When referencing either of these terms in other areas of the book, the author uses them in a manner consistent with the distinction provided. The text consistently uses real-life examples and graphics throughout to help the reader better understand the severity of the Social Problems represented. This is not entirely bad from a teaching standpoint in that comparisons between present day and four years ago can be made in terms of examples of reasons for the research and applications of the theory. It offers comprehensive coverage of core concepts, foundational scholars, and emerging theories. Prominent advocates of Christian reconstructionism have written that according to their understanding, God's law approves of the death penalty not only for murder, but also for propagators of all forms of idolatry,[15][7] open homosexuality,[16] adulterers, practitioners of witchcraft, blasphemers,[9] and perhaps even recalcitrant youths[17] (see the List of capital crimes in the Bible). Each chapter is self contained and could be used standing alone, and the sections within chapters are relatively self sustaining as well. One of my favorite features in this textbook is the Using What You know feature in each chapter. None of the individual sections are lengthy, yet they provide the reader with an appropriate amount of information, including historical perspectives, theoretical frameworks, examples, and solutions. The content is up-to-date. That is a major strength because chapters and sections can be reorganized and complemented with other material within a course, as needed. I really like the design of this text. Undocumented students face unique legal uncertainties and limitations within the United I like the order in which the chapters are presented in Social Problems, although I do contemplate covering race and ethnicity before poverty simply because the correlates of poverty to race and ethnicity are so powerful. There is a strong discussion of the sociological imagination in chapter one (which I love). Each section is a stand alone sub-chapter that has its own references list. I think that much of that specific content will stand the test of time. Colorful graphs, illustrations and photos support the text. In addition, there are boxes of additional pertinent information spread throughout the book that add to what the reader can learn without actually filling up the space that is dedicated to necessary learning. read more. Whilst experiential learning is an increasingly established aspect of youth work practice, in the main it is dominated by a simplistic four stage cycle which is attributed to Kolb (1984). The content of the book appears to be solid and unbiased in terms of presentation of theory and its application. Pakistan is the 33rd-largest country by area, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles).It has a 1,046-kilometre (650-mile) coastline along This text covers a broad spectrum of social problems coherently and thoroughly. Social Problems: Continuity and Change is a realistic but motivating look at the many issues that are facing our society today. The book covers all of the topics that I would like to have in a Social Problems text and is clearly and comprehensively organized. This is so practical, in terms of implementing changes in the future, and I think it will be helpful to students in organizing the information they take in from reading it. I was also delighted to see a chapter on the environment. The terminology, however, is consistent. I found that the lessons section offer students the opportunity to understand the cultural impact more effectively. The text (to my "white" eyes) is not culturally insensitive, however, one of my critical-thinking Hispanic students felt that it had a tone of "looking down" upon folks for color. I hope that the authors update the statistics from the Census with 2020 data when it is available and add information from what has been a tumultuous few years. A really wonderful alternative to an expensive social problems text. [22] Rushdoony wrote that America's separation of powers between 3 branches of government is a far more neutral and better method of civil government than a direct democracy, stating "[t]he [American] Constitution was designed to perpetuate a Christian order". Pages 346, 358, 364, 499, 501, 560, 654: image is so large that a big gap is left on previous page. I believe in affordable education; this is a great alternative to expensive textbooks I have used in the past. object to the dominionism and the dominion theology labels, which they say misrepresent their views. Reviewed by Deidre Tyler, Professor of Sociology, Salt Lake Community College on 2/22/21, This textbook covers every social problem that is covered in a standard intro-level social problems course. There is no way to judge what social problem should come before another in presentation, and if it were desired to change the flow, one could easily assign different topic chapters in a different order. Sixteen chapters can be a bit too much to cover in a semester. It is easy to use. I hope the authors update the stats with info from the 2020 census at some point for more relevant numbers. I found the text to be mostly accurate. Cultural sensitivity is extremely important for a Sociology textbook. To that end, some of the poverty and demographic data (i.e., from the 2010 Census) and statistics should be updated; however, with new research generating data quickly this can be time intensive so the author has to be intentional when selecting data. (2015). Social Problems: Continuity and Change is a realistic but motivating look at the many issues that are facing our society today. PDF | Thinking, particularly reflective thinking or inquiry, is essential to both teachers' and students' learning. Each chapter follows a predictable outline that brings the content together. Obviously, such a course on my part would feature different theoretical and methodological approach, but the content as well as the organization of the present text really does fit the bill, including the intention to speak to the interdisciplinary of quality research that does contribute to social change. Additionally, the layout of each chapter is well organized and provides a wide range of topics and examples. Review questions are often included and very useful for reflection and/or incorporating into assignments. Robertson and Kennedy hosted Rushdoony on their television programs, and Robertson also used dominionist language in his book, The Secret Kingdom, and in his 1988 presidential campaign. The overall layout of the textbook is logical and comprehensive. The book is mostly consistent in its organization with the chapters using the same framework and terminology. The content included is accurate and up to date with fairly recent examples and relevant, professional, recent images. Introduction to Research in the Classroom PDF. Key terms in each chapter are also highlighted in the exact same shade of red, so it seems like you should be able to click on the term and be taken to a glossary, but they're not links. One of the most important features of Social Problems is the author's approach to providing information in the most objective way possible. At times, there are many areas that appear to be personal reflection and inference rather than statement of fact. The comprehensive nature of the text makes it lengthy, and the addition of interactive table of contents, index, and glossary as well as a list of the charts and figures would be helpful to allow readers to navigate through the text. This book could be read by many different audiences of varying educational levels. He also wrote, "[t]he positive proposals of Reconstructionists are so far out of line with American evangelical commitments to American republican ideals such as religious freedom that the number of true believers in the movement is small. This text provides a VERY comprehensive look at overall social problems within the United States and provides a well-defined section on a variety of specific issues. The author also engages students in thinking about how they could contribute to alleviating or eliminating the problem. I did not see any occasion in which terms were used improperly. Rousas Rushdoony, for example, interpreted the Great Commission as a republication of the "creation mandate",[29] referring to Genesis 1:28. Advocates of TM claim that the technique promotes a state of relaxed awareness, stress relief, and access to higher states of consciousness, as well as physiological benefits I would expect this (digital) format to be an incredible asset to helping to keep the discussion of these social problems a contemporary one. And it notes past biological views were racist. CC BY-NC-SA, Reviewed by Christine Wilkey, Associate Professor of Human Services, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College on 9/30/22, This text covers topics, and issues within these topics, that are typical of texts for college-level sociology courses in social problems. The author mentioned adopting "Integrated Care" as a strategy to improve healthcare and there as been a tremendous shift in this direction since this book was written. Myth-busting is an essential component of any social problems course, in my view, and this text supports this aim very well. Acorn Media. Yet, the information is also not too basic as to be deemed common-sense or intuitive. The textbook is clear and accessible. I chose to review this book as a possible adoption for a summer online Social Problems course. Great for introductory level students. Covers a wide range of social issues with lots of inforation regarding each issue. Organization and writing is consistent throughout the book. Christian reconstructionists[who?] Yes, the pertinent trends and general patterns were thematically correct sociologically speaking; however, it would benefit from some updating. read more. The text does a wonderful job of bringing in a vast array of social problems and related them to real world events. If an instructor wanted to only teach portions of the book, this could be easily achieved. The text is appropriate and respectful of diverse backgrounds and lives. I give this section a 5 because it is very difficult to stay up-to-date in a Sociology text. The text should remain relevant with updates and inclusion of more current reseacrh and case examples. I did not perceive the text to be culturally insensitive in any way, although I am a privileged white male and have my own blind spots, so its possible I missed something an individual of another culture or demographic might see differently. This would be easy to organize into discussions and lectures from the text layout. The majority of the chapters discuss the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist theories but it is not included in the chapters that discuss race, gender, and sexual orientation without any indication of why. It provides a solid foundation from which to grow course curriculum. The language used is appropriate for the undergraduate level as it is easy to follow, yet at the same contributes to language development through the use of new terms (and terms used in new, non-conventional ways). This text covers all the chapters/topics you would expect in a Social Problems text. I also appreciate that even when they aren't discussing race/class/gender/etc. This book is also available in a variety of formats (e.g. However, some of the statistics are getting dated. They are rich in content and can be easily modified to what information the instructor would like to highlight. The overall layout of the textbook is logical and comprehensive. Pages 320, 472, 559: caption for photo should be on same page as photo Overall, it was not too disruptive. While overall I believe the textbook was inclusive of diverse cultural backgrounds, there were some issues that could be enhanced. However, given that it is a book that necessarily speaks so much to current events, it is challenging to have examples of application of such theory and methodology that do not have the potential to quickly shift. Terms and ideas specific to the field of sociology are sufficiently elaborated upon in a clear and concise style. Appropriate terminology was used but always with a clear explanation illustrated with examples. Images and charts are clear. Reviewed by Nicholas Recker, Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 5/22/19, This text-book offers a comprehensive look at social problems. The end of section summary and reflection/discussion questions are helpful for the reader to remember the main points of the chapter. Major US issues are discussed, though I also like how the Learning Objectives [27][43][pageneeded]. The flexibility of this text allows for the instructor to update and teach what they think is relevant. In spite of the wide range of material covered, the book reads like one written by an expert in everything. Reviewed by Kelli Johnson, Professor/Librarian IV, Marshall University on 10/6/21, This textbook is very comprehensive and covers topics that I traditionally cover in my class and more. The text covers a comprehensive look at social problems and provides an examination of discipline specific material as well as statistical information on how each social problem is currently experienced throughout the world. Pages 140, 180: Image at the bottom of page, caption is on the top of the following page The modularity of the text would lend it to be easily taken apart and reassembled to suit particular classes. The text will have staying power for years to come, but occasionally adding recent examples will also be beneficial as it will help students relate to the material more easily and demonstrate the continuity of the problem. Following those links is not necessary, though, because key terms are redefined and concepts restated as needed. I think the book reads well and serves well. As noted above, some chapters would benefit from a stronger (or more explicit) connection to social science research. Many prostitutes have been or are victims of sex trafficking. I think that given the vast amount of information, that this text could be very useful in full or in part for teaching, and given the format, a more socially conscious choice. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi created the technique in India in the mid-1950s. - The end of the chapter summary is helpful, but I suggest it is expanded into more targeted end-of -the chapter review questions in order to highlight and reinforce learning as a student-driven formative assessment. The chapters, which can be freestanding, can also be used as needed because they are broken down into smaller, easily navigated pieces. I came in to this review a skeptic. The chapters are very consistent in their presentations. I generally like the chapter organization but find that odd. While some of the statistics are out-of-date, with sufficient time, it would not be too difficult in updating much of this data. The knowledge is general and to the point. For example, the Chapter #2 Poverty slides are missing, or I couldnt find them. read more. Each topic includes an historical perspective as well as an explanation The same can also be said of the terms race and ethnicity as well. The book is consistent in organization, terminology, and framework. Moses' Law for Modern Government. I would find this text to be helpful in teaching both Undergraduate and Graduate students focused on advocacy and social change work. In no particular order. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Consistently well-organized throughout. Each topic is addressed in detail and the boxes in each chapter (Applying Social Research, Lessons from Other Nations etc) make the coverage When I am reading a textbook, I like additional figures and little important snippets of information that I should remember or learn. It appears to be comprehensive in it's definition and application of sociological theory and research. Further, the text with almost 900 pages total, appears to have been constructed with this in mind. The content is timely and needed for students' general education requirements. For a free textbook, this is a wonderful resource. They maintain a distinction of spheres of authority between self, family, church, and state. The text is easy to understand and the language effectively reaches students. The language as well as the organizational structure of the writing is clear and concise. Each chapter can be assigned out of order as the text is not overly self-referential, but the sections within the chapter are best read together and chronologically for maximum comprehension. As this book's subtitle, Continuity and Change, implies, social problems are persistent, but they have also improved in the past and can be improved in the present and future, provided that our nation has the wisdom and will to address them. The textbook chapters are easy to read because they are divided into sections that have their own learning objectives. Page 598: author reports that TFR is misunderstood more often than other fertility measures but does not explain why/how. While the book is dedicated to social problems and change, however, I do think it would be valuable to dedicate a chapter to strategies for researching/studying those topics before entering into the topics themselves. I can see readily dividing this text into smaller reading sections and / or reorganizing or skipping sections to accommodate a specific course schedule. Topics may stand alone without compromise. One of the major strengths of this text is the straightforward and clear way that content is presented and explained. The author follows a standardized approach in each chapter of defining the problem, presenting a range of data disaggregated by numerous characteristics including age, race, and sex. Well done! Reviewed by Ashley Palmer, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 1/2/20, The textbook covers foundational information on a multitude of social issues particularly the characteristics, causes, and consequences of these issues and could be used for both sociology and social work courses. Yes, very much so from beginning each chapter with Social Problems in the News, with subunits (i.e., 1.2, 1.3, etc.) Reviewed by Heidi Esbensen, Adjunct/Part-time Faculty, Portland Community College/Portland State University on 1/7/16, This text covers a broad spectrum of social problems coherently and thoroughly. Overall, the book was comprehensive in what it noted it would address in the index/glossary. I saw no grammatical errors in the text. read more. As such, the breadth of the text is impressive as many significant areas relating to social problems are discussed. The text is about social problems, so obviously there was a negative focus to the problems after all, they are problems. The chapters are framed with sociological theory. Solents curriculum framework builds on our unique, creative and applied approach to teaching. This population is marginalized and oppressed daily and there are many real-world examples out there to consider. Overall this is a solid book that is a good foundational text for teaching Social Problems. I found the text to be accurate overall although the latest research and statistics are primarily from 2010 and 2011. Additionally, the layout of each chapter is well organized and provides a wide range of topics and examples. Christian reconstructionists advocate a theonomic government and libertarian economic principles. Images can enhance the learning experience and this book does exactly that. Each subsection of the chapter has learning objectives and key takeaways. I really like the way each chapter can be free-standing. This could be a product of the scientific tone of sociology, but his comment is worth noting. As someone who is typically not drawn to online reading and would prefer in hand reading, this was easy and simple to navigate. Overall, I found the text to be open about cultural differences and real-life examples of the problems of inequality that has plagued our society over many years. [citation needed] Reconstructionists also say that the theonomic government is not an oligarchy or monarchy of man communicating with God, but rather, a national recognition of existing laws. This textbook does a great job of covering a wide range of topics that are appropriate for a social problems. It appears to be comprehensive in it's definition and application of sociological theory and research. The text's flow and structure is consistent throughout. It should be included in the chapter on GENDER as it has nothing to do with one's sexual orientation. I use to write my online classes no adjustment needed book hits the mark on overall relevance and.! Think critically and connects them with the chapters theoretical discussion with potential real-life situations GLAAD 's to! 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