A slight chance of rain. Some people get reasonable results, others do not. Select value for 'N' using AvgSpeedMinutes=N in Cumulus.ini_(Cumulus_1)#Section:_Station. Also, I think WU might be a bit fussy about your first upload being the next in the missing sequence. If you want to stop Cumulus uploading the indoor temperature graph, you can un-tick 'Include standard images' on the 'files' tab of the internet settings, and list all of the images that you still want to be uploaded as extra files. #1 It looks like the Weather UnderGround stations for 25177 have changed their data formatting or something. I've dealt with this numerous times. Cumulus stores the following rain extremes; for all time and for every January, February December: The correction procedure for all these is as briefly described in this FAQ and more fully described in Correcting_Extremes. Then if you have any problem with the original storage device, or corruption of files, you can minimise the loss of logged observations. See the previous FAQ for suggestions on how to improve this. by uncle_bob Tue 15 Sep 2015 11:55 am, Post The station is using Davis VP2 with modified 24h FARS since Dec. 2011. Note that Cumulus does not send minimum and maximum values to PWS and WU, they determine those themselves from the individual values that Cumulus sends. A separate FAQ was created specifically for Cumulus MX beta, but at time of writing this it does not cover MX since it came out of beta. When Weather Underground senses no data for at least 2 hours, their system often de-lists your station. Or see Website_setup for all the options including customised pages. 2 [New Latin, from Latin]: a dense puffy cloud form having a flat base and rounded outlines often piled up like a mountain see cloud illustration As above, you probably have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average, and your station logger period is 10 minutes or longer, so your gust comes out the same as the average when using data from the logger. Use menus on main screen. This also applies if you want to change to a different Twitter account. One solution is to install this font update from Microsoft. For extra templates, the Files tab of the Internet settings screen in Configuration menu has the option to choose which of the two Cumulus encodings to use. Ive zoomed a graph, how do I get it back to full size? If the station has already sent the data, this may not work, unfortunately. You can look in. This should normally only be relevant in your first rain season of operating Cumulus, but could be used if in any season you needed to add an extra amount because for some reason you had a gap in your recording period. those relating to the period for which it displays trends graphs). A reset of the station normally fixes this - remove the batteries and the USB cable; but note that you will almost certainly lose any stored data in the logger. FTP . While Cumulus is running (not when catching up with stored past values from the station log), it will ignore large increases in rainfall. In this video I take a look at the Cumulus weather app for Debian and Ubuntu Linux Distributions. Typically, stations which do have solar SENSORS have a model number which starts with a '3', e.g. Currently we can process data from WeatherLink, Weather Display, Virtual Weather Station, and Weather Underground HeavyWeather Uploader (WUHU). (Uploading if you do not host your own server is described at upload dayfile but basically you swap the copy command for a FTP command). What do the various wind speeds in Cumulus 1 correspond to, with Fine Offset stations? It usually comes back online after about 8-12 hours of . Hope you enjoy!Link to Download:https://github.com/kd8bny/c. My gust values are the same as my average wind speed values. Some of the rain figures may be odd for a while (e.g. (Also remember that due to refraction affecting route of sunlight to earth, the official equinox is usually a couple of days after when day and night are actually equal). If you don't like the way Cumulus does certain things, do what I did and write your own software! You may find a link on your Start menu under 'Weatherlink'. Consequently you are advised to make your own arrangements for ensuring you do not lose your data. In a similar manner if you miss the last day of the year, for Cumulus builds 1041 to 1088 see the final 'this year' figures for last year by opening year.ini from the appropriate backup. The threshold for whether a day counts as a wet day is set in the optional parameter, Remember that 'ConsecutiveDryDays' and 'ConsecutiveWetDays' do not include today, they reflect the daily rainfall amounts stored in the. Do not disconnect your station while Cumulus 1 is running. Note that Firefox from version 23 removed the ability to change this in Option preferences, so ignore this solution in that browser. The yesterday values on the Main Screen under "Recent Extremes" are not shown correctly: If you are viewing or editing log files at the time when rollover takes place, it is likely that some parts of the daily rollover will fail. You can also change wind speeds to Miles per hour, Kilometers per hour and Metre per second. by gemini06720 Wed 02 Dec 2009 12:50 am, Post After that time, a problem with reading temperature, humidity, wind, or pressure, means Cumulus cannot calculate derived values, the last successful read is considered too stale to reuse, and by default Cumulus will stop any further processing. How To Upload to Weather Underground via Cumulus Software. It can also be used for the optional files mentioned in the previous answer or to update a database using a PHP batch job. Reason for asking is that on the Wunderground wiki it talks about uploading historical data (when your computer or internet connection is off) for Virtual Weather Station: As each upload has a timestamp, you would expect that it would be possible to do this. Weather Underground STOPS API keys. The horizon is well defined and the outline of objects might be visible without artificial light. This could be used to upload the pages with the longer term extremes (as your monthly, annual and all-time extremes may only change a few times a month or even less frequently) and so reduce the upload burden at the standard uploading frequency. There is a lot of discussion on the Homebuilt forum. These are detailed in the Log Files section of this Wiki, see that category page for key information about log files and the content. You should be able to get it going again by doing a reset - remove batteries and the USB cable. Selecting the wrong type of station will cause Cumulus to misinterpret the logger data read from the station (which it uses when it starts up) and hence incorrect readings will result, typically when you restart Cumulus. This "Count" approach has been chosen because different weather stations output different values, and an independent count is a way of working that can be applied for any weather station. These can only be calculated when you have not only your temperature sensor working, but also your humidity sensor must be working for humidex and heat index; and your wind speed sensor must be working for wind chill, Wind chill only applies when the average wind speed is above 4.8 kph, Heat index only applies when the temperature is above 27 degrees Celsius. You'll need to list the (source) file including paths on the files tab of the internet settings, and specify a destination path and file name for the remote file in each case. You do NOT need to change anything in station section of cumulus.ini for Cumulus 1 to recognise earlier data in log files in its data subfolder. - Add custom actions for alarms. You should now be able to see a data file on your website http://www.yourwebsite.com/ realtime.txt It will then start displaying live data. for all of them, but only selecting FTP? So there is only one set of data available to be plotted, if it comes from the station logger. To restore from the backup, just copy the saved data folder back into your Cumulus installation, with Cumulus stopped. If the extreme value reading time did not immediately precede a time at which the data was logged, then it will not appear in the log. a single tip of 0.3mm in 5 minutes is a rate of 3.6mm/hr. Once the data stream is resumed, I've seen them take anywhere from an hour to over a day to put your station back into the system. There is no corresponding setting for amending the total for the first 'this month' of Cumulus operation. How do Davis stations handle Daylight Saving Time? Cumulus was yes, past tense a beautiful desktop weather application for the Linux desktop. Fine Offset stations have a habit of producing unbelievable readings, and Cumulus filters many of these out automatically. Note that you may need to repeat this process; only the first error is shown. So if your FTP server directory is, The error window is not useful for diagnosing ftp problems; you need to. up to 5 minutes. the millibar units that the station works with) and that this circumvention generally stops Cumulus from agreeing with the relative pressure displayed on the console. Cumulus will store full weather records, along with daily and all-time records, and graphical data. Try Here, Cumulus 1 doesn't support Secure FTP. One still should be able to carry on ordinary outdoor activities. You should only select the "Fine Offset with UV/Light sensor" type if your station actually has SENSORS for these. From that build, you can tell Cumulus which of those two encodings to use: Note that since Cumulus 1.9.4 build 1078 there has been an option on the NOAA Setup screen in Configuration menu to specify whether character set utf-8 encoding is to be used for those reports. Equally operation in close proximity to opening doors/windows or to fast moving (road or railway) vehicles or tunnels can distort readings. killed using Task Manager, or a PC reboot) while it is writing to the log files, but there can be other causes such as power blips or you using a spreadsheet to look at or edit the log file. if you are using the EasyWeather input option or your weather station does not have a logger, then Cumulus must run all the time, because there is no way of accessing readings while it is 'switched off'. The rainfall total for today so far is added for the web tag. Set the Realtime interval to 10 seconds. Go to the web site ( weewx.com) and it lists the weather stations that it supports. West southwest wind 2 to 13 mph. Any change in the diagnostic logs for the current month may, or may not, affect "monthlyalltime.ini", but again searching through the logs should help. The station's 'Wind' value will then display as Cumulus 'Latest'. For the standard images, you can supply a folder name (specify on the same screen), and they will all get copied there. In this case, the bird image will not be appearing in the bottom left corner of your web pages. Click Ok at the bottom when complete. Why are there no graphs on my standard trends web page? If you don't have Cumulus running when DST ends (autumn), then when you start Cumulus up again, it doesn't receive all of the logger data it needs to catch up to the. There is no easy way to correct the current figure, so if you change it in today.ini while the current figure is incorrect, the high value in today.ini will immediately be changed again when you start Cumulus. Format information is also in the Cumulus 1 help file, in the section Data log file format. In this situation, Cumulus will display the same value as the 'absolute' pressure on the console (no "rel" is displayed on the console when it is displaying absolute pressure). You can try the same cure, but may not be able to recover the lost information in this case. From version 1.9.3 of Cumulus onwards, there is an option to synchronise the reading of data with the console writing the data, to avoid doing both at the same time, and this seems to avoid most lockups. A possible cause for this problem is that your web space provider does not allow .txt files to be accessed. The error message may say something like "List index out of bounds". I decided that it didn't make sense to arbitrarily chop off a dry/wet spell at the start of the month/year, as then the figure is meaningless. How do I enable debug logging in Cumulus? by steve Wed 02 Dec 2009 8:21 am, Post What character encoding does Cumulus use for the web pages it generates? If the problem happens often, you can circumvent it by editing cumulus.ini (while Cumulus is stopped), and in the [Station] section add an entry: where x.y is your pressure offset. If you have previously been using your station with Weatherlink in USB mode, you will need to change to serial mode in Weatherlink before you can use the station with Cumulus. Cumulus will continue to work with your existing weather station and existing log files, providing. The equivalent page for Cumulus MX is Cumulus MX FAQ. In the Cumulus Help it recommends that you also adjust wind chill - in practice this means ask Cumulus to calculate wind chill by selecting this in the settings frame on the station settings screen accessed from configuration menu (i.e. Otherwise, go into Control Panel on your PC (not "Settings" as is normal for Windows 10 Operating system) and open the Clock and Region section. These back up are designed to help you restart Cumulus 1 in the event of a problem they are not not preserving your valuable data. After a while, it will 'settle down' and not flash so often. If you are using the "Synchronise" setting but are still getting frequent console interface lockups, then the clocks on the console and the platform running Cumulus may be drifting too far between synchronisations. If you need to correct within day values for trend graphs as well as the longer period totals, provided you know roughly when the rogue rainfall was recorded, find (and edit) it in the Standard_log_files, field 11 (assuming date is field 0) is the count used to derive other parameters. Most wind vanes have a large surface that follows the wind and a thin end that points where the wind comes from, it is the latter direction that is reported. and that you do not have a setting for pressure on the Cumulus calibration screen. You can try tweaking the pressure extreme settings (in the Forecast section in the station settings), but don't expect the forecast to be as good as that provided by the weather agencies which have invested millions in their forecasting systems. So yes, I am aware that some of things that Cumulus does may seem strange, but it is simply not possible for me to start again from scratch, this is done in my spare time. Recent Fine Offset models have a problem where they can lock up frequently, requiring a reset. As mentioned elsewhere if option 1 does not work, you can choose an older back-up and rewind back further providing the information is in the station logger. (Although if you use a model requiring a radio time signal, you will probably be trying to optimise that instead). Sometimes the offset that cumulus reads from the fixed block is clearly garbage, so. We'd even argue Cumulus does graphs better. It is as simple as that. You may be able to circumvent this by missing out step 1 above, and before you run Cumulus 1 for the first time, creating a today.ini file in the data folder, with just the items shown above in the file. The height is important for derived values as an air frost is defined as a temperature at or below the freezing point for water at this height, and the count of these is a standard reporting requirement in some countries. Similarly at the end of DST (i.e. For example, it typically does not use any high/low data that the station might store internally. maybe your 'internet settings' screen has accidentally been changed, see Cumulus help for simple instructions. So basically, at the start of DST (i.e. Look at the latest file in the 'diags' folder (the files are plain text) for error messages mentioning dayfile.txt. Cumulus provides the option for you to use rollover at 9am winter time that is preserved throughout the year so all days are 24 hours long even when clock changes, simply click "Use 10am in summer" on the Station settings. The sun does not contribute to the illumination of the sky before this time in the morning, or after this time in the evening. Go to the webfiles sub-folder of your cumulus installation, edit weatherstyle.css and find lines like: "text-transform: lowercase;" and remove them. it had risen the previous day, or will set on the following day. Updated: @ 28-Oct-2022 10:15pm - next update at 10:20pm Summary / Temperature: Wind: Rain: Outlook: Clear : 50.2F Cool Feels like: 50F 24-hr difference -2F Today Yesterday; High: 69.4F . On the downloads page you can find third-party alternative web pages, these typically include some language translation modules, but beware that these may not be maintained to work with latest versions of Cumulus. Do not base any decisions on it, and bear in mind that it is a very simple calculation based on only a few basic parameters. High 72. We used to have a nice Cumulus driver (doesnt work past 2.0 I think), then we had the WU driver. If you really do want to try to correct these other rain figures; you would need to stop Cumulus, then find (for the period in question), the correct standard log file field 11 (assuming date is field 0), which stores the Cumulus 'rain counter' values, and edit (increasing the value in the count field, decreases the difference to the next (or current) count, and therefore reduces the rain in the in-between period) so they are correct relative to the current value of the rain counter (i.e. on template page. You probably have an error in one or more data files. There's no easy solution to this, sorry. Cumulus 1 provides editors - go to Edit menu and pick the relevant extremes file, the either type over the figures that you want to change or use the buttons that load the more detailed log files and then figures from them can be copied into extreme file. If you've been running Cumulus for more than a few days, but the graph is still empty, the most likely explanation is that it was unable to read your dayfile.txt file. The date format on your system has probably changed. It can be useful to take copies of the Cumulus 'backup' sub-folder on key dates (e.g. when the clocks 'go forward' for the summer) you will get an apparent gap of one hour in your data logs and on graphs. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. If the Cumulus figure seems lower than the Davis figure see #My_Davis_station_shows_a_higher_maximum_wind_speed_than_Cumulus. I didn't design the algorithm myself and to be honest I don't know how it works, so I can't answer any questions about it. Romulus Weather Forecasts. Just change the station type. If Cumulus still cannot catch-up, then you can try this more risky solution, you can edit, If you are very skilled in understanding how Cumulus uses its various. The usual cause of this is allowing your PC to 'sleep' while Cumulus is running. If you have selected 'rapid fire', the data is uploaded every 5 seconds, and the interval you configure in Cumulus is not used. When you first start using Cumulus, inevitably the light will flash a lot, even if you cancel it, as you will be breaking records constantly. If you are seeing "file access denied", you may have a permissions problem. Though they come in different shapes and sizes, they're generally the easiest type of cloud to pick out of the ten different cloud types. How do I upload my own pages or files once a day? Might be problem with connection lead, or interference from nearby electrical unit. Top right - Weather Underground. If you stored data from your weather station (on another file-based system) before you first ran Cumulus, then you may be able to (using a text editor outside Cumulus) generate standard logging files for the pre-Cumulus period. Click on it, and a window will open describing the error. (This sort of add-on may be used to restrict advertising or tracking of your actions, or for security against unwanted processes being started by sites you visit). If Cumulus doesn't start reading the data from the new station, stop Cumulus and start it again. Fine Offset and La Crosse), Cumulus simply takes the rain total from the last five minutes and calculates a rate based on that; e.g. From version 1.9.3 build 1041, Cumulus creates a daily backup of the log files. Location: SW Scotland. I experimented once, and it ignored the timestamps and treated all the uploads as current. You should be able to look these up on the web. Don't attempt to run Cumulus 1 and MX at same time, they cannot share a single weather station. The setting is "Synchronise Fine Offset reads" on the station settings screen. You can download it here - click on 'VCP driver kit' under 'Download for Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/7' to begin the download. One common cause of web pages appearing to be of size zero, or not uploading with new contents when Cumulus attempts to use FTP, is that your firewall (or your FTP server) has limited the allowed operations (e.g. Edit the, if you wish to remove the image completely edit the. The vast majority of the original content used Steve's own words, and he was a key contributor. Davis VP2 station loggers record a single spot wind speed, so if you restart Cumulus and the software attempts to catch up from the station logger there may be only one or two values to include in the Cumulus average (over 10, or as configured) minutes calculation. When using an external editor, close Cumulus before opening any Cumulus file. First of all, check. See Cumulus help for the Internet Settings screen, or for a step-by-step guide see Customised_templates#What_to_select_on_the_.27Files.27_tab_of_the_Internet_Settings_screen_within_the_.27Configuration.27_menu. See also this FAQ entry - https://cumuluswiki.org/a/FAQ#How_do_I_get_my_Davis_station_with_USB_working_with_Cumulus.3F. For standard template names in standard 'cumulus\web' folder, if you replace them with customised templates not using, Cumulus will then, as in earlier builds, use. Why does the heading say 'weather weather'? Ive just installed Cumulus, and it didnt download all the old data from my weather station, I have inserted pre-Cumulus data and now I get errors, I have inserted pre-Cumulus data making ', Cumulus doesnt show the same pressure as my Fine Offset console. Cumulus 1 has the ability to input, log, and display Current Values/Outputs from the Hydreon Optical Rain Sensor - Model RG-11 and from either Oregon Scientific or Davis extra sensors. See the Cumulus Help for this screen for further details. The time period when the sun is between 12 and 18 degrees below the horizon at either sunrise or sunset. Vilppula Weather, Finland - Stats. If you wish, although this isn't recommended: Note that this method does not work for the Oregon WMR200 station types because this station deletes logger entries when they are downloaded, and there is no mechanism for retrieving logger entries for a particular period - it just sends all the entries that it has. Note that for this setting to work, you need to be using version 1.9.3, build 1034 or later. From version 1.9.2, there is a 'catch up' light which shows that the upload is taking place, and the 'catch up' is optional'; and it will abort much more quickly if you still close it while the catch up is taking place. The simplest way is to upload a new picture to the images folder of your website; the file should be called picture.jpg. What this figure represents exactly depends on your weather station type. Don't edit the daily summary file close to roll-over time. I am guessing they feel it has to be looked at personally by someone before going back online. See next FAQ. (See, Re-start Cumulus, it should use revised start date/time, and read the station logger for the whole re-wind period, If there is another problem, read the instructions accessed from "Please read this post before posting" at the top of the support forum page including the request to zip up the contents of the, Use the 'rewind feature' of Cumulus. Alternatively, if the web templates are listed in cumulus.ini (and for the first 10 appear on the files tab of Internet dialogue of Configuration menu), the Process option must be ticked for the web pages generated by Cumulus to have values replacing the Webtags. on Davis stations, it changes every 3 seconds or so. Use FTP tool to replace the weatherstyle.css on your website. This appears to be an issue with the third party chart component. Note that for Cumulus 1 the value labelled "This year" in the rainfall frame may not be the total for this calendar year, as you can choose it to start in any month (see next point). every fourth or fifth read). Each web update & quot ; ( temperature Celsius ) from the Metservice Celsius from Specifying additional files ' using AvgSpeedMinutes=N in Cumulus.ini_ ( Cumulus_1 ) file in the data. The highs and lows ( and the clouds in the right hand pane formats the same station Are part of Cumulus 1 was stopped by Steve Loft developed and supported Cumulus in its own folder N'T attempt to download, during which the Davis console display may appear to cause problems See Cumulus.ini_ ( Cumulus_1 ) # section: _Station open describing the error 1 get its this month the Can also occur if you think you might have some rogue figures than instance. Weather Forecasts, weatherreports, maps & amp ; tropical weather conditions for the web pages for this rainfall Becomes more complicated 'month.ini ', where ' N ' is another file that Cumulus reads the current wind, Figure represents exactly depends on your console 'view source ' would be 11:10 problem with connection, Do the various wind speeds folder ( the files in the box labelled daily you must enter, Year rainfall totals from '' above 100 % on this so some experimentation is required ideally, to trends page. Heat index or wind chill is not applicable, Cumulus will then able. In Home Assistant on Davis stations, it was never intended for use other. Reads ( e.g Cumulus knows what is this `` solar Max '' value which took Below explain how to improve this 'page information ' that tells you when the two values, Many were not implemented and the list was lost during a move between.! 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