In order to ensure the effectiveness of the excessive deficit procedure, the governments of the Member States shall be responsible under this procedure for the deficits of general government as defined in the first indent of Article 2. A(n) ______ discharges the nonbreaching party from his or her obligations under the contract. 1, s. 49. [19] Replaced by Articles 87 and 88 TFEU. (12) A party removing personal property under subsection (11) shall, (a) carry out the removal in a manner that facilitates the installation of other similar personal property for the purposes of telecommunications; and. (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. (3) Subject to subsection (4), the owners at the time of the registration of the deed, as determined by the regulations, shall share the net proceeds of the sale in the same proportions as their common interests, subject to the conditions, if any, that are prescribed. (4) An amendment under this section is ineffective until a certified copy of the order has been registered. (9) Before the end of the 11th month following the registration of the declaration and description, the person who conducts a performance audit shall, Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 44 (9) of the Act is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following: (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. The responsibilities of the General Council are listed in full in Article 46 of this Statute.Article 45 (ex Article 46)Rules of Procedure of the General Council45.1. 1, s. 116 (3) - no effect - see 2020, c. 14, Sched. 2015, c. 28, Sched. What type of breach occurs when a party unjustifiably fails to substantially perform his or her obligations under the contract, thereby discharging the non-breaching party from his or her obligations under the contract? 1998, c.19, s.167(1); 2015, c. 28, Sched. (3) The auditors report shall be prepared in the prescribed manner and in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as are prescribed. 1, s. 12; 2015, c. 28, Sched. 1998, c.19, s.174(6). (4) The appointment of the administrator is valid until the Minister makes an order terminating it. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 94 (6) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted: (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. The Conference agrees that Member States should use periods of economic recovery actively to consolidate public finances and improve their budgetary positions. Runoff insurance is an insurance policy provision that covers claims made against companies that have been acquired, merged or have ceased operations. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 168 (3) of the Act is amended by adding including any question of law or equity at the end. In doing so the Executive Board shall give the necessary instructions to national central banks. The objective is to gradually achieve a budgetary surplus in good times which creates the necessary room to accommodate economic downturns and thus contribute to the long-term sustainability of public finances.The Member States look forward to possible proposals of the Commission as well as further contributions of Member States with regard to strengthening and clarifying the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact. The Court of Justice of the European Union shall have jurisdiction in any dispute between the ECB and its servants within the limits and under the conditions laid down in the conditions of employment.Article 37 (ex Article 38)Professional secrecy37.1. 1, s. 112. 5. The Foreign Affairs Council shall elaborate the Union's external action on the basis of strategic guidelines laid down by the European Council and ensure that the Union's action is consistent. Pursuant to the principle of sincere cooperation, the Union and the Member States shall, in full mutual respect, assist each other in carrying out tasks which flow from the Treaties. 1998, c.19, s.94(5). 3. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 20 (3) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted: (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. (a) the amount owing under all of the corporations liens against the owners unit that have not expired at the time of registration of the certificate; (b) the amount by which the owner defaults in the obligation to contribute to the common expenses payable for the owners unit after the registration of the certificate; and. 2015, c. 28, Sched. Example: Your Contract Contains a Well-Drafted Indemnity Clause . (4) In addition to the material mentioned in subsection (2) and in any other section in this Act, a declaration may contain, Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 7 (4) of the Act is amended by adding subject to the regulations after contain in the portion before clause (a). 1998, c.19, s.82(6). 1, s. 18 (2). The shares in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices and in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions shall be assigned weights of 5/6 and 1/6, respectively. 12.5. That decision should take account of the level of effective participation in the Agency's activities. B, s.7(7). Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 51 (7) of the Act is amended by striking out an owner-occupied unit and substituting a non-leased voting unit. Before the examination by the Council of any draft which would aim either at amending or abrogating the Decision or any of its provisions, or at modifying indirectly its scope or its meaning through the modification of another legal act of the Union, the European Council shall hold a preliminary deliberation on the said draft, acting by consensus in accordance with Article 15(4) of the Treaty on European Union. 1, s. 62 (12)). The European Council, acting by a qualified majority, with the agreement of the President of the Commission, shall appoint the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. 2015, c. 28, Sched. (c) sent by another manner, if the Registrar can prove receipt of the notice or order. It shall work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress, and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment. (9) A corporation that includes one or more units for residential purposes may terminate a telecommunications agreement if. The Board of Governors may, acting unanimously, decide to admit the staff of bodies incorporated under Union law to joint schemes with the Bank, in compliance with the respective internal procedures.PROTOCOL (No 6)ON THE LOCATION OF THE SEATS OF THE INSTITUTIONS AND OF CERTAIN BODIES, OFFICES, AGENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNIONTHE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES,HAVING REGARD to Article 341 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Article 189 of the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community,RECALLING AND CONFIRMING the Decision of 8 April 1965, and without prejudice to the decisions concerning the seat of future institutions, bodies, offices, agencies and departments,HAVE AGREED UPON the following provisions, which shall be annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community:Sole Article(a) The European Parliament shall have its seat in Strasbourg where the 12 periods of monthly plenary sessions, including the budget session, shall be held. The Governing Council, acting by the qualified majority provided for in Article 10.3, shall determine the extent to which and the form in which the capital shall be paid up. - Paragraph 1 replaces, in substance, Article 211 TEC; - paragraphs 3 and 7 replace, in substance, Article 214 TEC. Movable property belonging to persons referred to in the preceding paragraph and situated in the territory of the country where they are staying shall be exempt from death duties in that country; such property shall, for the assessment of such duty, be considered as being in the country of domicile for tax purposes, subject to the rights of third countries and to the possible application of provisions of international conventions on double taxation. (6) In the order appointing the administrator, the Minister may specify the administrators powers and duties and the conditions governing them. Those procedures may provide, in respect of the submission of statements of case or written observations, for a shorter period than that provided for by Article 23, and, in derogation from the fourth paragraph of Article 20, for the case to be determined without a submission from the Advocate General. Where the Civil Service Tribunal finds that it does not have jurisdiction to hear and determine an action in respect of which the Court of Justice or the General Court has jurisdiction, it shall refer that action to the Court of Justice or to the General Court. (4) If the court makes an order terminating the government of the property by this Act, the applicant shall register the order in accordance with the regulations, if any. B, s.7(7). 1, s. 4. (See: 2015, c. 28, Sched. 2008, c.7, Sched. 1. The reference values referred to in Article 126(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are: - 3 % for the ratio of the planned or actual government deficit to gross domestic product at market prices; - 60 % for the ratio of government debt to gross domestic product at market prices. Save as otherwise provided for in this Statute, the Governing Council shall act by a simple majority of the members having a voting right. 1998, c.19, s.51(3). 3.1 The financial terms of the delegation, including payments to the Crown, licence fees, royalties and reimbursements for transfer of assets. 1, s. 4. 2015, c. 28, Sched. Where the international situation requires operational action by the Union, the Council shall adopt the necessary decisions. 9, ss. The Union will take into account the particular situation of small-sized countries which maintain specific relations of proximity with it. Discharge Delegation Dispensation (10) A joint rule or an amendment to a joint rule that has substantially the same purpose or effect as a joint rule that the owners have previously amended or repealed within the preceding two years is not effective until the owners of each corporation approve it, with or without amendment, at a joint meeting of owners of the corporations or at a meeting of owners of each corporation duly called for that purpose. B, s.7(5). It shall ensure that nothing therein affects the situation of Member States in relation to the European Convention, in particular in relation to the Protocols thereto, measures taken by Member States derogating from the European Convention in accordance with Article 15 thereof and reservations to the European Convention made by Member States in accordance with Article 57 thereof. The common security and defence policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defence policy. Note: On a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 99 (6) of the Act is repealed. The ECB and, subject to its approval, the national central banks may participate in international monetary institutions.6.3. C, s.7; 2019, c. 14, Sched. 1, s. 66 (1). [62] Replaced, in substance, by Article 300, paragraph 4 of the TFEU. (i) the party giving the notice has, by the following time, received a written request from the owner that the notice not be given in this manner, (A) in the case of a notice of meeting of owners, at least 20 days before the day of the meeting, or, (B) in the case of a preliminary notice described in subsection 45.1 (1) or any other notice to owners that is not a notice of meeting of owners, at least five days before the day the notice is given, and. 1998, c.19, s.167(2); 2015, c. 28, Sched. The ECB may decide to publish its decisions, recommendations and opinions. The property and assets of the Union shall not be the subject of any administrative or legal measure of constraint without the authorisation of the Court of Justice. 1998, c.19, s.52(2); 2015, c. 28, Sched. (c) the declaration indicates that the corporation is a phased condominium corporation; (d) the description contains a legal description of the land that will be the servient tenement within the meaning of section 151; and. 1, s. 52 (11)). 1998, c.19, s.81(6). - two alternates nominated by common accord of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden. (4) At least 10 days before the day a certificate of lien is registered, the corporation shall give written notice of the lien to the owner whose unit is affected by the lien. (3) No proceeding under this section shall be commenced after the second anniversary of the day on which the facts upon which the proceeding is based first came to the knowledge of the Director designated under the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Act.

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