Accept that life is providing you with the exact circumstances required for your growth and development. That the Universe is your co-conspirator on this journey and is helping you create the life you desire and deserve. Cosmic tip: Allow your feelings to resurface. As a result, we tend to get fiercely protective. A sign of evolution. Learn a new dance form. Cosmic tip: Its time to make radical changes. So, accept your circumstances as they are today. Accept each experience for what it is. Visualising what your life will look like just a few months from now will give you the strength to pick up the pieces and move in the direction of growth. distractions, Libra. In addition, you will take everything more personally than ever before, which will just . You know what you deserve, and you shouldnt have to settle for anything less. you deliberately sweeping things under the rug because the idea of standing up for yourself But, that doesnt mean we should carry the story of pain and rejection into the future with us. In the process of creation/manifestation, were often made to look at polar opposites. Are Your higher self is holding space for the next level of your evolution. Cosmic tip: This decision is yours to make. Relationships will feel more intense but in a good way. You're getting your eight hours of sleep, eating your greens, attending yoga class regularly, spending time in nature and learning how to practise stillness despite the fluctuations of your monkey mind. Take more chances than you usually do and allow people to surprise you. Are you ready to answer the call? But, life is as messy as it is beautiful, and there are some answers we will never have as much as we try. The energy of June may seem uncomfortable at first. Allow the divine plan to unfold nonetheless. Choose wisely whom to spend your time with right now, giving loyalty and respect only to those who return the gesture. Letting go of your people-pleasing ways will help you build your relationship on the solid foundation of mutual respect and trust. Were talking about fellow unicorns who fill your chalice and remind you of the magic that lives in your bones. The first is to blame the other(s) for what went wrong and how our behaviour is a result of past trauma. The rulebook you once swore by could suddenly seem redundant, and thats okay. Scorpio Horoscope Today: June 17, 2022 Your head is a crowded place, Scorpio. Cosmic tip: Balance and reciprocity are your magic words. So, continue to hold the vision you have for the future and trust that your physical reality will catch up with it in divine time. up for a pottery workshop. What you havent been paying To cultivate stillness and engage with life in a mindful manner. Become aware of all the ways in which you are sabotaging your growth, Sagittarius. And then, there's the voice of fear that's nudging you to take a step backward by repeating the story of failure. This month, youre moving closer to that big breakthrough moment, one that will redefine the course of your career. Instead of betraying yourself, accept that you have needs and ask for these needs to be met. You tend to believe in the inherent goodness of people. Scorpio, youre being asked to contemplate on the following question: am I spending as much time within as I am without? will find the answers your soul is seeking right now. At the same time, what are the spaces in which you feel depleted? Dont reject the pain, the tears, the heartache. They will resist your revolutionary ideas. You are blessed with the power to transmute what no longer serves you. Cosmic tip: Turn your gaze inwards, beautiful. Some of you could also be transitioning to a work-from-home set-up or starting/refurbishing your own studio. This is a time of growth, Virgo. The people who you have attracted into your energy field. Single Virgos are being reminded of the power of saying yes more than they say no. version of myself. Do you have the tendency to take on more than you are prepared to handle? Honour this as a time of confronting the shadows. Instead of walking the path of denial, have a conversation with the other. Were constantly trying to repeat experiences that worked for us. you want and you leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of it. So, reaffirm your power and potential as you take that leap of faith in the direction of your true calling. Allow the divine plan to unfold nonetheless. It is a time of growth and a time of progression. Lessons that we need to master in this lifetime in order to transcend to a higher level of In other words, the choices we make determine what we create in the physical. Aug 27, 2022 - Things might feel a little personal right now, and that's okay so long as you know this transit is normal and the Universe is encouraging you to take some time away from the wild rush of everything to focus on you and your foundations. So, give them the time they need to get back on their feet as you direct your energy towards yourself. The cards are asking you to pause, breathe and regroup. There are two ways to go about this. Have you been There's a voice that's telling you to take chances, to believe in the impossible, and trust that it will all work out. Youve been adulting hard, Taurus. Virgo, youre reexamining your relationship with your body. Leo Horoscope Today: June 22, 2022 As we grow, our beliefs shapeshift with us. Could it be that you are so dependable that people around you are beginning to take you for granted? June will support Leo in the affected behaviour. A time of aligning with your true path and purpose. 22 June - 22 July You will be building greater self confidence this week, Cancer, with the solar eclipse in Scorpio. The act of showing up as your most authentic self will help draw in your tribe. For some of you, this could lead to a relocation of some sort. Given the cosmic weather, it will be easy to assume things. How the other person will react in any given situation is not something you have control over. The collective message this month is releasing the constant tension between things as they are and how we want them to be. Power crystal: The soothing moonstone will help you keep your carm through the many changes. (Today - June 20, 2022) Your fun-loving nature and keen sense of humor attract others to you. sensorial experiences. Heres the thing, though: life doesnt always give us what we want. Trust that you are prepared for the changes that lie ahead nonetheless. Let go of what no longer serves you with loving awareness. Weve all been there, Geminibrokenhearted as we watch our dreams being shattered before our own eyes. Mercurys backward dance compelled you to slow down and assess your career graph. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons. You just have to On one hand, you are completing a significant cycle and are preparing to receive the sweet fruits of your labour. That our efforts will not yield results, no matter how much we put in. learn to trust the divine plan, Pisces. So, honour the journey instead of being hung up on the idea of immediate results. What will propel us in the direction of growth. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult. Allow yourself to make room for a connection that will feel like nothing less than quantum physics. other hand, continue to befuddle you. They will sabotage your growth by making you question your own vision. Just a reminder: you are where you are Its all a matter of time. Do you feel exhausted as a result of being in the presence? Aries June 2022 Horoscope The world is your oyster, Aries. The more you operate from a space of defencelessness, the easier it will be for you to find solutions that are supportive of your growth. Start your day with guided meditation. Life is too short to waste on a job you despise, a relationship that makes you miserable or a Feeling very optimistic, you will be keen to experience all you can. It simply is. What are the colours that you would like to use boldly and generously, dear Pisces? Accept that there are certain answers you will never have. Remember, there is no right or wrong way. But just when you think you have transcended your demons, they could make an unexpected appearance. So, hold space for everything that is resurfacing at this moment. Should you take your ex for their word and give this connection another shot or hit the refresh button? If not, readjust the scales wherever necessary. The So. inspiring those around you to make better choices as well. So, focus on tying the loose ends so you can start over in every sense of the word. Focus on looking forward rather than slipping into nostalgia mode. Today, youre showing up with that big goals energy, Cancer. So, reaffirm your power and potential as you take a leap of faith into the unknown. But, now is *not* such a time in your life, Scorpio. Find the courage to walk the path less trodden and trust life to teach you everything you need to know. Life hasnt always been kind towards you. Pisces: Your love life could be in for quite the plot twist this month! Power crystal: The wisdom of aquamarine to speak your truth and receive divine insights. See what the stars have in store for your sign. Cosmic tip: Pause, breathe and observe the patterns you are repeating on loop. Power crystal: Pink chalcedony will help you find joy in small things and encourage a sense of belonging within you. You are being by something higher than yourself and this force If you answered this in the negative, make a conscious effort to Then, the very next day, on Saturday, June 4, Saturn, the task maker of the zodiac, goes . Youve been spending way too much time in the rabbit hole, Aquarius. Leo june Horoscope 2022. Creative exploration is also going to be a big theme for you during the course of Gemini season. Life hasnt always been kind towards you. Take this as an affirmation that you are on the right track and that you will succeed in all of your ventures. We feel the urge to wrap them up in a song of your soul. Think exchanging rings in the presence of your tribe members. This stage of your healing is about turning your gaze inwards. Recognising their role as a catalyst for growth rather than the villain in our stories. As a heart-centred being, youre looking for meaningful connections. Your inner guide is speaking to you with clarity this month. Gemini, the last stretch of the marathon tends to be the hardest. It may not be in the template that you imagine. If we decided to retreat back into the burrow every time we bruised ourselves a little, we would never get anywhere, Leo. Pisces 2022 Horoscope Decan 2 Decan 3 Pisces October 2022 Horoscope All year - Pluto sextile your decan brings opportunities to increase your power and ability to reform your life for the better. Were constantly trying to repeat experiences that worked for us. Were all allowed to make a few mistakes. What will propel us in the direction of growth. What the cards are reminding you is that sometimes saying yes to yourself will require you to say no to other people, and thats okay. Instead of going to war (which you will be tempted to), rely on your inner strength. Listen to your higher self. But, youve come *this* far, Gemini. Their willingness (or unwillingness) to show up for you will help you understand whether or not you should invest in this connection. What if we said that life has no in-built meaning? Taurus. Those impulses that seem to be coming out of nowhere in particular are leading you in the direction of growth. You've been sitting down with the so-called dark parts and releasing with awareness that which no longer serves you. Virgo Horoscope Today: June 4, 2022 Life is too short to waste on a job you despise, a relationship that makes you miserable or a hairstyle that does no justice to the superstar within. Remembering what awaits you on the other side is far more precious than what you are leaving behind will propel you in the direction of growth. Trust that you will have a better understanding of each others boundaries with the passage of time. Operating from a June 23, 2022 at 3:22 a.m. What you dont realise is that youre too distracted to give anything your undivided attention. You dont have to adhere to a certain script simply because its been handed down to you. You know who you are, Pisces. You just have to learn to trust that everything is taking The first is to blame the other(s) for what went wrong and how our behaviour is a result of past trauma. You are not your insecurities either. Dont reject the pain, the tears, the heartache. You know what Dont expect things to transform overnight as you begin this journey, though. Cosmic tip: Honour this as a time to plant the seeds of the new. Given that we have just made our way out of the eclipse portal, we may have to deal with uncomfortable patterns from the past one last time. The energy of June may seem uncomfortable at first.

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