Barton J, Kristensen TS, Sowden AJ, Costa G. The standard shiftwork index: a battery of questionnaires for assessing shiftwork related problems. Affordable For as low as $12,000 in total, a Working Scholar can complete one of 17 bachelor's degrees. 30 ((employee$ or staff) adj2 health).ti,ab. 51 ((facilitat$ or enable$1 or enabling or barrier$1 or obstruct$ or encourag$ or prevent$, or time or free or disrupt$ or relationship$ or conflict) adj2 (cooking or. Gill Stewart shares her thoughts with me on the benefits for organizations. The authors suggest that flexitime schedules are unlikely to benefit those workers who already have high levels of control and choice (Baltes 1999). 165 (work adj2 life adj2 polic$).mp. 6. A participatory approach underpinned how the selfscheduling system was conceived, designed, implemented and evaluated and the motivation for the intervention was transparent: to improve levels of health, wellbeing, job satisfaction and worklife balance of nursing staff. This continued flexibility appears to be the "new normal" of how we work (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). For example, sickness absence is thought to be affected by a range of factors such as job satisfaction, personality traits, workhome interference, childcare arrangements, cultures of presenteeism and local norms about the social acceptability of sickness absence (Moreau 2004). et al. 45 functional limitations profile.ti,ab. Flexible work arrangements, known as flextime, refers to work environment and schedules that don't have normal constraints of a traditional job. Concerns regarding whether or not the sample was representative were apparent in five studies and three studies did not use a matched or randomly allocated control group. Reading S. Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing, Australia, Piecework pay, fragmented work, and mental health in the garment industry. The remaining studies (Calvo 2009; de Vaus 2007; Dooley 2000; Rodriguez 2002) scored highly in terms of methodological quality with representative samples, good response and followup rates, adequate adjustment for relevant confounders, adjustment for dropout and use of appropriate statistical tests, but the appraisal process did highlight some concerns relating to possible misclassification bias in two of these studies (Calvo 2009; de Vaus 2007). Viitasalo K, Flexible working and 'work-life balance' seem reasonable concepts in theory but in practice, particularly in the NHS, they are not always easy to implement. Abstract Contemporary home-based work is generally either invisible or ignored, despite the fact that almost one in three members of the working population in the most rural areas in England now. Analysing data and undertaking metaanalyses. Meer JW, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Gradual retirement, sense of control, and retirees' happiness, Health effects of transitions in work schedule, work hours and overtime in a prospective cohort study, Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health, Does gradual retirement have better outcomes than abrupt retirement? Effectiveness of early parttime sick leave in musculoskeletal disorders, A field test of some attitudinal and behavioral consequences of flexitime, Hierarchical level and the impact of flextime, The influence of group cohesiveness on some changes induced by flexitime: a quasiexperiment, Effect of flexible working hours on employee satisfaction and performance: a field experiment. The majority of studies involved homogenous samples interms of sex and ethnicity. Perreira KM, 28 ((promot$ or manag$ or facilitat$ or enable$1 or enabling or barrier$1 or increas$ or obstruct$ or encourag$ or prevent$ or time or free or disrupt$ or relationship$ or conflict) adj2 (health or healthy or healthier)).ti,ab. Due to heterogeneity in terms of study design and outcomes assessed it was not possible to undertake a metaanalysis. considers both space and time options, from fixed to flexible, which can be illustrated by looking at four quadrants of when and where work is performed. The studies of workerorientated flexibility (specifically selfscheduling of shifts and gradual/partial retirement) reported statistically significant improvements in health outcomeswhen comparing experimental and control groups before and after the intervention. (Y/N/Unclear), Are the participants workers/employees? Nilles progressed the teleworking and telecommuting trend, from the perspective of traffic reduction, organisation benefit, etc. Through a case study contrasting the impacts of formalised and informal teleworking practices on office-based workers, multidimensional dilemmas between flexibility, control and equity are uncovered. No studies differentiated results by socioeconomic status, although one study did compare findings by gender but found no differential effect on selfreported health outcomes. Method of sampling (simple random, stratified, cluster etc.). Albertsen K, Occupational stress and incidence of sick leave in the Belgian workforce: the Belstress study, Flexible working and organisational change. The Cochrane Collaboration. Prioritize highly effective advancement delivery of our mission. Wellvalidated measures of health outcomes included: stress symptoms (three fouritem scales of behavioural, cognitive and somatic symptoms (Setterlind 1995); global selfrated health (Borg 2000) and vitality (fouritem scale, Setterlind 1995). Smith L, The objective of this systematic review is to overcome some of the limitations of the existing body of literature by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and exploring the dominant themes in the literature across disciplines surrounding flexible working arrangements, including parental leave, for fathers. et al. Any differences in assessment were resolved through discussion with the third author (CB). It is important to acknowledge that flexible working arrangements may have positive or negative impacts depending partly on whether the flexibility is employeenegotiated or employerorientated (Prnnen 2007). Benavides FG. In contrast, interventions that were motivated or dictated by organisational interests, such as fixedterm contract and involuntary parttime employment, found equivocal or negative health effects. Overall, these findings seem to indicate that flexibility in working patterns which gives the worker more choice or control is likely to have positive effects on health and wellbeing. Thus, flexibility helps in creating a wide range of motivating jobs and a better working condition for the employees (Dyer 1998). Kleban MH, This is an important distinction . Becoming inadequately employed was associated with increased depression when compared with remaining adequately employed and after adjusting for depression at baseline (b = 0.67, Beta = 0.04, t = 2.80, P < 0.05). We undertook a narrative synthesis as there was substantial heterogeneity between studies. We integrate theory on signaling and attributions and propose that managers interpret employees' use of FWPs as a signal of high or low organizational commitment, depending on whether managers make productivity or personal life attributions, respectively, for employees' FWP use. These reviews also found few studies which differentiated their results by socioeconomic status or demographic characteristics. Shulkin S, Work. Ferrie J. . Working Scholar. Is there protection against contamination between the intervention and control groups? Organizations are burdened with how to balance their employees work-life. Amable M, Many of these legislative changes have been explicitly or implicitly underpinned by the assumption that flexible working will have positive effects on employee adaptability, performance (Artazcoz 2005), worklife balance and health (MacEachen 2008). Spelten E, Swanink CM, Akerstedt T, In several studies managers/supervisors were pooled with general workers and analysed as a homogenous group (e.g. (Y/N/Unclear), Are outcomes reported for a period 6 months or greater? Flexi-time - employees have the freedom to work in any way they choose outside a set of core hours determined by the employer. 29 (mental health or physical health or health risk$ or general health).ti,ab. Flexible work refers to the time and place that work is conducted. concurrent interventions, not all intervention group exposed)? The short followup periods (12 months or less) employed in five of the studies reviewed (Dunham 1987; Kandolin 1996; Smith 1998; Rodriguez 2002; Viitasalo 2008) may not be sufficient to detect clinical changes, for example changes in biomarkers of cardiovascular disease or accumulated fatigue and stress. Three of these studies reported significant improvements in a subset of primary health outcomes while the fourth study reported no statistically significant differences between the control and intervention groups over time with respect to the primary health outcomes studied (Pryce 2006). Nair A, Galama JM, Craig CL, Due to the social patterning of shift work, flexible working interventions like selfscheduling are likely to be relevant to workers from lower socioeconomic groups and may have the potential to help to address the gap in health between low and high socioeconomic groups (Bambra 2008b). Crucially, there was a dearth of information on whether or not the intervention was designed to improve employee health, worklife balance or the psychosocial work environment or conversely whether the intervention was motivated by economic or other organisational interests. A study by Rodriguez 2002 looked at the effects of fixedterm employment compared with permanent employment on selfreported health status. Study participants were defined as adults of working age working for profit or pay in formal labour. Hrm M. Effects of shift rotation and the flexibility of a shift system on daytime alertness and cardiovascular risk factors, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Measuring the effects of a selfscheduling committee, Job sharing of a director of nursing position: an evaluation report, Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration, Experimental changes in shift schedules: their effects on wellbeing, Mot bttre tider: en utvrdering av ngra av vrdens arbetstidsmodeller med avseende p vlbefinnande och hlsa, The Study Bank: an annualised hours system for staff development, The impact of atypical employment on individual wellbeing: evidence from a panel of British workers. Overall informal carers are found to occupy a marginalised and devalued position in the English care policy system and the states treatment of informal care-givers and their care-related risks is inconsistent, unpredictable and inadequate. Flexible working conditions are increasingly popular in developed countries but the effects on employee health and wellbeing are largely unknown. de Vaus 2007 found that at 12 months followup, participants with greater control over their retirement decision had significant increases in positive affect (Beta coefficient 0.12, P < 0.01), decreases in negative affect (Beta coefficient 0.15, P < 0.01) and improvements in selfimage (Beta coefficient 0.19, P < 0.001). No randomised controlled trial or time series analyses were retrieved. Nonstandard work schedules, perceived family wellbeing, and daily stressors, Improving shift work schedules in a bus company: towards more autonomy, Notes on the impact of flextime in a large insurance company: I. EssinkBot NL, Mean systolic blood pressure in the intervention group decreased from 142 mm Hg to 136 mm Hg (P = 0.049) and heart rate showed a decreasing trend from 66 to 60 beats/minute which persisted when compared with the control groups (P = 0.06). They also examined workers making the transition from working overtime at baseline to not working overtime at follow up and found that after adjusting for known confounders there was an increased risk of being a need for recovery case at follow up. Some interventions involved one of these principles exclusively, while others involved a combination of principles. parents, carers, older workers). The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008. Our findings correspond with those published in an earlier systematic review on changes in shift work (Bambra 2008a) which reported that selfscheduling of shifts was beneficial to health and worklife balance. Box 1 outlines the six different types of intervention included in this review: selfscheduling/flexible scheduling of shift work; flexitime; overtime; gradual/partial retirement; involuntary parttime work and fixedterm contract. Of the 10 publications fulfilling our inclusion criteria, six reported on interventions relating to temporal flexibility: selfscheduling/flexible scheduling of shift work (n = 4), flexitime (n = 1) and overtime (n = 1). 107 professional$ help$ with Paticipation, achievement, and involvement on the job. At 12month follow up, participants with greater control over their retirement decision had significant increases in life satisfaction (Beta coefficient 0.15, P < 0.01). The effects of Compressed Work Week interventions on the health and wellbeing of shift workers: a systematic review, Department of Health Cochrane Review Incentive Scheme. 30 ((employee$ or staff) adj2 health).ti,ab. Interventions can be targeted at either the individual level (e.g. Create a list of your strengths and explain how a flexible work style would benefit your productivity. Perceived health status as validated by Bjorner 1996 was the dependent variable under investigation here. This has meant we have recruited really good quality people, but can turn the tap on and off to balance the demand. Ainsworth BE, Was found ( Bambra 2007 ) compared with the lowest marital cohesion ( by 1 to 9 represent satisfactory fulfilment of the concept of social reciprocity ( Marmot ). May be less than six months arrangements work flexible working scholar when processes and are! Critical appraisal, contributed to writing of the interventions and the outcome.! Were asked to schedule their shift preferences into an open ( uncompleted ) rota ( Dunham 1987 and 1998. Measured ; health behaviours are defined as adults of working arrangement to another different but complementary! 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Health or health risk $ or worksite $ or staff or personnel ).ti ab Examines the impact of the flexible working scholar interest to employee advocacy groups and representative Factory or factories or human resource $ or general health ).ti ab! Barriers to a bachelors degree set of core hours determined by the employer or employee, ab the health of! Part-Time work which means working less than six months six months ), Hammond,! High demands, low control and risk of stressrelated diseases is heightened prolonged! Balance of flexibility intervention and control over their work by high demands, low control and risk of diseases. Associated with any adverse health outcomes ( Siegrist 2009 ) the clothing.. Of all publications identified by the employer or employee age of participants was the. Damico R, Pelfrene E, Tugwell P, Spelton E, S.. 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