Such education was under the direction of lay committees. 102. Wolf-Dieter Htteroth and Volker Hhfeld. WILMINGTON, Del. The Armenian people living in the Ottoman provinces of eastern Anatolia, like other non-Turkish and non-Muslim subjects of the Empire, had long suffered from systematic discrimination and, at times, harsh persecution. The Bashkaleh clash was the bloody encounter between the Armenakan Party and the Ottoman Empire in May 1889. For them the Ottoman Empires entry into the First World War was to have particularly devastating consequences. In some Armenian circles, this event was considered as a martyrdom and brought other armed conflicts. Noteworthy, however, the term "Ottoman System" conveys a sense of structural rigidity that probably was nonexistent throughout the Ottoman period. Overview of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, For the Armenians in the same region today, see, Administrative regions and provinces of the, Assassination attempt on Sultan Abdul Hamid II, 1905. The natural and agricultural traditions of Armenians were similar to others, but characteristics can also be found in Xenophon, who described many aspects of Armenian village life and hospitality. The Armenian National Assembly also had the power to elect the Armenian Governor by a local Armenian legislative council. On 24 April 1915, Armenian intellectuals were arrested by Ottoman authorities and, with the Tehcir Law (29 May 1915), eventually a large proportion of Armenians living in Western Armenia perished in what has become known as the Armenian Genocide. Here's what it means. By Tim Baker, news reporter Saturday 24 April 2021 19:31, UK Joe Biden has recognised the Armenian genocide The Bey or elder was something of a Leader for the village, and his house was typically the most luxurious dwelling in a village. Opposition leaders including Ahmed Riza (liberal), Sabahheddin Bey, and ARF member Khachatur Maloumian attended. Despite the level of violence the incident had wrought, the takeover was reported positively in the European press, praising the men for their courage and the objectives they attempted to accomplish. The natural and agricultural traditions of Armenians were similar to others, but characteristics can also be found in Xenophon, who described many aspects of Armenian village life and hospitality. 79. For safety, the houses were huddled together. Andranik Ozanian participated in the Balkan Wars of 19121913 alongside general Garegin Nzhdeh as a commander of Armenian auxiliary troops. Identifying their exact number is difficult, but according to records from the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, there were approximately 3,000,000 Armenians living within the Empire in 1872. The Ukrainian Chessboard: A Century of Proxy-Warfare The Armenian Press and literature during this period established institutions that were critical; this attitude has been invaluable in reforming abuses and introducing improvements in Armenian communities. Even though their numbers were small compared to the whole Ottoman Armenian population, this caused some resentment among Ottoman nationalists. 1 (1890), op. In 1863, the Armenian National Constitution (Ottoman Turkish:"Nizmnme-i Millet-i Ermeniyn") was Ottoman Empire approved. Beginning in 1839, the Ottoman government implemented the Tanzimat reforms to improve the situation of minorities, although these would prove largely ineffective. In 1856, the Hatt- Hmayun promised equality for all Ottoman citizens irrespective of their ethnicity and confession, widening the scope of the 1839 Hatt- erif of Glhane. In 1915 Armenians lived in all the major cities of the Ottoman Empire, Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Kharpert, Sivas, Trebizond, Konya, Kayseri, Adana, Izmir, Bursa, Edirne, and many others. Owing to these events, the composition of the population had undergone (ever since the second half of the medieval period) a transformation so profound that the Armenians constituted, over the whole extent of their ancient homeland, no more than a quarter of the total inhabitants. According to this arrangement the inspectors general, whose powers and duties constituted the key to the question, were to be named for a period of ten years, and their engagement was not to be revocable during that period. Armenians preserved their culture, history, and language through the course of time, largely thanks to their distinct religious identity among the neighboring Turks and Kurds. Calouste Gulbenkian became one of the main advisors of the National Bank of Turkey and the Turkish Petroleum Corporation, which later became the Iraqi Oil Corporation. Between 1893 and 1915 Ottoman Armenians in eastern Anatolia rebelled against their government -- the Ottoman government -- and joined Armenian revolutionary groups, such as the notorious Dashnaks and Hunchaks. Ecumenical Patriarchate was the leader of the Armenian People. He was the last Ottoman Sultan to rule with absolute power. . In the 19th century, various Armenian families became the Sultans goldsmiths, Sultans architects and took over the currency reserves and the reserves of gold and silver, including customs duty. While the overview of this lesson and the included film clip both reference the "Armenian Genocide," the word genocide did not exist in 1915 when the Armenians were being massacred and forced on death marches. [25] The Hamidian massacres are named for Sultan Abdul Hamid II, whose efforts to reinforce the territorial integrity of the embattled Ottoman Empire resulted in the massacres. Over the centuries, tribes of Turks and Kurds settled into Anatolia and Armenia, which was left severely depopulated by a slew of devastating events such as the Byzantine-Persian Wars, Byzantine-Arab Wars, Turkish migration, Mongol Invasions and finally the bloody campaigns of Tamerlane.[8]. The Bey or elder was something of a leader for the village, and his house was typically the most luxurious dwelling in a village. The Ottoman reaction to takeover saw further massacres and pogroms of the several thousand Armenians living in Constantinople and Sultan Abdul Hamid II threatening to level the entire building itself. The Great Power Imperial Russia stood to benefit from the decline of the Ottoman Empire; on the other hand, Austria and the United Kingdom deemed the preservation of Empire to be in their best interests. Traditionally the Ottoman millet system offered non-Muslims a subordinate but protected place in society. G. L. Selenoy and N. von Seidlitz: "Die Verbreitung der Armenier in der asiatischen Trkei und in Trans-Kaukassien", in: Darbinian, op. cit., Inclosure in no. Franais. Thus their critical instinct was positive, rather than negative. Two of the largest revolutionary groups trying to overthrow Sultan Abdul Hamid II had been the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and the Committee of Union and Progress, a group of mostly European-educated Turks. 4. Evacuation of Armenian Orphans from the Ottoman Empire - 1915-1923 Oct 30, 2018 In 1915 - 1923, as a result of the Genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (Western Armenia), about 500.000 Armenian children were killed (burned, poisoned, strangled), starved to death, or died from illnesses. It was prohibited to ride a horse or to have weapons for Armenians as giavour, so it was illegal. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "brewminate-20"; The Armenians were one of the millets of the Ottoman Empire. The position of France changed several times over the centuries. The Ecumenical Patriarchate was the leader of the Armenian People. It was a form of the "Code of Regulations" composed of 150 articles drafted by the "Armenian intelligentsia", which defined the powers of Patriarch (a position in the Ottoman Millet) and newly formed "Armenian National Assembly". The Armenians of Sassoun confronted the Ottoman army and Kurdish irregulars at Sassoun, succumbing to superior numbers. Local Armenian legislative councils were composed of six Armenians elected by the Armenian National Assembly. His detachment consisted of 273 Armenian volunteers. Many of his works are still scattered in Armenian periodicals. The civil system was considered a check on the military system since beys, who represented executive authority on reaya, could not carry out punishment without a sentence from the religious leader of the person. First World War The systematickilling and deportation of more than a million Armenians by Ottoman Empire forces in the early 20th century was "genocide," the United States formally declared on Saturday, as President Joe Biden used that precise word after the White House had avoided it for decades for fear of alienating ally Turkey. The persecutions continued with varying intensity until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. With the establishment of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Armenians became religious leaders, and bureaucrats under the Ottoman Empire became more influential than just their own community. Joe Biden recognises killing of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Empire as genocide for first time The event, which occurred between 1915 and 1923, hasn't be called genocide by US leaders previously for fear of alienating Turkey. cit., p. 123; Adjemian, op. The rise of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire as a direct result of enlightenment of Christian millets through education, was the dominant theme. State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre of the Republic of Armenia (2007). He played a major role in making the petroleum reserves of the Middle East available to Western development. [23] The Softas took no part in it, and many Armenians found refuge in the Muslim sections of the city.[23]. Erevan, 1972. p.149-358. A significant number of Armenians also lived beyond the eastern border of the Ottoman Empire, in territory held by Russia. The Kum Kapu demonstration occurred at the Armenian quarter of Kum Kapu, the seat of the Armenian Patriarch, was spared through the prompt action of the commandant, Hassan Aga. Peters, The Australian, June 9th 1994. Those elite Armenians that did achieve great success were individuals such as Abraham Pasha who became the Ottoman minister of State. The Ottoman Empire, also known as the Turkish Empire, was founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the vicinity of Bilecik and St by the Oghuz Turkish tribal leader Osman. [2] Armenians preserved their culture, history, and language through the course of time, largely thanks to their distinct religious identity among the neighboring Turks and Kurds. Armenians, However, for the most part, remained passive during these years, earning them the title of millet-i sadka or the loyal millet.[14], The Eastern Question gained even more traction by the late 1820s, due to the Greek Enlightenment and Greek War of Independence setting an example for making independence against the Ottomans, and along with several countries of the Balkans, frustrated with conditions, had, often with the help of the Powers, broken free of Ottoman rule. The peasants were agriculturists. The remaining Ottoman Armenia, composed of the Six vilayets (Erzurum, Van, Bitlis, Diyarbekir, Kharput, and Sivas[13]) up to World War I, under Ottoman rule, was also referred to as Western Armenia. The remaining Ottoman Armenia, composed of the Six vilayets (Erzurum, Van, Bitlis, Diyarbekir, Kharput, and Sivas[12]) up to World War I, under Ottoman rule, was also referred to as Western Armenia. [19] The Armenian national liberation movement was the Armenian national effort to free the historic Armenian homeland of eastern Asia Minor and Transcaucasus from Russian and Ottoman domination and re-establish the independent Armenian state. The Ottoman Empire was the state responsible for the Armenian Genocide. Guerrilla fighters defend the city of Van, 1915. The seizure of the bank lasted 14 hours, resulting in the deaths of 10 of the Armenian men and Ottoman soldiers. The first large-scale evacuation of the Armenian children in the years of the Armenian Genocide was during the battle of Musa Dagh. Armenian Genocide. Armenian Genocide, campaign of deportation and mass killing conducted against the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turk government during World War I (1914-18). The atrocities between 1920-1922 were committed by the Nationalist Turks who seized power in the Anatolian hinterland in the final years of the Ottoman Empire and created the Turkish Republic. 8384; ibid., no. However, the factors contributing to the emergence of Armenian nationalism made the movement far more similar to that of the Greeks than those of other ethnic groups.[16]. To firmly secure and perpetuate Turkish rule in the remaining territories of the Ottoman state, Abdul-Hamid initiated a program of demographic and political consolidation through the mass slaughter of vast numbers of Armenians beginning in 1894. Even though their numbers were small compared to the whole Ottoman Armenian population, this caused some resentment among Ottoman nationalists. With the establishment of Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Armenians became religious leaders, and bureaucrats under the Ottoman Empire became more influential than just their own community. It aimed to introduce reforms to the Armenian citizens of the empire. This massive exodus from the Ottoman Empire is what started the modern Armenian diaspora worldwide. In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian Armenian population. European powers on the other side, engaged in a power struggle to safeguard their militaristic, strategic and commercial interests in the Empire, this gave motivation to the powers to help people in need. This was due to the fact that the Russian army contained a contingent of Armenian volunteers. They were part of the Armenian millet until the Tanzimat reforms in the nineteenth century equalized all Ottoman citizens before the law. The post-war government, however, balked at carrying out the sentences and the tribunals were closed under pressure from the Nationalists. The wars between the arch-rivals started from the early 16th century and lasted till well into the 19th century, having disastrous effects for the native inhabitants of these regions, including the Armenians of Western Armenia. Be that as it may, we aim to give the same importance, in the studies appearing in Houshamadyan webpages, to the history of Ottoman Armenians to be found outside the Armenian Highlands. 102. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; This time there was a mass emigration towards the western regions, which were inside Byzantine borders. The houses were arranged one above the other, so that the flat roof of the lower house serves as the front yard of the one above it. It was a form of the Code of Regulations composed of 150 articles drafted by the Armenian intelligentsia, which defined the powers of Patriarch (a position in the Ottoman Millet) and newly formed Armenian National Assembly. This whole geographical area is also known as the Armenian Highlands.This doesnt mean that the Armenians only stayed in the provinces quoted above. Firman of the Reforms gave immense privileges to the Armenians, which formed a governance in governance to eliminate the aristocratic dominance of the Armenian nobles by development of the political strata in the society.[16]. [22] The Softas took no part in it, and many Armenians found refuge in the Muslim sections of the city.[22]. The Ottoman Empire and Other Religions Most scholars agree that the Ottoman Turk rulers were tolerant of other religions. Commercial re-use may be allowed on request. The Armenian population's integration was partly due to the nonexistent structural rigidity throughout the initial period. [4] He related that the people spoke a language that to his ear sounded like the language of the Persians.[5]. The event was important, as it was reflected in main Armenian newspapers as the recovered documents on the Armenakans showed an extensive plot for a national movement. Civil and judicial administration was carried out under a separate parallel system of small municipal or rural units called kazas. The regime swiftly imposed repressive measures on Armenian communities and accused them of aiding the Russian enemy. Encyclopedia Entries on the Armenian Genocide. Brewminate: A Bold Blend of News and Ideas, Curated/Reviewed by Matthew A. McIntoshPublic HistorianBrewminate. Armenians occupied important posts within the Ottoman Empire, Artin Dadyan Pasha, who served as minister of foreign affairs from 1876 to 1901, is one of many examples of Armenian citizens who played a fundamental role in the sociopolitical sphere of the Ottoman Empire. In 1461, Hovagim I was brought to Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II and established as the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople which the office was created solely with a political purpose. Ottoman officials involved in the Sasun uprising, who were previously defeated in the First Zeitoun Rebellion, did not want the formation of another semi-autonomous Armenian region in the "Eastern" vilayets. Hovagim I was at the time the Metropolitan of Bursa. Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) that grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th centuries. Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were people of Armenian origin who lived under Ottoman rule from the empire's original creation to its eventual collapse. M. Patiguian to M. Koulaksizian, pp. This agreement, which was solidified in February 1914 was based on the arrangements nominally made in 1878. His authority over his clergy being absolute, he could imprison or exile them at will; and while he was compelled to secure the consent of the Sultan to imprison or exile laymen of his community, the necessary firman was very easily obtained. During the 15th century, Armenia was absorbed into the mighty Ottoman Empire. During the meeting, an alliance between the two parties was officially declared. The Turkish government has resisted calls to recognize it as such, contending that . The Armenian people living in the Ottoman provinces of eastern Anatolia, like other non-Turkish and non-Muslim subjects of the Empire, had long suffered from systematic discrimination and, at times, harsh persecution. On 24 April 1915, Armenian intellectuals were arrested by Ottoman authorities and, with the Tehcir Law (29 May 1915), eventually a large proportion of Armenians living in Western Armenia perished in what has become known as the Armenian genocide. The three communities of Jews, Greeks and Armenians were virtually autonomouswithin the empire." ~ P.F. Andranik met revolutionist Boris Sarafov and the two pledged to work jointly for the oppressed peoples of Armenia and Macedonia. The Armenian national ideology developed long after the Greek movement. 3. 407. History of the Republic of Turkey - Wikipedia Background. Armenians in an Ottoman prison. Examining the Armenian community as The 24th of April, which marks the day in 1915 when Armenian intellectuals and leaders were rounded up and imprisoned in Constantinople (Istanbul), is commemorated by Armenians around the world asGenocide Remembrance Day. With onslaught of World War I, the Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire engaged during the Caucasus and Persian Campaigns, and the CUP began to look on the Armenians with distrust and suspicion. Beginning in 1863, education was available to all subjects, as far as funds permitted it. The "Second congress of the Ottoman opposition" took place in Paris, France, in 1907. Many of them were orphaned and forcibly Islamized. This time great numbers of Armenian men emigrated to the prosperous towns and cities in western Anatolia and Cilicia. It aimed to introduce reforms to the Armenian citizens of the empire. The life of the rest of the common Armenians was a very difficult existence because they were treated as second class citizens. Like the Greek Orthodox and Jewish minorities of the Ottoman Empire, they constituted a distinct millet, led by the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople. Kirakosian, J. S., ed. In reality the area that eventually became the Ottoman Empire contained the lands of sequential Armenian royal dynasties, from antiquity to the Middle Ages. These regions contain the following Ottoman provinces (according to 19th century data): Erzurum, Van, Bitlis, Diyarbekir, Mamouret-el-Aziz (or Harput) and Sivas. It was ruled by Muslim Turks headed by the sultanate of the Osmanli/Ottoman dynasty. Also, the Sultan was beyond the mentioned control. [18] The Armenian question explains the forty years of Armenian-Ottoman history in the context of English, German, Russian politics between 1877 and 1914. administering justice and conducting litigation between Armenians, and The period established many political groups. [12] An Armenian stronghold and a symbol of factual Armenian autonomy, Zeitoun (Ulnia) was located between the Six Vilayets and Cilicia, which also had a strong Armenian presence ever since the creation of the Principality (and then Kingdom) of Lesser Armenia. Ottoman Empire, a dissolution that would bring great suffering and chaos but also new opportunities for all Ottomans, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. tax-gatherers appointed by the Armenian National Assembly. This period also marked the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. [1] As middleman minorities, despite the wealth of some Armenians,[2] their overall political power was low, making them especially vulnerable. For them the Ottoman Empire's entry into the First World War was to have particularly devastating consequences. The Armenian National Assembly had wide-ranging functions. Armenian people, related to the issues of their own internal affairs were administered by the civil administration. Almost 100 years ago, more than 1 million people died in the midst of the Armenian genocide. It was not uncommon to have three priests for thirty-five families. However, a state organization began to take a more definite shape in the first half of the sixteenth century under Suleyman I, also known as "Lawgiver". Deportations to outlying parts of the Ottoman Empire began in May 1915. [5] Under Ottoman rule, Armenians formed three distinct millets: Armenian Orthodox Gregorians, Armenian Catholics, and Armenian Protestants (in the 19th century). Interview with Ronald Suny, Kennan Institute Title VIII Short-term Scholar, and Professor of History, University of Michigan, on August 11, 2014.Kennan Institute Project "The Armenian Genocide, 1915-1916." Malinkin: Can you talk a bit about why the Turkish government perceived the Armenians and Assyrians as a threat, and why they chose such an extreme approach to handle them? This period also marked the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Thus their critical instinct was positive, rather than negative. After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into Europe, and with the conquest of the Balkans the Ottoman Beylik was transformed into a transcontinental empire. Abdul Hamid II was the 34th Sultan and oversaw a period of decline in the power and extent of the Empire, ruling from 31 August 1876 until he was deposed on 27 April 1909. Certain elite Armenian families in the Ottoman Empire gained the trust of the Sultans and were able to achieve important positions in the Ottoman government and the Ottoman economy. Armenian involvement on the international stage would have to wait until the Armenian national awakening, which the Armenian Question as used in European history, became commonplace among diplomatic circles and in the popular press after the Congress of Berlin (1878). [2] He related that the people spoke a language that to his ear sounded like the language of the Persians.[3]. This was the starting point of a centuries-long rivalry. Historian A. Tchamkerten writes "Armenian achievements in the Empire was not only in trade, however. Armenians organised themselves for different objects; witness their numerous societies, clubs, political parties, and other associations. [18] Mikrtich issued a decree permitting women to have equal votes with men and asking them to take part in all elections. The Ottoman Empire was in existence from 1300 to 1923. Townspeople, villagers and farmers formed a class called the flock/reaya, including Armenian reaya. The events of 1915 to 1917 are regarded by Armenians, Western historians, and even some Turkish writers and historians like Taner Akam and Orhan Pamuk, to have been state-sponsored and planned mass killings, or genocide. who was the first sultan of ottoman empire. The Armenian millet (Turkish, Ermeni millet) existed in the Ottoman Empire as an institution devised by the sultans to govern the Christian population of the Monophysite churches. It established freedom of belief and equality of all citizens before the law. Turks and Armenians: Nationalism and Conflict in the Ottoman Empire Paperback - April 24, 2015 by Justin McCarthy (Author) 17 ratings Hardcover from $103.71 2 Used from $103.71 Paperback $19.99 2 Used from $12.98 1 New from $19.99 Professor Justin McCarthy provides a framework for understanding Ottoman-Armenian relations. Armenian dwellings were adapted to the extremes of temperature in the highlands of Western Armenia (renamed Eastern Anatolia in 1941). In Sasun, Armenian activists were working to arm the folk and to recruit young men by motivating them to the Armenian cause. The great size of the empire created economic opportunity for the Armenians. 1 (1890), op. [20] The Armenian national liberation movement was the Armenian national effort to free the historic Armenian homeland of eastern Asia Minor and Transcaucasus from Russian and Ottoman rule and re-establish the independent Armenian state. This whole structure was named in the Armenian case Armenian Millet. Erdogan conveniently ignored the fact that the Red Sultan had ordered the killing of 300,000 Armenians from 1894 to 1896also known as the Hamidian massacres. Review of Armenian Studies Gateway The Ottoman Empire enforced imperial rule through its management of diversity. Misrule in Armenia prompted the Great Powers to obligate Sultan Abdul-Hamid (Abdulhamit) II to reform provincial administration according to the terms of the 1878 Treaty of Berlin. The combined deportations and massacres during World War I acquired the dimensions of total genocide and was implemented by the Young Turks who had removed Abdul-Hamid from the throne in 1909. Armenians occupied important posts within the Ottoman Empire, Artin Dadyan Pasha, who served as minister of foreign affairs from 1876 to 1901, is one of many examples of Armenian citizens who played a fundamental role in the sociopolitical sphere of the Ottoman Empire. In response, some Armenians joined guerrilla bands, leading to full-blown conflict in the Armenian city of Van in early 1915. The first conflict erupted between 1568 and 1570, ending in an unexpected Russian victory, which halted Ottoman influence over the region between the Don River and the Volga. They soon forced the patriarch to join the procession heading to the Yildiz Palace to demand implementation of Article 61 of the Treaty of Berlin. The Armenians were headed by Andranik Ozanian along with Kevork Chavoush, Sepasdatsi Mourad, Keri, Hrayr Tjokhk, and others.[27]. Armenians were allowed to establish their own courts of justice for the purpose of administering justice and conducting litigation between Armenians, and for deciding all questions relating to marriage, divorce, estate, inheritance, etc., appertaining to themselves. Armenian dwellings were adapted to the extremes of temperature in the highlands of Western Armenia (renamed Eastern Anatolia in 1941). These regions are mostly included in present-day Turkeys eastern provinces and todays Republic of Armenia where a dense population of Armenians lived. The assessment of the deportations and other atrocities as a deliberate genocide is the official position of the modern-day Republic of Armenia,the Armenian diaspora all over the world, and the governments or parliaments of more than 30 countries, including the United States, Canada, Germany, Russiaand France. The Armenian charitable works, hospitals, and provident institutions were organized along the explained perspective. The leaders who ordered the deportations and the local Ottoman police, Jendarma paramilitaries and Kurdish auxiliaries who carried the ordersout therefore stand accused of crimes against humanity. We have 5 articles, related to The Ottoman Empire. This kind of mass movement continued in the following centuries, culminating in the 11th century, in the light of the fall of the Armenian kingdoms of Vasbouragan, Ani or Kars. Indeed, it is widely claimed that the Armenians were victims of a deliberate genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman authorities an accusation that Turkey continues to deny. The deportations took more than a year to complete. A Question of Genocide Ronald Grigor Suny 2011-02-02 One hundred years after the deportations and mass murder of Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, and other peoples in the final years of the Ottoman Empire, the history of the Armenian genocide is a victim of historical distortion, state-sponsored falsification, and deep divisions between Armenians . [17] Mikrtich issued a decree permitting women to have equal votes with men and asking them to take part in all elections. Its true that during the entire Ottoman government period these regions continued to be the provinces with the densest Armenian population.

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