For a number of years you have longed for excitement and new challenges in your job perhaps work with technical challenges, international contacts, or more freedom. In extreme cases, others might find your behavior narrow-minded. You have so many wishes to make and so many chances to take. Select your sign for your forecast. On the Ascendant is the fixed star Rigel, which gives good fortune, riches and lasting honors. Get expert advice instead of relying on your first impulses. Your romantic life should be full of wonderful experiences. Youll find them amenable to debt restructure or investment plans. You are about to change yourself as you have never done before. Towards the end of the month, there are some incredible opportunities that you may be able to avail yourself of. Your mind is clear and thinking straight, but watch out. Look to literature or entertainment for serious fun. If you are involved in examinations, education, or a learning project, then you have a chance now to make a great impact. Engage in dialogue! In addition to that, thanks to your not urging attitude you will be able to attract many peoples attention and you will be able to influence them. If you feel insecure it will make you very nervous. Communicate with others who will listen to your thoughts and concerns. This is true whether you are involved in training, travel, connections abroad, or simply if it is a question of getting your opinions across. Get your car and home ready to ride out power outages, shortages, or local disasters. Think twice and act once. You have good deeds to do and promises to keep. In matters of love, having only one partner wont satisfy you. Financial mistakes are possible this month, but are not likely if you only spend on what you must. So. Hold on to your cash and hold on to all that you want to keep. Due to the position of Jupiter in the sign of Aries, their natural ability to be an inspiration to others will deepen, especially with the fire sign, and they will thus be able to acquire a reputation as a role model. If you travel, be brief about it. You dont stay at just one place these days. As per July 2022 Horoscope, you are about to make a run for the money. Everything depends on you. You have to prepare to go far by taking each small step. However, not every circumstance should be accepted. Dont be blinded by lust, always look at the situation realistically, stop for a moment and weigh whether you think it is worth the risk. Times are favorable, but if you can weather a mid-month financial pinch then advance cautiously. The month of June affects us a lot, although we refuse to admit it many times. Be arrogant but be ready to duck. Romance is a rush. Horoscope for June 2022 recommends individuals to act rationally. At home, there is plenty of activity and some dynamic restructuring going on. The seasons may be unreasonable, but it is up to you to find the flavors and fashions that turn your fancy. Pay more attention to detail now than ever and do things that are routine but necessary to the success of the project or assignment. People are attracted to you, and enjoy the sense of calm and happiness you exude. However, look out when there are any stressful situations because you may tend to behave thoughtlessly and even arrogantly. Be romantic, but dont slip into business ventures unless you enjoy aggravation at this time. Don't be blinded by lust, always look at the situation realistically, stop for a moment and weigh whether you think it is worth the risk. There are pitfalls for those who might travel far unless extreme precautions are employed. Aries a June will bring Aries a strong desire to travel and meet new people. Fantasy is also significant for this period. Rust never sleeps and things can go wrong if proper maintenance is not performed on machines and body parts. Be humble in the face of overwhelming reality. Get Dailies, Monthly & More. You have to watch your step at work and dont get caught napping. And dont forget about the wide world and which way the bird flew. Only then you can live in peace this month. Let relationships find their balance through contracts and agreements that enhance the skills and resources of the other. This harbinger of summer and holiday months but of course plays with the psyche of individuals. Take what you need and leave the rest. Be creative in how you live and share your happy heart. Romance is a high priority and love is as good as it gets. There are reasons to be independent, but dont go out of your way to rock the boat for others. Read this month's horoscope by Susan Miller. The new moon of the 28th is dramatic because it conjoins the planet of surprise and change, Uranus. In July 2022, hold your own and do your best. Shop For Susan's NFTs And maybe put off an expensive present or purchase. You have a great deal riding on how you perform at work and career matters may be of high concern. Be careful about life and dont take risks. Hunker down when you have to and run free when you can. The problem is Jupiter is retrograde until November 22nd. You are ready to rumble and tumble but play safely and learn your physical limits. Travelling, new adventures, social life and flirting attract you. Set your own mental speed limit. You have fun to wrangle and time to romantically tangle but first, make your peace. The day is yours and the night is yours too. Youd better decide carefully. New knowledge and abilities will help you in self-realization; therefore you do not have to be afraid to be keen on education, even to the detriment of relationships. You will neither lack vocabulary, nor self-confidence. This month, the desire to build relationships will be evident, especially for Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Think ahead by being the person you want to be now and then. New romances may get hectic in July as each others edges get chipped down, and dreamy dates could eventually evolve into nightmares. Work is great. The world is waiting for your goodwill and strong leadership now if only to get things done. Take charge of your personal life, but dont overcharge your credit card. As per July 2022 monthly horoscope, Taurus may be able to take advantage of new opportunities. If you have career matters to attend to, then make sure you are meticulous about details and dates, and figures. The early focus is on how to achieve more security, especially financially, and you may well feel that circumstances are chaotic and beyond your control. Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 Gemini May 21 - Jun 20 Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22 Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22 Virgo Aug 23 - Sep 22 Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22 Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19 Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18 Pisces However, your behaviour may look oversensitive or exaggerated. Those in love have intimacy and shared pleasures together in-store. Dont fall asleep at the wheel or do things that are unbecoming. There are mistakes to correct and slights to neglect. It may happen that you will be more emotional than usually. As per July 2022 Horoscope, you are about to make a run for the money. May 21 - June 20 Monthly News from Susan Miller OCTOBER 2022 Dear Reader, October is chock full of activity and much easier to navigate than September turned out to be. Dont keep all your assets in one area and dont leave important matters unattended to. Things are going fine if you dont mind a few setbacks and unexpected events. Dont overstep your authority in work or career and be sure you are not to blame if things go wrong. Your creative juices are gushing. You should not make financial blunders now. Be ready for problems, but dont let them stop you. This time will seem very intense to you. Sy Scholfield has given Astro Databank an A rated time of birth for Susan Miller, born 7 March 1947 at 10:30 am in Manhattan, New York ( Astrology: Susan Miller ). Dont let a friend go deep when you can throw a short one for fun. You are ready to play but get in shape before you break something in your exuberance. On top of that, you will be able to finish anything successfully thanks to your patience and endurance. If you are too proud to ask and too humble to demand just take from life what you can. The way forward is to admit any past mistakes which came from your being too much insistent on your own point of view and too little receptive to others. The influences in your life may make you careless, so pay extra attention to doing the right thing at work and in your family situation. You expound your opinions and theories with humor and wit. Take a close look at what you want to achieve, then cut out the completely unrealistic plans. So that's when it starts to get really good when Jupiter wakes up and is strong. You are about to remake you. Only then you can live in peace this month. Do what is necessary to fix this or that and then get back to work. And slow down out there. You might look sociable, intellectual or even socialistic in society. The influences in your life may make you careless, so pay extra attention to doing the right thing at work and in your family situation. Be energetic but willing to take time to relax and enjoy your free time with those you care for. Horoscope for June 2022 recommends individuals to act rationally. That's good when Jupiter is in Pisces because water and earth make flowers. You are being challenged to accept responsibilities and limitations and tighten up your act in the face of implacable opposition. Project your path to success through the challenges you face day-to-day. Keep your anger in check even if you think youve been slighted or hurt. Your happy core may be swiftly spinning. Some creative changes in this area could make more money available for family projects. Be the adhesive for those situations that need gluing. Finally, you will be able to get rid, June will bring a lot of changes to the lives of Pisces. A desire for new information will drive you forward. June will bring Aries a strong desire to travel and meet new people. Ranged against you are powerful and influential people, with a tremendous grasp of the subjects that interest you. Dont inconvenience others or otherwise upset matters. You are in a sexual season of passion and pleasure. You have to be very careful in your economic judgments not all advice is good at this time, and you could be the victim of others out to make a fast buck. It seems that there is an opportunity buried in the past, or from a recent contact, and its just a question of making the necessary connection.So this is the time to expand your horizons, bearing in mind that certain changes will soon arise concerning your family and domestic life, and its good to be ready for the future and open to experimenting. Your heart is being tugged and hopefully, you are being hugged. You have a deep responsibility to take life super seriously for the next few months. Partnerships are energetic. You can satisfy your need for change and consciousness stimulation by getting involved in groups that embrace unusual ideologies and personal growth. Take setbacks as lessons learned. Get ready for a new agenda. You have to make the right decisions and do the right deeds and say the right things. Therefore, nothing stops your development. This activates a sudden urge to travel, so you may wish to make a spontaneous and unplanned trip to an exotic location at this time. This wi, In June, Aquarians will feel free. In June, you will reach a crossroads where a consistent decision and a step forward will be needed. Make backups and think of your personal safety above all. You are on top of your game and have your wits about you. They may play tough, but, hey, youre a good risk. Libra will begin to doubt the, June will bring out some strong emotions in Scorpios. Be thoughtful and chatty even if it is just small talk or sports. You are about to change yourself as you have never done before. Taurus Virgo Capricorn. Its also extremely good for spontaneous trips, perhaps involving long distances. When in a long-term relationship, your partner should provide you with plenty of interesting ideas to make you happy. According to the July 2022 Horoscope, this month there are many important discussions in which you wish to get involved, and although there can be quite a lot of disagreement, if you are willing to examine unconventional possibilities then very creative solutions can be found.

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