Including those factors would increase the cost and carbon footprint estimates, similar to the BF-BOF case above. Here we present a simple multiplier table if one is interested in the upstream methane emission effect of blue hydrogen production. flex-flow: row wrap; Preheating of H2 gas is found to be required for DRI injection in literature (see table 3) and therefore included. And for each ton of . U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 6 Midrex. Wherever CCS is viable, it appears to be most promising option given its substantial potential and relatively low cost (both on a $/ton-HM and $/ton-CO2 basis). According to the World Steel Association, every tonne of steel produced in 2018 emitted 1.81 tonnes of CO 2, equivalent to about 8% of global emissions, yet traditional renewable technologies are inadequate to mitigate their impacts. It has long been understood that CO2 could be captured from an existing or new steel plant and stored indefinitely underground [(IPCC, 2005)][ (IEA, 2016)]. The off-gas from the process consists of CO2 and H2O, which is the source of capture for CCS facility. improving manufacturing yields) and those downstream of the sector (e.g., Hasanbeigi, A., & Springer, C. (2019). . (2012). Steel is one of the most highly recycled materials in use today. The basic replacement model reveals that 311.5 kg of charcoal can be used to replace coal consumption at a maximum for an integrated BF-BOF production. Ancillary facilities such as power plants also produce large volume of CO2. Fundamentally, overt market-facing policies will be needed to avoid dislocations and speed decarbonization. Finding 7: Policy measures are required to achieve deep abatement and avoid dislocations. } Every ton of steel produced in 2018 emitted on average 1.85 tons of carbon dioxide, equating to about 8 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. opacity: 1; width: 100%; While modest decarbonization is possible by substituting todays electric power supplies with low-C electricity, it is not possible to completely electrify existing facilities. We examine technical options in terms of cost, viability, readiness, and ability to scale. Hydrogen Europe [(Hydrogen Europe, 2017)] also summarized projects adopting hydrogen for steel making (e.g., SALCOS project, HYBRIT projects), all focusing on DRI replacing BF to adopt more hydrogen injection potentials. BF-BOF based production is particularly stubborn. (2020). Case Study: Al Reyadah CCUS Project. For comparison, 73.9 million tons H2 served markets in 2018 (global refining consumed 38.2 million tons of H2; global ammonia production consumed 31.5 million tons) [(IEA H2, 2019)]. BioBoost Feedstock costs. Quader, A., Ahmed, S., Dawal, S. Z., & Nukman, Y. (2018). Emissions from scrap based EAF plants are mostly indirect the CO2 emissions are not produced by the steel plant, but by the electricity generators that supply electricity to the furnaces., IEA ETP. The effect of adding H2 to BF includes the optimum temperature, gas utilization rate, reaction rate, and etc. 1% per year). In contrast, the European Union receives 70% of its current bio-charcoal from Africa [(TFT Research, 2015)], which has heightened existing concerns about deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and eco-colonialism. } When including indirect emissions from the power sector and the combustion of steel off-gases (a further 1.1GtCO2/yr), the share of energy system CO2 emissions attributable to the iron and steel sector rises to 10%. EAF-scrap is secondary steelmaking (e.g., recycled steel making) and scrap steel supply sets practical limits to its scaling potential. All these options should be further analyzed, developed and tested, suggesting an innovation agenda for policy makers as well as a deployment agenda. Since Chinas electricity carbon intensity is higher (711 kg/MWh in 2013), electricity there contributes 20.9% of total CO2 emissions. min-height: unset; Track progress and improve data collection. As such, our analyses are representative and inclusive but not comprehensive. } max-width: 100%; In 1950 the world emitted 6 billion tonnes of CO2. The data in Table 2 is representative. display: block; Carbon dioxide emissions and climate change. background-size: cover; Direct Reduction: Transition from Natural Gas to Hydrogen? 93% of the producer results sit (normally distributed) in the range 0.30 to 0.70 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of stainless steel produced. jQuery(this).parent('.views-exposed-widget').addClass('clicked'); Blue H2 appears to add much less cost per unit HM production than green H2 in most markets and cases. Many of the worlds primary steel production facilities sit near viable CO2 storage sites (Figure 11). BF-BOF route employs a blast furnace (BF) to reduce the iron ore to molten iron and subsequently refined to steel in a basic oxygen furnace (BOF). European steelmakers are experimenting with the use of green hydrogen in steelmaking, but currently there are very few commercial systems. Blast Furnace - Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF-BOF): This is the dominant steel production route in the iron and steel industry, involving the reduction of iron ore to pig iron in the blast furnace. Finding 1: Multiple approaches exist today to decarbonize existing iron & steel production. Allanore, A., Yin, L., & Sadoway, D. (2013). Biomass replacement in DRI coal. Carbon footprint assumptions (selected within range of reference), Values (kg CO2-eq/kg-fuel or other specified), Electrolysis PEM renewable energy, represented by wind**, Grid electrolysis with PEM, 0.51 ton/MWh**, Coal and coke - Mixed (industrial sector)***, 1.46 [(Campbell et al., 2018)][ (Puettmann, 2016)], Equivalent to 40% wood to biochar mass conversion rate [(Campbell et al., 2018)] and 0.65 kg CO2-eq/kg-feedstock absorbed [(Puettmann, 2016)] CO2 credit 1.63 kg CO2-eq/kg 1.46 kg CO2-eq/kg LCA, Wood chip pelletizer, 6.0 MJ/kg water removed, 45.8 km2/yr land use for 60,000 t. (medium estimation). Hot iron is then charged to BOF to make steel HM (BOF steel making). 2 emissions and to subtract the amount of these emissions under Climate Leaders. } Blue H2 and green H2 different by roughly a hundred $/ton-DRI in production cost (HM) but by 1000 $/ton-CO2 in marginal CO2 abatement cost. For those nations where steel production plays an important economic role, a richer innovation agenda is warranted. Table 4., IEA. Policy portfolios will be diverse, but the following recommendations serve as a starting point for those seeking to effect change and accelerate the transition: The projection horizon of this technology roadmap extends to 2050, but governments and decision makers should have 2030 firmly in mind as the critical window to accelerate the transition. (2011). The direct CO2 intensity of crude steel production has decreased slightly in the past few years, but efforts need to be accelerated to get on track with the pathway in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario. To ensure that the deployment of near zero steel production technology is not delayed, policy makers must begin planning and developing infrastructure, including building social acceptance, fostering new interregional and international collaboration, reducing planning times and ensuring affordable access to this infrastructure. (n.d.). z-index: 1; World production increased from 19 million tons to over 50 millions of tons over the same time period. Metal oxide electrolysis. *[ (Midrex, 2019)], from 2018 data, the conversion rate of DRI to crude steel is assumed 90%. } } box-sizing: border-box; However, since most such plants are in Iran, it is unlikely that many existing gas-DRI plants will follow the Al Reyadah example (lack of political interest). It is typically made using Blast Furnace - Basic Oxygen Furnace ('BF-BOF') with coal to generate high temperature heat and extract iron from iron ore before converting it to steel. } On a systems level, the challenge is multiplied by the additional power requirements necessary to run the substitute plants. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5(1), Pages 49-60. Currently, regulatory hurdles and particularly financial challenges remain to develop and deploy these technologies at scale., Hydrogen Europe. The lifetime of stainless steels in-service beyond 110 years are not yet known as the industry is currently 108 years old. The prices of the used natural gas 0.1223 $/Nm3 and H2 prices from table 3. .view-distinguished-visiting-fellows .view-content .views-row img You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any IEA newsletter. CO2 Capture in the Steel Industry Review of the Current State of Art. All steps matter: harvesting from woody biomass sources (LUC), biomass processing emission control (LCA), and charcoal production method. margin-right: 60px; Pal, P., Gupta, H., & Kapur, D. (2016). (2019). The Al Reyadah project in Abu Dhabi, UAE, is the sole example of CCS applied to an existing steel mill. visibility: visible; Policy measures will be required to provide financial incentives for decarbonization and to avoid unwelcome outcomes such as emissions leakage or job loss. On average, every metric ton of steel produced led to 1.85 metric tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere in 2020. } Finding 4: Existing BF-BOF facilities are inherently challenging to decarbonize. (2020). October 15, 2012 by Jessica Lyons Hardcastle At 1.8 tons of CO2 produced per ton of crude steel cast, the global steel industry's greenhouse gas emissions haven't changed since 2007, according to Worldsteel's 2012 Sustainability Indicators. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2018., engineeringtoolbox. Gas-based DRI has an additional CCS-related decarbonization path using blue hydrogen, in which the CO2 capture occurs prior to use in the DRI reactor. Data and Statistics, CO2 emissions by sector. However, the estimated global storage capacity is between 10-20 trillion tons, suggesting ample capacity for CO2 emissions from steel production. (2018). opacity: 1; Https:// Biofuels for Steelmaking. From the perspective of cost per ton CO2 abatement (figure 15), ideal biomass, CCS, and zero-carbon electricity can deliver relatively low-cost emissions reduction (<$200/ton-CO2), with CCS retrofits appearing to have both low cost profile and substantial potential. Tobias Lechtenbohmer, IEA (2022), Iron and Steel, IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0. [(Gernaat et al., 2017)] have estimated the new low-cost hydropower potential to be 5,670 TWh/yr, mostly in South America, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region. Hydrogen production can be green (electrolysis) and complement electrification policy developmet, provided adequate zero-carbon power supplies, most likely through addition of generation. #block-views-exp-resource-library2-page .advanced-filters .views-widget { Increasing H2 fraction in reducing gas for DRI production is simpler than replacing pulverized coal with H2 in a BF. For less pure sources (such as emissions from cement and steel-making facilities or coal and natural-gas power plants), the costs get steeper, ranging from $60 to more than $150 a ton. Tiffany Vass #views-exposed-form-resource-library2-page #edit-combine-wrapper { margin-bottom: 6em; The future of hydrogen. But even that is not a perfect solution . In contrast to the minor annual improvements in the last decade, the CO2 intensity in the Net Zero Scenario falls by around 3% annually on average between 2020 and 2030. Growth in emissions was still relatively slow until the mid-20th century. padding: 0; Currently, the difficulty and high cost of decarbonizing BF-BOF production suggests this pathway has locked-in emission, i.e., emission will persist for decades without attempts to mitigate it. Stainless Steels and CO2: Industry Emissions and Related Data. Stainless steel and Aluminium emissions do not increase as their passive films prevent the need for regular maintenance. Different geographies, economies, and infrastructure will determine the cost and viability of these applications. While the ability to change existing plants is limited (e.g., most gas-based DRI plants are in Iran), some systems worldwide may prove amenable to retrofit and modification, and ultimately replacement. { #views-exposed-form-resource-library2-page #edit-body-value-wrapper { Charcoal, carbon emissions, and international conventions/protocols. Conference: SCANMET V 5th International Conference on Process Development in Iron and Steelmaking. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 27, Pages 23-39. margin-bottom: 3em; The cement industry is one of the two largest producers of carbon dioxide (CO 2), creating up to 5% of worldwide man-made emissions of this gas, of which 50% is from the chemical process and 40% from burning fuel. Nature Energy, 2, 821828. border-radius: 0; Extreme high H2 penetration in BF-route based steelmaking equipment will be very challenging. border: none; Green procurement, including authorization to purchase low-carbon steel made by domestic industry at elevated prices. The current scrap-based producer average is 0.39 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of stainless steel produced. } For example, while EAF using steel scrap remains 24% of global production today, increasing DRI-EAF fraction for primary steelmaking has dual effect in decarbonization: the process is intrinsically more energy efficient that reduces the carbon emission, and it also allows higher electricity fraction in the total energy consumption profile, allowing bigger role for zero-carbon electricity in decarbonization. padding-top: 60px; On July 14, 2021, the European Commission released a package of regulatory proposals as part of its "Fit for 55" initiative that aims to achieve the European Green Deal target of 55 percent net reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. We compare the potential, production cost, and supply requirement among these decarbonization options using the current integrated BF-BOF route as a baseline. #views-exposed-form-resource-library2-page #edit-body-value-wrapper .views-widget { CO2 emissions per capita worldwide are equivalent to 4.79 tons per person (based on a world population of 7,464,022,049 in . Journal of Cleaner Production, 85, Pages 151-163. Painful outcomes such as loss of market share or critical manufacturing, carbon leakage, and job loss are likely with ill-planned or implemented climate policies. Given the urgency of climate action, todays available options should be deployed as soon as practical, and the most promising options for decarbonizing steel production are H2, biomass, zero-carbon electricity, and CCS retrofit. DRI is a proven technology to use H2-rich gas for steel making from iron ore, producing over a 100 million tons of iron and ultimately over 90 million tons of steel in 2018. For each ton of steel produced, 2 tons of carbon is emitted. The above summaries cover the overwhelming majority of world steel production (>99%). Innovative technologies for primary steel production not currently available on the market today need to be developed at commercial scale and begin deployment before 2030. (2018). Since the emissions reduction potential of energy efficiency improvements and fuel shifting using conventional process technology is limited, innovation in the current decade will be crucial to commercialise new near zero-emission steel production processes including those that integrate carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) and hydrogen to achieve deeper cuts in emissions. Similarly, the DRI carbon footprint will vary if syngas is produced from coal-based process or gas-based process [(Midrex, 2019) and Table 2]. Steel production typically happens in two steps: First, iron ore is turned into iron, e.g. jQuery(this).parent('.views-exposed-widget').removeClass('clicked'); Minerals Engineering, 20(9), 854861. The data comprises CO2 tons emitted per ton of material produced (Scope 1 + Scope 2 + Scope 3) plus any CO2 emissions associated with regular maintenance needs. Our Faster Innovation Case explores the technology implications of bringing forward to 2050 the date at which net-zero emissions for the energy system is reached. While a smooth transition to larger shares of scrap-based production is possible as economies start to mature and scrap availability increases (e.g. This page in: English; . ISIJ International, 50(1), 8188. Using 2018 global steelmaking statistics and baseline electricity carbon intensity (460 kg/MWh), electricity represents 13.3% of the total steelmaking CO2 emissions. With a $30/ton-CO2 carbon price, MOE could be cost competitive with $35/MWh electricity [(Boston Metal, 2020)]. Among heavy industries, the iron and steel sector ranks first when it comes to CO2 emissions, and second when it comes energy consumption. In the Sustainable Development Scenario innovative CCUS-equipped blast furnace concepts are retrofitted to efficient new blast furnaces that are installed during a period in which few low-carbon alternatives are available. A core challenge in the energy transition and deep decarbonization is the growing demand for primary energy services. Primary aluminum, ferroalloy, iron and steel, lead, magnesium, and zinc production facilities report GHG emissions from metal smelting, refining, and/or casting activities, as well as from stationary fuel combustion sources. Coal is used to generate heat and to make coke, which is instrumental in the chemical reactions necessary to produce steel from iron ore. Friedmann, J., Fan, Z., Ochu, E., Sheerazi, H., Byrum, Z., & Bhardwaj, A. } The current DRI-EAF route using natural gas has only 62% the carbon footprint as a traditional integrated BF-BOF route [(European commission, 2018)]. A. Biomass feedstocks for hydrogen production can result in very different hydrogen LCA. float: left; Separation of CO2 from the exhaust gas mixture can significantly increase the capture rate of the carbon capture facility and reduce cost per ton CO2 avoided. float: left; Suopajrvi, H., Pongrcz, E., & Fabritius, T. (2013). color: #494949; } European Steel: The Wind of Change, Brussels Seminar. The IEA reports that total emissions from the iron and steel sector were 3.7GtCO2 in 2019, including 2.6GtCO2 released directly at steel plants and another 1.1GtCO2 released indirectly, for example at power plants supplying electricity for steelmaking. 522 (gas-based) [(Holling and Gellert, 2018)][ (Dey et al., 2015)], 313 (gas-based DRI) [(Hasanbeigi et al., 2011)], 1857* (Electricity emission: 246 kgCO2/ton-HM, 13.3%), References: [(Orth et al., 2007)] [(Hasanbeigi et al., 2011)] [(EIA, 2019)] [(EPA, 2012)][ (Holling and Gellert, 2018)][(Dey et al., 2015)][ (Barati, 2010)]. margin-right: 60px; It also has a better deep decarbonization potential, as the reduction gas is easily replaced with higher H2 mixtures or even full hydrogen [(Midrex H2, 2020)] while BF-BOF faces greater difficulty in higher H2 use due to facility retrofit barriers (see Hydrogen in BF and DRI below). Similarly, transmission infrastructure build-out for steel could be very large, and my provide less value to nations than alternative uses for low-carbon power (e.g., for electric vehicles). In most facilities, elextricity is almost entirely provided by fossil fuels, which provide the necessary high capacity factors (one noteworthy exception is Sweden, where steel plants have access to grid power with high fractions of both hydropower and nuclear). (2016). Table A.4. Emissions from scrap based EAF plants are mostly indirect -the CO2 emissions are not produced by the steel plant, but by the electricity generators that supply electricity to the furnaces. Steel is deeply engrained in our society. Improvements in operational efficiency, including enhanced process control and predictive maintenance strategies, together with the implementation of best available technologies contribute around 20% of cumulative emissions savings in the Sustainable Development Scenario. This raises electricity demand by 720terawatt hours by 2050, equivalent to 60% of the sectors total electricity consumption today. border-right: 3px solid #FFFFFF; 80% of the producer results sit (normally distributed) in the range 0.20 to 0.60 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of stainless steel produced. Influence of direct reduced iron on the energy balance of the electric arc furnace in steel industry. If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest carbon dioxide emitter in the world with up to 2.8bn tonnes . Substituting with fly ash or steel slag - by-products of coal power and steel making plants - could potentially reduce clinker content to 50%. background-color: transparent; (2012). } Furthermore, the country has vast renewable resources and long-held experience in DRI production. color: #97D8F9; Numerical Study of biomass use in a steel plant. Substantial cuts in CO2 emissions are essential to get on track with the Net Zero Scenario. Material Other Waste Waste ton 50%14.67 Material Plastic Fibre GRP kg 8.10 . In addition, the recycling system for stainless steel is very efficient and requires no subsidies. Table A.2. According to the World Steel Association, average greenhouse gas emissions per tonne of worldwide crude steel output stand at ~1.8 t/t [see worldsteel indicators report]. #block-views-event-search2-block .views-row, #block-views-event-search2-block-1 .views-row { The only theoretical possible way to achieve carbon negative steel production involves replacing BF-BOF production with DRI-based primary steel pathway, using ideal biomass as a fuel, and adding both CCS retrofit with reliable zero-carbon electricity. #content-bottom #block-views-podcast-search2-block .views-submit-button { The rapid deployment of facilities utilising CCUS and low-carbon hydrogen in the Sustainable Development Scenario will not materialise without continued efforts to spur these technologies through the innovation pipeline. worldstainless has issued a report to clarify what emissions exist and where they originate from. [(Vogl et al., 2018)] shows how renewable power is used to produce hydrogen and the preheat step to reduce DRI-related CO2 emission, theoretically reducing emissions to only 2.8% of BF. In the proposed process, the near 100% oxygen blast replaces traditional hot blast, which produces top-gas enriched in CO2 for more efficient capture. Bio-coke [(Seo et al., 2020)] used directly to replace coke in BF must have properties similar to conventional coal [(Suopajrvi et al., 2013)]; Supply chain quality: Biomass resources are unevenly distributed, and the global supply chains are not mature and often not well governed. Industry CCS Workshop. Climate change mitigation policies. Torrefaction (figure 7) is heating biomass to 250-300 C in absence of oxygen, which enhances biomass properties (e.g., energy density and strength) and makes torrified wood, or bio-coal [(Ribeiro et al., 2018)][ (Mayhead et al., n.d.)] with properties similar to fossil coal and can replace coking coal. Mission Possible: Reaching net-zero carbon emissions from harder-to-abate sectors. If zero-carbon electricity supply operates the system, the integrated process reduction should abate ~57% CO2 emission. Al Reyadah Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage (CCUS) Project. Either a combined technology sets or replacement DRI based primary steel production would be needed to increase its decarbonization potential. To date, there has been no example of retrofitting and existing BOF-BF plant for CCUS., Natural resources Canada. Thermochimica Acta, 648, Pages 79-90.

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