Holy Britannian Fleet, 2nd Holy Britannian Fleet, ect to 10th. After Charles Zi Britannia declared the Holy Nation of Eden Vital, number of opposing Britannians along with the Areas including Black Knights proposed that Euphemia becomes Empress. It is assumed that there are at least 24 different numbered Areas, though only a few are specified. Control over 1/3rd of the worldAdvanced technology and resources from the coloniesNightmare Frams and legions of soldiers and armies Will he liberate Japan or Japan will end up becoming Britannian Territory for eternity. Holy Britannian Empire is a nation born from the defeated remnants of the British Empire in Code Geass. The Holy Britannian Empire, also known as Britannia for short, is an Empire nation located in North America. She and Lelouch (Zero) declares war against Charles' nation. Modern technology had advanced heavily as a result of the usage of Sakuradite and Britannia had wanted access to such a valuable natural resource but, over 70% of the world's sakuradite supply was from Japan who used the resource to balance the power on the world scale between the three major empires. Also, it holds the title of the world's richest country and holds the biggest territory across the world. During Clovis' reign as Viceroy of Area 11, many of the Japanese were forced into ghettos and were isolated from the sprawling Britannian settlements and were cut off from any support or help while others accepted the title of Eleven and worked to become Honorary Britannians to achieve the same rights as Britannian citizens. A Britannian flag banner on the car was burned and revealed the hidden man behind it covered in dark purple robes and a mask and revealed himself to be Zero, who was actually Lelouch. Britannia is also a nation who formed an alliance called World Monarchist Alliance, that wish to ally with the monarchic nations across the world., with the Imperial Kingdom of Thailand as the co-founding member. These characteristics apparently result in spite for the Britannians being built up, especially among the Numbers. The resulting Holy Britannian Empire, while geographically centered in the area of the real-world United States and descended from the real-world British Empire, is analogous to neither of these political entities, instead being an odd mix of North American Tories (pro-British colonials, or loyalists, from the Revolutionary era) and imperial British aristocrats. George Washington and the Continental Army suffered a crippling defeat at the battle of Yorktown, at which point control of the North American colonies by Britannia was assured. These foot soldiers are heavily armed and armoured with electronic visors. 's territories. Imperial Duchy of Canada is a duchy state located in the northern part of the North America, which is originally were the foothold of the United Kingdom's first step to control of all territory of America. Corrections? Zero then detonated the cannister and got away while a brainwashed Jeremiah stopped his forces from preventing Zero's escape. Texas is part of Britannia, and Dallas is the location of In Vogue, Schniezel's personal research team. The war in which Britannia invaded, conquered, and annexed Japan, turning it into Area 11. It also has some similarities with the Holy Roman Empire (962-1806). The Britannians send delegates including Schneizel el Britannia and Odysseus eu Britannia to forge a peaceful annexation of the Chinese Federation in order to recapture and eliminate the Black Knights, but due to the intervention of Li Xingke and the coup d'etat forces, the Britannians failed and withdraws from the Chinese Federation. The Holy Britannian Empire, also refereed to as the Britannian Empire or just Britannia, is a nationstate . The location of Pendragon is unknown but it's seen being in the middle of a desert landscape presumably either in Central Arizona or Southern California. It is unclear when the term "Britannian" was coined in the history of Code Geass, but when used as an ethnic descriptor, it seems only to refer to citizens with ancestry in the British Isles, and so are of Celtic or Anglo-Saxon descent. During Akito The Exiled, they have already begun with Euro Britannia taking over Siberia with the four Knights of Order. C.C. Below them however are the numbers which are foreigners native to Britannian colonies that don't achieve citizenship and are usually called by whatever number the area they live in is called such as calling the Japanese Elevens or the Middle Eastern people Eighteens. List Price: $399.00. Contents 1Prologue 2UNSC 2.1Loadout 2.2Equipment Gallery 3The Holy Britannian Empire 3.1Loadout 3.2Equipment Gallery 4Notes 5Voting 6Battle 6.1Epilogue Prologue Date? This would place the date of the invasion of Japan, in 2010 a.t.b., and the events of the series in 2017 and 2018 a.t.b. Royal Britannian Navy: The naval division of the Britannian might. Whilst it is possible and even encouraged by Emperor Charles for royals to succeed to the imperial throne by killing all co-competitors, it is never indicated that other monarchs do not style themselves as "N. the Xth, by the Grace of God, Emperor []" and do not adhere to the principle of male primogeniture (i.e., the eldest child succeeds, sons taking precedence before all daughters) as was the ancient custom in the realms of Great Britain (England and Scotland plus the Lordship of Ireland). "Sable, a lion proper armed Gules and a serpent proper langued Gules, both winged Argent, combatant and intertwined. The Upper House is the House of Lords, which likely represents the interests of the aristocrats, while the Lower House is the Senate, and the Senators may be drawn from their State Legislatures. Mass murderMass destructionWar instigationMass genocideTerrorismSlaveryHate crimesWar crimesConspiracyPollutionUnlawful imprisonmentTortureAnimal crueltyBrainwashingKidnappingAbuseNegligenceWorld domination

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