JavaScript is disabled. 4 yr. ago. The French invasion and the War of Independence, 1808-14. I dont know, watch the video.Armchair Historian: https:. Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images. The power reached what to an astonishing 70 horsepower at dr oz sex pills the time. Changing Kings Once in control of Spain, Napoleon bullied both King Charles IV and his son Ferdinand into giving up their throne. It had little effect. The French invasion and the monarchys time in exile led to Spains loss of its colonies. You must log in or register to reply here. Napoleon's hostile attitude to Britain, which he regarded as crucial to the opposition throughout Europe, would . I'm especially interested in what this means for Latin America. However, by the time in 1812 and the fated invasion of Russia, nobody was opposing Napoleon on land except in Spain. Any chance of a working arrangement between Russia and France as a result of Tilsit had long since evaporated. A government inquiry into the conduct of the war led to the removal of his superiors. You are using an out of date browser. The French fought back by hanging partisans from trees, leaving their bodies out as a warning. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When the Portuguese were trading with the British, Napoleon decided to invade Portugal by marching his troops into Spain. If the country had still been conquered, then the hypotheticals open up further. Alarmed at Napoleon's annexation of territory during his Italian tour, and funded with English gold, the Austrians had declared war on France. For this idea to work, however, it relied on Europe not trading with Britain. On February 16, 1808, under the pretext of sending reinforcements to the French army occupying Portugal, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain. Let's say he realizes he can't keep Spain as an ally and decides to not invade them so that he doesn't have to defend France on as many fronts the next time the rest of Europe declares war on him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. He fought the British as they pursued the French across the Pyrenees and into France. For more information, please see our But what if it did? Without it, you have no invasion of Spain or Russia. Blood Pressure Medicine Makes You Dizzy. When the Portuguese were trading with the British, Napoleon decided to invade Portugal by marching his troops into Spain. The next year he remarked to someone: "My great mistake was to turn to the English and to wind up . Militarily, he was made into a British Field Marshal in 1813, as well as being appointed marshal-general by the Portuguese and generalissimo by the Spanish. The correct answer is the Continental System. 7 yr. ago If the French could have moved large forces overseas England is a lot closer and would 'win' the Napoleonic wars for France. A major French victory over the British army in Spain then would have been enough for a jittery Britain to withdraw from the Continent and sue for peace. This lead to mistrusts between the Spanish civilians and the French troops. However, this 72 year old man was formula for oxide exhausted after a hundred battles. This nepotistic approach allowed Napoleon to ensure he could rely on the monarchs of satellite states; family members who owed their positions to him. Texas' isolated arrangement worked largely because of the state's abundance of homegrown natural resources, particularly coal ( Texas currently ranks fifth in annual production) and gas (first. Cookie Notice No Napoleonic invasion of Spain requires at minimum different Bayonne decrees. Andrew Knighton is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE. The events, people & discoveries that changed the world. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years. ANNUAL This All About History Annual is a collection of the very best content from the magazine's last 12 months, and contains some of the most interesting people and stories from throughout history. His attention to diplomacy and logistics, as well as strategy and tactics, brought the British and their Peninsula allies a string of victories. Apr 9, 2022 #7 Justinian Girgis Banned Wendell said: No Napoleonic invasion of Spain requires at minimum different Bayonne decrees. Although taking Spain was an enormous accomplishment, it hurt the French in ways . Privacy Policy. Factions in the Spanish court were pushing the King towards abandoning the French alliance and launching an invasion across the Pyrenees. Privacy Policy. Cookie Notice This lead to mistrusts between the Spanish civilians and the French troops. Napoleon's goal was to win a quick victory that forced Alexander to the negotiating . My idea of how it would start. The Great Jihad Succeds In 1914, at the start of the war, Mehmed V, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, launched a Jihad against the allies. Wellesley had previously distinguished himself as an officer in India and Denmark. Infante Lots of initial implications for Europe, but obviously no Wars of Independence for LatAm (yet) which is good. Joseph had some experience as a ruler, as Napoleon had previously put him in charge of Naples. For example, Austria would have not dared to reveal in 1809 and it is likely that it would have aided in ernst the french invasion of Russia, so a french victory in Russia would not be impossible Miha Grcar Member Posts: 1474 unmerged (28406) Sep 23, 2004. It blood pressure medicine makes you dizzy means that you are given honor because will exercise help high blood pressure you are a took two blood pressure pills by accident good average blood.pressure slave, you are very obedient, you have not gone astray, you are following the established society The route is going. Napoleon lost at Waterloo. Her lover was killed while crewing a canon and she took his place, keeping the gun in action. A French invasion of Ireland in 1797 had already failed. We can imagine that Napoleon would have chosen a conservative strategy and didn't invade Russia. He was injured for the twenty seventh time in the what vitamin to take Battle of Waterloo, and could only be an admirer of Adelina rather than a lemon pills drugs protector. Without his inspiring leadership, the French were much weaker. And Murat stays in the Grand Duchy of Berg, so as not to eventually betray Napoleon and even if he did, who gives a fuck about his little pissant duchy. The reason we didn't send a general army was: 1) We were already in Spain. He earned the respect of many of his opponents, although Wellington felt he was overrated and prone to hesitation on the battlefield. Having crossed through Spain, the French invaded Portugal. It was the first of three invasions in only four years, as the French struggled to bring the Portuguese under control. What do those latin american countries remainign a part of the spanish empire longer mean for them? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. After taking Madrid, the French decided to occupy the city. Napoleon cast aside their alliance and led his troops into Spain. The Latin American colonies felt they should be representedin the government as they had not been before. For more information, please see our Create the Kingdom of Poland and call it quits, waiting for the Russian response. Assuming they do so, it could mean more stability post-independence. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Had napoleon won Russia he would have had to commit a large force to bow occupy the nation on top of the other ones . If Napoleon didn't attack in 1812, there would be a war eventually. Using skirmishers and placing his troops on the reverse slopes of high ground, he was able to counter French tactics. Having crossed through Spain, the French invaded Portugal. His plan was to destroy the British economy through the Continental System, a blockade on British trade. One of the famous heroes of the war was Agostina Zaragoza, the Maid of Saragossa. She rose to prominence during the defense of Saragossa against the French. As a result, more people in the colonies came to resent Spanish rule. At first, the French stormed through Spain and into Portugal. The invasion of Portugal still goes as planned, but with one exception: Napoleon DOESN'T turn on Spain. If Napoleon had never invaded Spain, he would have had to rely on his Spanish allies to defend France's South West border from the British and Portuguese. Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult commanded the French forces throughout much of the war in Spain. Privacy Policy. British troops, as well as French, looked at the Spanish with a wary eye. You'll find tales that are known and loved, like the legend of Robin Hood . Thus began the Peninsular War, an important phase of the Napoleonic Wars that was fought between France and much of Europe between 1792 and 1815. What if Napoleon just sent his troops across Spain to attack Portugal, hand the region to Spain to handle, and returned to France. The Spanish provided one guerrilla, meaning little war. As the British became involved in the fighting in Spain and Portugal, they picked up the word from locals and it entered the English language. French soldiers were mutilated, decapitated, and allegedly buried alive. Prior to the invasion of Spain, the morale of the French military was through the roof, and the momentum could have carried them through. He made what turned out to be a disastrous decision to invade Russia in 1812 but didn't prepare his troops for the harsh Russian winter and ended up losing 300 000 of the 500 000 soldiers in his force. Napoleon's invasion of Russia was his biggest and deadliest campaign, but it put an end to his army and reign. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by, Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900. Napoleon's military dominance didn't last in part because of his own hubris. But what if he didn't? Why did Napoleon lose the Napoleonic Wars? When the British arrived in Portugal, with the intention of pushing on from there to liberate Spain, he was not in charge. Press J to jump to the feed. The British have no way of landing an army in the Iberian Peninsula since Continue Reading 31 More answers below Robert Sacchi Napoleon did not "fail to invade", his invasion of Russia failed! Before France invaded Spain in October 1807, the two countries were allies. As a new coalition formed against him, Napoleon was forced to leave Spain and deal with the political and military consequences. Napoleon swiftly won the ensuing War of the Third Coalition with his finest victory, at. For more information, please see our After taking Madrid, the French decided to occupy the city. You should be interested by this timeline with the exact POD: The Aranjuez Crisis Of all the times we tried to make the Emperor listen, thank god it was at Bayonne he lent his ear to someone other himself - Talleyrand The two competing Spanish kings, father and son, came to Bayonne in a time of acute crisis and more than a little bashful. What if Napoleon dint invaded Spain ? The abolition of feudalism frees millions of peasants, people are granted rights & freedoms, science & art are flourishing and a new idea of a somewhat United Europe emerges. W. NE. The Spanish invasion of Portugal between 5 May and 24 November 1762 was a main military episode of the wider Seven Years' War in which Spain and France were heavily defeated by the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance with broad popular resistance. French defeated in Spain. In 1816, according to Ines Murat, Napoleon read of his brother Joseph's safe passage to America. Regular soldiers on both sides of the war came to see the guerrillas as savage and uncivilized. It looked as if they would win the campaign. Napoleon goes on to implement the Napoleonic code in most of western and Central Europe, implementing liberal & enlightenment ideas. His success was reflected in his ever increasing rank as he was made a Viscount in 1809, Earl in 1812, Marquess later that year, and Duke in 1814. Napoleon Bonaparte . Instead, Napoleon had planned to conquer Egypt, but kept his plans secret so that the British would not know where to intercept his fleet. The French advance would not have had the support of air power, airborne troops or mechanised forces, as was the prospect Britain faced in 1940. Nor was the sort of irregular fighting it led to, as soldiers and civilians alike attacked using ambushes, sabotage, and hit and run raids. Up to then, there had been no word for that sort of fighting. Spain still loses its colonies because the British sponsor Latin American independence efforts due to Spain remaining an ally of Napoleon. > [HE ROOTS OF JTHAD LINDSEY THE EVERLASTING HATRED THE EVERLASTING HATRED HAL LINDSEY = "av ND & m THE EVERLASTING HATRED Published by WND Books Washington, D.C . LAigle Triomphant: A Napoleonic Victory TL. A revolt by the Tyroleans in 1809 created an excuse for Austria to start fighting the French again. Napoleon responded at once. Joseph continues being King of Naples, which he actually wasn't bad at. Could be, but if Napoleon had never been busy in Spain, its continental foes would have acted quite differently. She became the subject of books, poems, and paintings, a symbol of resistance. The Peninsula Campaign was the war that made the career of Sir Arthur Wellesley, who by its end had been madethe Duke of Wellington. The Second French Intervention in Mexico ( Spanish: Segunda intervencin francesa en Mxico ), also known as the Second Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867), [13] was an invasion of Mexico, launched in late 1862 by the Second French Empire, which hoped to replace the Mexican Republic with a monarchy favorable to French interests. 1st, the Ottomans win at Sarikamish. h. and our This was supposed to be the Ottoman's wild card and result in revolution, from Pakistan to Algeria. However, Spain was not the reliable ally Napoleon wished for. The term guerrilla warfare came into the English language due to the French invasion of Spain. Here are 4 reasons why Bonaparte attacked the Russian Empire. He then brought in his brother, Joseph, as King of Spain. What Countries Did Napoleon Conquer? Resistance to military rule by armed civilians was by no means unprecedented. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. and our If Alexander strikes first, he probably wouldn't advance much further than the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, not without Austrian backing. In September 1805, Austria invaded Napoleon's ally Bavaria, and Russia declared war on France as well. These groups became convinced afrancesados, as members . A brutally cold battle in Russia during the French invasion. Only Wellesley came out of the investigation looking good, so he was given command of the British forces in the Iberian Peninsula in April 1809. Spain was not a staunch supporter of the system, and Portugal, on the far side of Spain from France, was one of Britains biggest markets in Europe. It later escalated into a violent guerrilla war that pinned down many French troops and resources in Spain. Conservatives and those with old world interest resisted. More importantly, the Iberian Peninsula stood in the way of Napoleons plans to defeat his greatest rival, Britain. Check out my latest video from the "Alternative History" playlist: "What if Napoleon Never Invaded Russia in 1812?", in which we look at the history of the N. No Napoleonic invasion of Spain requires at minimum different Bayonne decrees. . Answer: No, napoleon would never have been able to keep Europe, he was always on his toes and the other powers were stronghand into being into an alliance not because they wanted. A rebel government was founded in Spain to fight against French control. Napoleon invades Portugal with the help of Spain and quickly wins. Cookie Notice Napoleon turned on his ally, Spain, because of documents found in Berlin when Napoleon entered in November 1806 that demonstrated that Spain was prepared to turn . What if Napoleon didn't try to occupy Spain? This might not have turned out so well as Spanish armies weren't exactly the most competent of European forces in the Napoleonic Era. Follow me on Twitter: the Discord Server: a member on Patreon & get exclusive content! A series of revolts broke out, leading to the eventual liberation of the colonies years later. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Then the situation was transformed by events elsewhere in Europe. They had invaded Bavaria, where they intended to link up with the Russian army and attack France across the Rhine. and our Philip Haythornthwaite (2004), The Peninsular War: The Complete Companion to the Iberian Campaigns 1807-14. Hitler didn't give a hoot to Spain. He may have successfully taken enough of Russia to make the rest that retreated into a puppet state. What if he didn't make the other numerous mistakes. The desperate, irregular nature of the guerrilla war led to the use of terror tactics often adopted by and against freedom fighters and terrorists. The aftermath of the Spanish Civil War hit Spain hard; After June 1940, Hitler must have had sympathy for the Spanish; and could've have felt that a German invasion in 1940 would have triggered a continuation of grain shortages due to probable chaos of former Republican fighters not cooperating. Member List; Calendar; Forum; Miscellaneous; Off Topic; The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Napoleon had originally wanted to invade and conquer Britain but determined that his Navy was not strong enough to take on such a daunting task. It was the first of three invasions in only four years, as the French struggled to bring the Portuguese under control. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Spain still loses its colonies because the British sponsor Latin American independence efforts due to Spain remaining an ally of Napoleon. Joseph could count on the support of cautious, legalistic administrators and soldiers, those who believed resistance to French power impossible, and those who considered that Napoleon might "regenerate" Spain by modern reforms. We all know about Napoleon's failed invasion of Russia and the burning of moscow, but what if he decided not to invade them, but to expand Louisiana and Quebec. From then on he showed the skill with which the British would push the French back and defeat Napoleon at Waterloo. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ANNUAL By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. How much more prosperous is Latin America likely to be today? Once in control of Spain, Napoleon bullied both King Charles IV and his son Ferdinand into giving up their throne.

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