Its become all about working too much for too little in return. And there are few things that stress us out on a consistent basis like work does, especially when it takes away from all of the other things that life has to offer. come on people need a time to live and some fucking opportunity. The choice seems to be: further your career or take care of your health. r/CompetitiveWoW. So you are working 40 hours per week going through alot of pain at your job with, stress, control, changnes, fear of getting layed off, lack of free time to enjoy other things, pain , suffering, feeling of you are. Isnt it us? Think it was so my manager could get a bigger budget. A good score on Math or EBRW, then, would be around 600. It is not so cut and dry, where all employers must offer overtime pay after 40 hours a week. So why do we work 8,9,10+ hours per day? The music pounded until the sun came up, then the party-goers staggered home to sleep it off. Yale ranks as one of the hardest colleges to get into with a 4.47% acceptance rate for the class of 2026, down just slightly from its 4.62% acceptance rate for the class of 2025. For fib(n 1), we will again make the recursive call to fib(n 2) and fib(n 3). Some great comments here. Because no employer even follow the working hours regulations. This thinking is very unrealistic for the majority of the working class. They dont value you because you do not value yourself. That said, can you imagine a greater faith to hold dear to your heart than that of a god (The God) who lowered himself down to our level, made himself into a man (Jesus), walked and talked among us as both God and man, and then sacrificed his own life as the pure and holy God to pay the cost for all mens dirty sins for all time, to wash us pure so that we can be free from vices such as the greed that powers our corporations and our capitalism? Many other colleges and universities are similarly hard to get into. We really need to team up and demand better worker rights, better hours, better vacation because, studies show, most Americans are overworked, under paid and burnt out. If you see that the problem has already been solved, return the saved answer. It seems like people are finally waking up to the great hoax known as the Calvinist Work Ethic thats been plaguing our high-tech civilization for far too long now. Or just vote democrat next campaign. ft. apartment in a peaceful, country setting and have more than what is an absolute necessity for life. The premier school looks at five primary components: academic achievement, SAT and ACT test scores, extracurricular involvement, recommendation letters, and the personal essay. The employees are working more to accommodate the bosss upgraded lifestyle. Its just that instead of Frederick Douglass, its now you and me. When I got home I filled a cold glass of water from the faucet, drank it down, and sighed happily. 1) Want a raise: You can be outbid by illegals (low skilled work) and H-1B visa holders (high skilled work). We are moving in a new direction, focusing our efforts more fully on making transformational change within organizations to create equity and inclusion in the workplace for all. Are these the signs of a developed country? Yale looks for two main components: the ability to contribute to the school's community and the ability to make the most of the school's resources. We then spend more time at work to earn back our crap money so we can continue the endless cycle. Additionally, practical experience can be exploited to benefit from dynamic programmings better efficiency. Wow! What is the fastest algorithm for multiplication of two n-digit numbers? I mean think about it where the hell does it end.40 hours a week, 50 hours a week, 60 hours a week.set up a cot and sleep in the office to only come home on the weekends.cost of living just keeps sky rocketing, all the while your stagnant wages either stay the same or keep dropping. At 60 I got a bus pass so I have free travel all over Britain. I agree with this article. Its fully paid off because my mother was smart enough to have us invest in this. How did you effect your co-workers? There are 40 million americans on food stamps in this country. Your SAT score, which ranges from 400 to 1600, is the sum of your two section scores: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW). This is why it's typically better to aim for at least the 75th percentile, or 1200 or higher. Yet steak was 10 cents a pound, and to preserve our salaries we converted our Argentine currency into dollars and sold them off when we were out of pesos. Like many other schools on this list, Vanderbilt takes a holistic approach when evaluating applications. The DP state will resemble state(N), where the state(N) is the total number of arrangements required to create N using the elements 1, 3, and 5. However, that is not the case anymore. Youll gain a broader perspective and feel a whole lot better in the end. That is just the tip of the iceberg. In any case, the numbers given in the chart are not entirely correct. Why do you find this kind of view threatening? All you know is your own tiny region of the USA. Have you actually looked around lately at the youth in america? Do I work hard? I just miss my kids & this is literally bringing tears to my eyes thinking about everything I have missed out on because.. Another way is to add tabulation and make the solution iterative. Simple questions are best, but you can pick and choose questions based on what you want to achieve. Im working as a carpenter earning 70k/year . You can say you work a lot, but what comes out of it will show the truth. The U.S. has the 3rd lowest trade, Cultural value of money over everything else. Most US fathers dont get any kind of paternity leave. I really like this article and agree with most points, but why are all the references to Wikipedia pages? Because my parents were immigrants and invested I have what I have today. Cmon folks wake the hell upwhat do the soldiers fight for! The above code seems exponential as it is calculating the same state again and again. To address this, were changing Sins of the Many to a low-level passive and increasing its effectiveness. Actually, Im not an employee of the financial industry. Trust me; this is not common in certain parts of the world. I have been in the car business my entire life & now am a single mother of two young children. TELL THESE LAMEASS POSTERS HOW IT IS!! We pay national insurance which pays for all health care and dental work. I will take more free time to enjoy my life, have hobbies and more hours in a day spent doing what I want over making more money but having no time to enjoy it. See, we can only add 1, 3, and 5. NOT! The weird part is, that it is a great company, performing very well in this economy. For sick leave, I receive 1.5 days per month worked. Just like a leftwinger. Argentina is the only country that still has siesta really. Im still running a fever I dont think I would be of very much use. We can ALL have better lives if the owners of these multi billion dollar companies and their immediate circles werent so damned greedy!!! Blockchain was a priority topic at Davos; a World Economic Forum survey suggested that 10 percent of global GDP will be stored on blockchain by 2027. Writing code in comment? wake up. If you choose to strive to make more money, to climb the corporate ladder, etc thats your choice. But my husband and I have married children, our parents, siblings and other relatives. I cant imagine working 60+ hours a week every single week of the year. So is the gap between those working and not working. I couldnt imagine leaving a child that young with a care taker. Something so simple has probably added 5 years to my life of not having to stress, go through traffic hell and work for an unfulfilling and empty job just to pay the bills. In England, shops close at 10 PM, good luck getting any bargain for any name brand, if your PC broke down you probably have to wait until the month after, and its 3.20 dollars (GBP = 1.60 USD) for about half a pound of the worst kind of ground pork. In our Ask a College Advisor series, experienced advisors provide an insider look at the college experience by answering your questions about college admissions, finances, and student life. They want to hire foreign slave labor and to circumvent all of the labor laws, environmental laws and checks and balances that our families have worked so hard to establish. While Yale evaluates nonacademic factors as well, it remains a highly competitive institution. The series aired on YTV in Canada and Cartoon Network in the United States. I used to be so positive, beautiful, energetic and alive. We love money, we want more of it, and we think, Its been drilled in our heads that we are lazy compared to emerging market counterpart workers in India, Mexico, China, and other parts of Asia. Im canadian. This has resulted in some of the lowest acceptance rates in U.S. history. They might go home at 5pm in the American office and 7-8pm in the French, but I am curious what time they come in. Brad, I do take some acception to your statement that there is to much government. Back in the 1970s, you could make $5 an hour as a babysitter, so thats basically your $8 bucks an hour now, before taxes. Why are we the outliers? You can thank the feminist movement for demeaning motherhood and homemakers, and pushing women into the workforce. people do that for 40 years for 1 company or many companies and retire with 40% less income than what they were making, and end up dead broke or dead from the stress. Heck, if you work for the GOBERMINT, you probably work from 9 to 3 or 4 clock. The prestigious university reviews each application holistically and considers how students utilized their resources and opportunities in high school. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dont even bother looking at the office hours in Japan. Actually, since capitalism is a legalized form of stealing, meaning that the capitalists stole from the rest of us in the first place, then I do not see redistribution of wealth as thievery itself but rather as justice. Is this simply a corporate greed issue or is it a personal greed issue as well? I just think more and more personalities are turning severely fakish and this is becoming the norm. BE IN DEBT 40,000 AND SPENDING 4-5 YEARS FOCUSED ON WRITING BULLSHIT PAPERS OR TRY TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILY BY WORKING AS MUCH AS THEY CAN MAKING NOTHING!! When you write what you write, you are not being a good worker or sharing how responsible you are. Look what we, have in this country and you tell me that this life is not straight from the pit of hell. The fact is that we work our asses off not to buy ourselves boats and big cars but to buy them for our bosses, the tiny fraction of the population that have grown hugely rich by dismantling the social benefits that we once enjoyed. Our country will never catch up with the rest of the world so as long as people like you keep saying move. Either you are lucky and only work 40 or less hours a week or you are perfectly content with the fact that American workers are modern day slaves. Finally I would like to mention what is the point of all this productivity if we are not fully enjoying the benefits. We are all under paid and have less vacations less sick days, less benefits then any other country in the world . We love money, we want more of it, and we think money can buy happiness. And this makes you think nothing is askew about our priorities? De-regulation (or lack of it in the first place) mixed with a poorly financial educated consumer base are the reasons for the financial crisis. Are we working more because the boss says so, or so we can have more? 1. Someone is always ready to step in and take over your job, or there is always someone willing to do it for less. For years I worked for a boss that was constantly pressuring people to work longer and harder for nothing, of course that was when he himself bothered to show up. Is it fair? If I want to take a three day weekend, it means that I have to work uber-overtime the week before and after to get my work done so that Im able to take the time off. Its privately owned. Thats the time when she should be least bothered about finances and take care of the new born. But then something happens. How about financial aid? No one can say that more time as a family would be bad. Danielle hush. Understanding how DP functions work can be useful to everyone, whether they are a professional or a student getting ready for the placements. GOOD LUCK. Try working in Japan for a month and youll know the difference between haven and hell. They just can not fathom the impossible level of responsibility each bedside nurse has. I will NEVER EVER work full time at 40 hours or any stupid overtime over 40- 70+ hours a week. 6) Basic questions that can be answered by looking at relevant class guides, appropriate discords/pins or a quick Google search. The above code seems exponential as it is calculating the same state again and again. Your SAT score, which ranges from 400 to 1600, is the sum of your two section scores: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW). Now I enjoy a super commute since the cities are the only place for decent wages, if you call a take home of 500 bucks a week a decent wage, with two girls, a car, a mortgage, needed improvements etc. Only for EU directives we would be on a lot less annual leave and fewer employment rights. WOW, you are misinformed. RIGHT NOW THIS IS AN IDEA TURNING INTO A STUDY SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW. We have moved on since the caveman days yet some peoples mentality is still back there. Why dont we see how long we can function when we dont show up for work en-masse like Congress does most of the time? Given 3 numbers {1, 3, 5}, the task is to tell the total number of ways we can form a number N using the sum of the given three numbers. Take charge of your opportunities, as I will, because work-life balance remains critical to mitigating health and family issues. I ask you Nick: Are you a share holder in a billion dollar company? Im sure the $70 an hr (wages benefit package) that a UAW earns to bolt the door onto a substandard Jeep Cherokee isnt complaining. Another aspect is that in Europe we are not worried about going to bankruptcy because of an illness or endless debt due to college.we understand that health and education are human rights,not privileges.Also,in my country,if you dont work and your unemployment benefits have finished,we have some income from the government,enough to eat and have a shelter.we dont like to leave people in the streets like stray dogs.and in practical terms,that means less crime and more safety in the streets. I think we are overworked. Noise pollution, light pollution? Silly Americans work, work, work till what, you retire and pay for your overly priced medicines, triple of the actual price of your home, then if youre lucky youll get 5 years maybe (if not retired now) before you kick the bucket, lol what a wasted life, all to be number 1. We are the most overworked country in the world. There are more twist and turns to what these gas and oil companies are allowed to do concerning workers is unbelievable! I never miss a deadline or break a promise so I am basically a saint to my clients. My point was that nobody is home with the kids anymore man or woman and thats a shame. The party is over. Well, its over, man. Most of you just dont want to admit how bad things have gotten. As long as people remain subservient, and trade ( or as you folks call it labour) unions are wihout any clout, bosses will do as they please, too much power is concentrated in the wrong few hands. Of course, if we had adequate vacation in the first place, this wouldnt even be necessary. I do know from my personal experience that given the oppotunity people would gladly take a 32 work week. Its a company within a company within a company full of shareholders whose names are not listed. I think it is economic slavery. Im not going to wait around long enough to see that happen. Im sick and tired of seeing the Elite 1% make all the money while doing nothing compared to what the working class and working poor have to do just to stay afloat. About Our Coalition. You should not be offended that I said the truth because if you read you bible it is already written what is going to happen and trust me God is not happy with what he sees and he will be just in his judgementwhat you think this is for nothing ? Its OK to take a week-long vacation if we need to. They WANT to see others suffering. And the more we work, the more we get paid.. the majority of people are working $9-11 an hr jobs getting absolutely nowhere and HAVE TO LIVE TO WORK. The output must be stored in the answer array so that, next time, if the same value is encountered, it can be directly used from the answer array. When I was younger this statement would of pissed me off, as Ive seen how short life can be I now question, why do we work so hard for what and for who, people who dont have to work as much? They will never say Ya know Youre right! The supermarkets were spilling with food, brand-name handbags were offered at a fraction of the original price, and if my PC broke down I could just go out and buy a new one without a pause, and if I had a headache at 2 AM I could run to the nearest chemist and get aspirin. What is early action vs. early decision? Capitalism is great . Nice some got a fat check on the expense of others. While global internet patterns are clearly dominated by a few titans, what can we make of their recent traffic growth? Finally,We must demand changes now,and get our collective act together-and as individuals,if we are to go forward in any viable way from here. To that I say, very eloquently: And so fing what?. (And then he raised himself from the dead after three days to prove that his is God.) anytime I ant. [ 1+(1+1+1+3)] is not needed in state (n=6) because its covered by state (n = 4) [(1+1+1+1) + 3]), Now, think carefully and satisfy yourself that the above three cases are covering all possible ways to form a sum total of 7;Therefore, we can say that result forstate(7) = state (6) + state (4) + state (2)ORstate(7) = state (7-1) + state (7-3) + state (7-5)In general,state(n) = state(n-1) + state(n-3) + state(n-5). They wont come. He was right. I agree with the fact that Americans work a lot, but I would disagree with whether they work the most. We dont even have any. OR are we willing to take a serious look at these issues and draw clear lines in the sand for workers rights and privileges. They hire lobbyists and pay off politicians. Our children cant progress until the whole class is all on the same page. I made them look bad? Total Number of Applicants (Class of 2026): 61,220 Total Admitted: 1,954 With a record-low admission rate of just 3.19% for the class of 2026, Harvard currently ranks as the most difficult school to get into. is an advertising-supported site. Just request 3 week vacation time and see wtf they say at work or if they say anything. A buddy of mine asked me What would happen if your company failed? I said I would drive Uber and start another one.. This part is the hardest part of solving a Dynamic Programming problem and requires a lot of intuition, observation, and practice. Maybe its because the person you or your spouse made so little it didnt make much a dent. I simply dont care about the money anymore but at the same time have an overwhelming feeling of guilt about it.. What is worse losing money or disappointing your children? I decided not to just because I prefer to have a family life and long vacations. The Fair Labor Standards Act REQUIRES overtime to be at least one and one-half times an employees regular rate of pay after 40 hours of work in a workweek.. But this was not enough. Americans are kind, helpful people in our cores and the recent decade has given people like you a platform to act insane. Flame me if you want but if you compare our lives with our european counterparts who are getting upwards of 40 bank holidays a year (not counting vacation time) american life is the absolute suck. we pay a minimum of 40% of all money earned back to the government. Maybe because parental leave is discriminatory and forces coworkers who are actually doing work to subsidize the personal pursuits of those who arent, with no trade off. Additionally, Caltech strongly values applicants with non-STEM-related passions and hobbies. 1) Jokes, funny stories and distasteful comments. Not to mention, the average number of holidays added in is 6. Also, most people get to work early, and leave late because we are told if youre on time, youre late and we never want to be seen leaving right at clock out time.

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