And that was the position that he was taking over there was senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense; is that correct? And General Milley was the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. I personally thought it was militarily not feasible nor wise. I'm trying to get more information. And just a few days before the election, Steve Bannon, a former Trump chief White House strategist and outside adviser to President Trump, spoke to a group of his associates from China and said this. Fuck you. We need to figure it out. Senator Schumer is at a secure location, and they're locked down in the Senate. [Begin videotape], Marc had indicated to me that there was a possibility that there would be a declaration of victory within the White House that some might push for, and this is prior to the election results being known. He knew that they were armed and dangerous, and he knew that they were going to the Capitol. And on the evening of January 5th, they admitted they were still trying to find that phantom evidence. [Begin videotape], So during these calls, I I only remember in hindsight because he was almost like clairvoyant. I just remember generally, you know, you had people arguing that we had a a very, very robust get out the vote effort and that, you know, mail in ballots could be a good thing for us if we looked at it correctly. McEntee duly takes it up, brings it in to the President. It was far too early to be making any calls like that. I said, If you want this to happen or the President wants this to happen, he's got to write an order. Who has that been? The FBI seized the cell phone of U.S. Rep. Scott Perry, a York County Republican and one of Trumps chief allies in Congress, in August as part of a separate probe into a plan to select a slate of alternate pro-Trump delegates to the Electoral College in battleground states. I remember a call with Mr. Meadows, where Mr. Meadows was asking me what I was finding and if I was finding anything. All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Our committee may ultimately decide to make a series of criminal referrals to the Department of Justice, but we recognize that our role is not to make decisions regarding prosecution. What did they say, Mr. Meadows or the president, at all during that brief encounter with you in the dining room? The president wanted to lead tens of thousands of people to the Capitol. And the President said I think so he had said something to the effect of, I don't want people to know we lost, Mark. We're going to keep trying. Are you familiar with a memo that the President reportedly signed on November 11, 2020, ordering that troops be withdrawn from Afghanistan and Somalia? Secretary of Labor Gene Scalia, the son of late Justice Scalia, visited President Trump in mid-December and explained the situation clearly. The House Jan. 6 committee took the extraordinary and theatrical step of voting to subpoena former President Donald Trump on Thursday. The gentlewoman yields back. He is the one person at the center of the story of what happened on January 6th, so we want to hear from him. In none of these 62 cases was President Trump able to establish any viable claims of election fraud sufficient to overturn the results of the election. Probably in November, mid to late November. Also also if Trump is if Trump is losing by 10:00 or 11:00 at night, it's going to be even crazier, you know, because he's gonna sit right there and say they stole it. How to watch the Jan. 6 hearing: The hearing will stream live from the Jan. 6 Committee's YouTube channel starting at 11 a.m. MT. . As we detailed in testimony from the Metropolitan Police and White House personnel during our July 21st hearing, information about the altercation was widely known, so widely known that one former White House employee with national security responsibilities explained that this information was in fact water cooler talk in the White House complex. I appreciate what you're doing. And you're also seeing content on the platform at the time that was driving towards the Vice President hashtag that came to pass. And as we were walking back from the Christmas reception that evening, the President was walking out of the Oval Office and we crossed paths in the Rose Garden colonnade. Mr. Trump pardoned Roger Stone on December 23rd, 2020. There's some good options out there still. And we'd have to, you know, relay the news that, yeah, that that that tip that your someone told you about those those votes or that fraud or, you know, nothing came of it. This was a hearing that put former President Trump at center stage, a presentation involving every member of the Jan. 6 House select committee that culminated in a vote on issuing a. On the morning of the 6th, agents received alerts of online threats that Vice Vice President Pence would be "a dead man walking if he doesn't do the right thing." Look, it's the right of any candidate to litigate genuine election disputes. These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously, viciously, stripped away from great patriots who have been badly unfairly treated for so long. Here is what Vice President Pence has said about this scheme. former president donald trump's supporters online sought to undercut stunning testimony tuesday to the house select committee investigating the jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, seeking to belittle. The Secret Service was monitoring this kind of online activity and was sharing and receiving the results of that effort. We're now going to show you just a sample of the evidence we have received. In April, the Kennedy family and the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation awarded her their Profile in Courage award. We then proceeded to demonstrate each of these elements in detail, with more than 20 hours of evidence. Right before the election, here's Roger Stone talking about what President Trump would do after the election. Its name is Dominion. That's why I asked those who were skeptical of our work to simply to listen, to listen to the evidence, to hear the testimony with an open mind, and to let the facts speak for themselves before reaching any judgment. It was a plan concocted in advance to convince his supporters that he won. The . Pursuant to House Deposition Authority Regulation 10, the chair announces the committee's approval to release the deposition material presented during today's hearing. Jan. 6 panel interviews former Trump aide Hope Hicks The House Jan. 6 committee is interviewing Hope Hicks, a longtime aide to former President Donald Trump Oliver O'Connell 28 October 2022 06:15 President Trump then told his supporters to march to the Capitol. The Jan. 6 House committee will hold its ninth public hearing Thursday, examining events surrounding the attack on the Capitol. In this and numerous other tweets, he fraudulently and repeatedly promoted January 6 as the day Americans could come in and change the election outcome. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. The gentleman yields back. This happened over and over again, and our committee's report will document it, purposeful lies made in public directly at odds with what Donald Trump knew from unassailable sources, the Justice Department's own investigations and his own campaign. The same day Jason Miller sent his text message, agents received reports about a spike in activity on another platform called Parler. We interviewed the witnesses. So, what are we going to do here, folks? At the end of its Oct. 13 hearing, the. President Trump had been told, and there was no doubt that President Trump knew what he was going to do, sending an angry mob, a number of whom were clad in tactical gear and military garb, armed with various weapons to the Capitol. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare the committee in recess at any point. Peter Nicholas is a senior national political reporter for NBC News. The rulings of our courts are respected and obeyed because we as citizens pledge to accept and honor them. By 9:09 that morning, the Secret Service could also see that many rally goers were assembled outside the security perimeter. That's an easy one to figure, and it's by the thousands. Secret Service documents also reveal how agents were poised to take President Trump to the Capitol later that afternoon. Do you believe this? Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection. The documents we obtained from the Secret Service make clear that the crowd outside the magnetometers was armed and the agents knew it. Indefensible conduct is defended. The impact of that tweet was foreseeable and predictable. "The committee is in discussions with President Trump's . Listen carefully to what they said as they decided to leave the Capitol. Well, Do you believe the President should abide by the rulings of the courts? Ok. Mr. Chairman, nothing in law or fact could justify the president's failure to act. The Jan. 6 Committee will also stream the hearing from its YouTube channel. Mr. Meadows and I were in the White House residence at a Christmas reception. In the days after Jan. 6, several of Mr. Trump's political allies on Capitol Hill, who had helped stoke the false election claims and efforts to overturn the results, sought pardons from Mr.. And that's you know, you've seen widespread reports of Kevin McCarthy and the President having a basically a swearing conversation. Yes, as of December 14th; is that right? Tarrio, along with other Proud Boys, has been charged with multiple crimes concerning the attack on January 6th, including seditious conspiracy. One agent emailed, possibly because they have stuff that couldn't come through would probably be an issue with this crowd. This was the first time in the history of the Metropolitan Police Department that a security line like that had ever been broken. And do you recall what his response, if any, was? The gentlewoman yields back. Members havent explicitly said the next hearing will be their last. It shows how frantic this hour must have been for the Secret Service, scrambling to get the president of the United States to back down from a dangerous and reckless decision that put people in harm's way. And in my view, that was the end of the matter. It may very well have spiraled us into a constitutional crisis. Why were we are alarmed? "They'd expressed to me that the president was irate, you know, on the drive up. With little time to investigate Trumps role, House impeachment managers couldnt answer basic questions about Trumps actions as his supporters breached the Capitol while Congress met to certify Bidens victory. Past hearings have showcased taped testimony from some Trump Cabinet members, including Attorney General Bill Barr and Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia, who have told the panel they had urged Trump to concede to Joe Biden after it was clear there was no widespread election fraud. He doesn't think they're doing anything wrong. The House select committee investigating the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol sent a subpoena to former President Donald Trump on Friday. I assume, Pat, that you would agree the President is is obligated to abide by the rulings of the courts. I believe the words he used were, so there's no there there? Why would Americans assume that our Constitution and our institutions and our republic are invulnerable to another attack? Yeah. Without objections, the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from California, Ms. Lofgren, for an opening statement. So many leaks preceded that prime-time hearing that even Thompson fretted that it could turn out to be a bust. Please, please take this tip seriously and investigate further. The rescheduled session could feature video of testimony from some other Trump Cabinet members, like Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who both have spoken to the committee but have not appeared in any of the hearings. There is new evidence that former President Donald Trump ordered his staff to move boxes of documents at Mar-a-Lago before federal agents searched the property. Only after his daughter Ivanka pressed him did he agree to say in a tweet, Stay peaceful.. We know that at least seven Oath Keepers, who have been criminally charged, provided personal security for Roger Stone or were seen with him on January 6th or in the weeks leading up to January 6th. [applause] We want all voting to stop. Full kits, 180 rounds minimum for main rifle, another 54 sidearm per person." By then rioters had breached the Capitol and were violently attacking the efforts of the brave men and women in law enforcement trying to resist the mob. Get him up. It's too early to tell, too early to call the race. Finally, as you view the evidence today, also consider this. READ MORE: Who is Rep. Scott Perry, the Trump ally from Pa., whose phone was seized by the FBI? In this email, an agent received a report noting a lot of violent rhetoric on Parler directed at government people and entities, including Secret Service protectees. I believe my recommendation was to say that votes were still being counted. Another from 9:30 a.m. said that there were possibly OC spray, meaning pepper spray, and/or plastic riot shields. At the same time that President Trump was acknowledging privately that he had lost the election, he was hearing that there was no evidence of fraud or irregularities sufficient to change the outcome. All of them did what President Trump was not doing, what he simply refused to do. Another close associate of Donald Trump apparently knew of Mr. Trump's intentions as well. In a staggering betrayal of his oath, Donald Trump attempted a plan that led to an attack on a pillar of our democracy. Mike Pence has screwed us, in case you haven't heard yet. Don't fuck around. Intelligence about this risk was directly available to the US Secret Service and others in the White House in advance of the Ellipse speech, in advance of the march to the Capitol. He thought it was all justified. Governor, I don't know if you have been approached about the Virginia National Guard. He passed that information along to Tony Ornato who worked for Mark Meadows in the chief of staff's office. It's going to be quite extraordinarily different. [Begin videotape]. And POTUS is going to just call for it unexpectedly. He was the central player. [End videotape]. Here is Mr. Cipollone's testimony. Officer down. He made his stolen election claims on election night against the advice of his campaign without any evidence in hand. His intent was to deceive. Mr. Chairman, pursuant to today's notice, I send to the desk a committee resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. Ivanka, do you do you believe the President is obligated to abide by the rulings of the courts? Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers testifies as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol continues to reveal its findings of a year-long investigation at. Mid-December was a turning point. Hold him. And and, you know, you can't let that happen. The Jan. 6 House committee will hold its ninth public hearing Thursday, examining events surrounding the attack on the Capitol. In one Michigan county alone, 6,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden, and the same systems are used in the majority of states in our country. The Select Committee has obtained a text message that Jason Miller, a senior communications adviser, sent to Mark Meadows less than a week before January 6th. Advance on the Capitol. Other agencies were also hearing predictions suggesting possible violence at the Capitol. And then and I said something to the effect of you're going to have a huge personnel blowout within hours, because you're going to have all kinds of problems with resignations and other issues. Perry has said that agents informed him he is not a target of that probe. The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol votes to subpoena former President Donald Trump, in the Cannon House Office Building on October 13, 2022 in Washington, DC. Some up put up quite a fight. It was myself and one of my assistants. What happens when the president disregards the court's rulings as illegitimate, when he disregards the rule of law? As my colleague Mr. Schiff just described, the Secret Service reported that thousands in the crowd near the Washington Monument would not enter the rally area because magnetometers used in screening attendees would detect any prohibited items they carried. That's that's a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. It further inflamed the mob which was chanting, hang Mike Pence, and provoked them to even greater violence. It's strong language criticizing the lack of evidentiary support for the claims of election fraud in those lawsuits. Alex Wong/Getty Images Much has happened since our last public hearing on July 21st. This email, for example, was an alert that the Secret Service received on December 24th with the heading, Armed and Ready, Mr. President. [Begin videotape]. They took steps to ensure that Mr. Pence would not echo a false victory announcement from President Trump. The Jan. 6 House committee holds its ninth public hearing. Dozens of these judges have been addressing January 6th cases, and many have given us plain, unmistakable warnings about the direction of our republic. What did President Trump know? A Secret Service deputy chief instructed agents to add certain objects to the list of items that would be prohibited at the rally site, including ballistic vests, tactical vests, armored or not, and ballistic helmets. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. Who on the staff did not want people to leave the Capitol? Our hearings last summer began with an outline of President Trump's multipart plan to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. The House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, voted Thursday to subpoena testimony and documents from former president Donald Trump, a dramatic culmination. This was December 30th. As the time for the Ellipse rally approached, an email was circulated among intelligence officials, including Secret Service intelligence official, attaching communications among rally goers that specifically contemplated violence. Our institutions only hold when men and women of good faith make them hold regardless of the political cost. Trump was telling us that the Vice President, the Congress, and all the injured and wounded cops, some of whom are with us today, got what was coming to us. The leader of the Philly chapter, Zach Rehl, who heads the Vets For Trump group, meeting with, California residents do not sell my data request. Did President Trump authorize you to discuss publicly your January 4, 2021 conversation with him? And Pat, could you let us know approximately when you said that? He was aware of the ongoing lawlessness. Like, that call was crazy. And Georgia's not the only state where President Trump tried to pressure state officials to change the results. Check it out. Despite this knowledge, Donald Trump went to court to contest the 2020 election, and he lost in court. DJIA Futures 31854 0.07% . That's what I'm fucking saying. It is expected to focus [End videotape]. The day before the joint session, on January 5th, Secret Service was aware of increased chatter focused on Vice President Pence, in particular whether he would do what President Trump wanted him to do, reverse the results of the election in the joint session the next day, January 6th. In our prior hearings, we showed you a description of what McCarthy told Republican Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Butler about his conversation with Trump during the violence. Kevin McCarthy implored Donald Trump to tell his supporters in the mob to leave the Capitol. The gentleman yields back. Today we will focus on President Trump's state of mind, his intent, his motivations, and how he spurred others to do his bidding, and how another January 6th could happen again if we do not take necessary action to prevent it. Did you, General Flynn, talk to President Trump at any point on January 6, 2021? Another key part of the president's effort was a scheme to assemble fake electors to cast false electoral votes in the states that President Trump lost. That's the word I keep hearing reports that Mike Pence has screwed us. And I got off with the Vice-President Elect. Mr. Trump knew this. Kelly Meggs was the leader of the Florida chapter of the Oath Keepers. "With so many weapons found so far, you wonder how many are unknown," one agent wrote at 12:36 PM, "Could be sporty after dark." The committee is reviewing testimony regarding potential obstruction on this issue, including testimony about advice given not to tell the committee about this specific topic. [End videotape]. This is Nancy. The I know that the President when the networks called it, of course, he was informed about the the network decision. Take a listen to what they had to say. Pelosi can be seen insisting that the government . But ultimately, the vast majority cooperated with our investigation, and what we've shown you over the last four months has been centered on the evidence, evidence that has come overwhelmingly from Republican witnesses. We'll also take a step back and look at the evidence in a broader context, providing a summary of key facts we've uncovered, facts relevant to former President Trump's state of mind, about his motivation, and about his intent. He's required to answer to those police officers who put their lives and bodies on the line to defend our democracy. Election Day is coming. Possession is 9/10 of the law. You have you also have troops this is Steny Hoyer, troops --, Ok, so we have a little bit of time to make that decision --. January 6 should not be a day that lives in shame in infamy in our history, but rather in glory. When the president returned to the White House around 1:20, he entered the Oval Office and was told right then about the onset of violence at the Capitol. The Jan. 6 House committee investigating the attack on the Capitol will resume its hearings this Thursday after a two-month pause. Because they are meeting on the ground and they're the experts [Inaudible]. It says, here's your task, to get US forces out of out of Somalia, get US forces out of Afghanistan. Take the f'ing mags away. As that professional told us, they remember hearing in the days after January 6th how angry the president was when he was in the limo that afternoon. But what we left the conversation with, because he said he had the impression from Mitch that Mitch wanted to get everybody back to do it there. Here's what he said. These fake electors were ultimately part of the President's plan to replace genuine Biden electors with Trump electors on January 6. Keep in mind the order was for an immediate withdrawal. Mike Pence will not stick up for Donald Trump. On January 6, one Secret Service agent texted at 12:36 p.m., according to a message revealed during the committee's recent hearing, "With so many weapons found so far; you wonder how many are . When these officials would not do what he said, President Trump embarked in an effort to install Jeff Clark as acting attorney general, solely because he would he would do what others in the department would not do. He had all of this information, but still he made the conscious choice to claim fraudulently that the election was stolen, to pressure state officials to change election results, to manufacture fake electoral slates, to attempt to corrupt our Department of Justice, to summon tens of thousands of supporters to Washington. Does he feel bad about what happened? The next hearing, which Bennie Thompson, the committee chairman, has indicated might be the last, is scheduled for 10 a.m. Arizona. And I recall toward the end saying what you're proposing is nothing less than the United States Justice Department meddling in the outcome of a presidential election. And unlike elsewhere in the state, they centralized the counting process so they're not counted in each precinct. In particular, they flagged spikes in violent hashtags like We Are the Storm, 1776 Rebel, and Occupy Capitols. And for the department to insert itself into the political process this way I think would have had grave consequences for the country. One question coming out of the hearings is the future of various members. Hearings | Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol Hearings There are no upcoming hearings. We'll have more and more. It was not based on election results or any evidence of actual fraud affecting the results or any actual problems with voting machines. Not only did he declare victory, he also called for the ongoing count of votes to just stop. A newly obtained Secret Service message from that day shows how angry President Trump was about the outcome. That review continues. You know, I asked Kevin McCarthy who's the Republican leader about this and and he said he called --he finally got through to Donald Trump and he said, you have got to get on TV. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. For those of you tuning in for the first time, we'll summarize some of the most important facts, and we urge you to go online and watch our hearing in full. He just informed me what you will hear through official channels, Paul Irving, your Sergeant-at-Arms, will inform you that their best information is that they believe that the House and the Senate will be able to reconvene in roughly an hour. Were really transitioning here into, We need to get this report written,' the member said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the panels thinking. [Begin videotape], He had said something to the effect of, you know, you heard him, Pat. He was personally and directly involved. He was personally and substantially involved in all of it. Over the month of August, the select committee began its review of hundreds of thousands of pages and multiple hours of that material, providing substantial new evidence about what happened on January 6th and the days leading up to it. If I had seen something like that, I probably would have flipped it to someone at the White or if I had seen something of that nature, I would have said we gotta flag this for Secret Service or something of that nature." Thank you. Theirs vote in mail, and so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage of it. 100%. Documents reviewed by the committee detailed his work to help arrange buses that carried pro-Trump protesters to D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, POLITICO reported. Ignore the rule of law and stay in power. And so, I recognize the Vice Chair, Ms. Cheney of Wyoming, to offer a motion. During the attack, Tarrio sent a message to other Proud Boys claiming, we did that. Give me a break. In mid-December 2020, President Trump's senior advisers told him the time had come to concede the election. Was Doug Mastriano Trumps Pa. point person in fake elector plot? He's been convicted of criminal contempt of Congress and he's awaiting sentencing. You know, these are these are Antifa. President Trump knew from unassailable sources that his election fraud claims were false. Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until his death in 1957. Throughout the hearings, there has been a focus on the Proud Boys and the groups role in the Capitol riot, including the involvement of Pennsylvania-based members. As the president watched the bloody attack unfold on Fox News from his dining room, members of Congress and other government officials stepped into the gigantic leadership void created by the president's chilling and studied passivity that day. Bring her out here. We've gotten a very bad report about the condition of the House floor, defecation and all that kind of thing as well. For example, Joshua James, the leader of the Alabama Oath Keepers, provided security for Roger Stone and was with him on January 5th. But Congressional leadership recognized on a bipartisan basis that President Trump was the only person who could get the mob to end its violent siege of the Congress, leave the Capitol and go home. Now following this conversation, Mr. Jacob drafted a memo to Mr. Short, which the Select Committee got from the National Archives. CNN For the second time in the last five days, the January 6 committee met publicly to make its case that former President Donald Trump knew he was lying about fraud in the 2020 election. Thursday's hearing is supposed to pull things together. Above, the panel holds its seventh hearing on the U.S. Capitol on July 12, in. Other witnesses have also gone to enormous lengths to avoid testifying about their dealings with Donald Trump. It's harder job to be telling him on the back end that, yeah, that's that that wasn't true. And he was looking at the TV and he said, can you believe I lost to this effing guy? That, my fellow citizens, breaks our republic. But in the Jan. 6 hearings, investigators filled in the blanks. There was one meeting that was had in particular. I told him that my personal viewpoint was that the Electoral College had met, which is the system that our country is is set under to elect a president and vice president, and I believed at that point that the means for him to pursue litigation was probably closed. He also attempted to press pressure state officials in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan to change the results in those states as well. [End videotape]. He called for that action anyway. Meanwhile, state Sen. Doug Mastriano, the GOP nominee in the governors race, is fighting a subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee. This is as it's happening. He incited it and he supported it. An unexpected turn is occurring in the ongoing House committee hearings on January 6. You may also recall testimony from our summer hearings regarding Mr. Trump's efforts to lead the mob to the Capitol himself and his angry altercation in the presidential SUV when the Secret Service told him it was far too dangerous for him to go. A recorded vote is requested. Yes, the president knew the crowd was angry because he had stoked that anger.

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