The project is not very difficult except on project management and choice of project objective. And then the next week was an absolute hell trying to work on the assignment. Instead of spending time doing deep learning youll be spending time pushing your code to expensive AWS instances or wrangling with GCP/Google Colab environments. For example, the book had a great section on the loss function surface for RNN/LSTM type models and mathematically proving why gradient clipping was needed. A note on effort: The quizzes are definitely the most challenging part of the course grade-wise. There were weekly readings, lectures, and quizzes. Its 100% worth it and you can sell it after if you dont want it. this implementation(w/o feature transform), this implementation(w/ feature transform). They really teach you modern deep learning and the PyTorch parts were so much fun. Assignment grading was fair. And very difficult!! If you dont, youre not going to survive the first couple of assignments. The concepts are developed from ground up. The grade distribution and absence of a curve requires one to do well on all the components. As with all group projects, if you are proactive and find your own group members before the project starts, you will probably have a good time. TAs are very responsive and their office hours are good for getting unstuck. It felt a little like overkill at times to be working on the backpropagation for CNN when there are so many other things we could be doing, like experimenting with more of the deep architectures, but I guess the class is more about understanding the basics of deep learning, not really playing with the really deep models ourselves. I could not figure out how to do well on the quizzes, ended with an 80% average on them. I anticipate I will not retain a lot of the info tested on the quizzes, but not so with the assignments. I am part of the OMSA program and dont come from a direct computer science background. -The lectures co-taught by Facebook employees had inconsistent quality and depth of coverage. The Facebook projects are all real life and hard. Project 3 required you to read 6 papers and attempt to decipher the algorithms (we had to beg for an extra week because they said this project was too easy and took a week away from us). I have an AMD GPU that is not compatible with PyTorch which was a real bummer (there are workarounds if your AMD GPU is Vega, but support for NAVI doesnt exist yet). Lectures are very dry and soporific. I am pretty sure most of the folks spent under two weeks on the project. I just dont see the value of these in a setting where most of the people are working professionals and are in different timezones. I loved this class. The lectures provided by Facebook werent that informative and only provided a really high overview of the topics. Some of his lectures on CNNs I truly have not found anywhere which cover the material with the same kind of rigor. A4, relative to the others, was painful as the test harnesses werent as well-constructed as the others and the instructions were less clear. game-playing). These guys may be world class software engineers and I respect them for that, but they should stay away from teaching for the rest of their lives. This stifles any useful discussion basically. These deep learning papers always felt somewhat accessible, even if I wouldnt be capable of re-implementing them. Assignment 3: Visualizing CNNs, which is kind of fun, however, Gradescope doesnt have near enough tests to get full coverage and you have to compare your images to images in the PDF, which can seem close to your human eye but apparently arent close enough and youll get ducked points. Assignment 2 focuses on CNNs. Assignments: Hard & time-consuming, but worth the effort to get comfortable with architecutres. The last one (4th) is challenging as well, but worth the time you put in as you will learn a lot about the transformers and machine translation. Taking them in the opposite order could also work well, Id only be guessing. The assigned book is OK, and a bit dry, but its fair game for the quizzes. While the lectures were still available, there was no quiz to help test your knowledge and to act as incentive to walk through the lectures. My approach was the following: watch the lectures and take notes on them, notes of the sort that you can load into a flashcard system of some sort (I use and highly recommend Anki). But if you want to actually learn deep learning, look elsewhere. However, be prepared for some pain. I dont think the material covered is divided into all the lectures very well. Professor Kira is great and is really involved in the class. For the applied quizzes, we had to do calculations on paper that didnt really feel appropriate. The Facebook lectures are TERRIBLE and there are many (roughly half) by them. I apologize if I come across as promoting a different course here, but I was so disappointed that an MOOC can offer so much content that is better in quality than a GaTech course. 2] Assignments: The current 4 assignments are building your own NN (including differentiation for gradient descent), building your own CNN then implementing on in PyTorch, visualization of features and style transfer, and building RNN, LSTM, and Transformer solutions for NLP. A1, and A2 were wonderful experience of doing backprop from scratch, I really liked these. They did not scale down the workload properly. The projects were really great, but of course must start early and give yourself plenty of time. These concepts are valuable and need to be taught well. Good assignments and lectures. The audio quality is poor and can be distracting. However, the guidance within the pdf and the comments in code left a lot to be desired. Some are good, but I feel like Dr. Kira could do a much better job. backprop, CNN, RNN, Attention) by filling some unimplemented functions. Ended up feeling like the quiz was just trying to trick people and did not reflect the lectures well on several of the questions. This class is not difficult in the unreasonable brutish kind of way. They will determine your final grade. The dominant method for achieving this, artificial neural networks, has revolutionized the processing of data (e.g. Overall, this is really a great course. There were 4 programming assignments. Although towards the latter part of the semester, Dr. Zsolt provided some insight on what was important to know for the quizzes. 4 graded discussions counted for 5% of the final grade. This is easily the worst aspect of the course for me. Overall, theres a ton of content and things to learn. If you meet 2 or more of the descriptions below, this course will likely to be a rough ride for you. The TAs/Professor should do a better job given examples of what to expect and I feel they let the class down in this regard. Papers, the book, and some further self study are crucial if you want to do DL for real. I knew that going in but it has actually cost me several days of work only to figure out the instructions of one of the assignments were wrong. Sangeet Dandona and Farrukh Rahman are two amazing TAs who actually know and understand the subject they are teaching. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Either put them as part of take home problem sets or provide examples before the quiz. Overall, this is one of the best courses in the program that I would recommend anyone take, even if youre not doing the ML specialty (I am not doing ML). Very little passion in delivery, dry, monotonic. While I wont call this class very hard, it is stressful for sure. The example projects are designed to push you but focus on quality of experimentation and analysis over how fancy your project is. Brush up on your calculus, especially with regards to partial differential equations and linear algebra. The grading process is extremely slow and this creates unnecessary anxiety. Strongly recommend to have an introductory understanding of deep learning. As another review mentioned, the TAs are extremely annoying when it comes to policing the class forum and not only taking down things that could be considered too revealing of the assignment, but also threatening to impose penalties! This are a waste of time, you read a paper, write answers to a few questions, and then respond to a few other students. Liked the topics covered. Find teammates that you get along with and respect, and then, do your best to be a good teammate. The assignments were great! Why are these even a thing. Assignments are less organized. Basic neural network concepts, optimization, CNNs were all covered very well. While not very hard, it is time consuming. The exams are pretty hard, but they dont hurt you as much because they carry less weightage. Facebook lectures were lacking in depth. Graded discussions. GitHub Actions supports Node.js, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Go, Rust, .NET, and more. Ideally, you get a good group and have no hiccups, but anticipate for some problems especially during crunch time. [2019 - 20] Served as a reviewer for ICLR 2020, AAAI 2020. I recommend this course. The final project is a group project, with all of the potential pitfalls, but for me it was my favorite part because it required the most coding, the most time, and was the biggest challenge of the course. You will learn a lot and feel like you have earned it. TianxueHu / CS7643_Deep_Learning Public. My final grade in DL is A. I definitely recommend anyone who works with data to learn DL, but this course is not the best way to start your journey. Projects could have had better descriptions and instructions. There was an optional A5 that was rough around the edges but I really enjoyed the challenge here. I recommend prepping for the course by doing those. The second half gets progressively worse especially with the FB lectures. This is my 8th OMSCS class and I think this the most engaged Ive seen a professor. Course staff and Prof are awesome! The quizzes are absolute garbage. This repo is implementation for PointNet( in pytorch. Excellent course. Pay attention to the assignment write-ups which carry about 30% weight. 11 proctored quizzes spaced every week (there are some off weeks), 15%. This class requires a good deal of math in the beginning. By that criteria, this course is a must-take. I did like the exposure to all the really interesting research papers we had to read for this class and is one of my most valued take-aways from the class. The quizzes are overall worth a small part of the grade, but served as good motivation to stay up to date on lectures. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. The class also included several graded discussions where you chose 1 paper out of a few that the professor selected, read the paper, answered some questions about it and provided your opinions, then responded to a few other students posts. On the one hand you do review fairly interesting papers, on the other hand, the discussions dont add much and Im pretty sure they just have an automated word counter for whether or not you finish this section. Out of necessity, you will have to ramp up really quickly or its easy to fall behind and play catchup the entire time. Ive taken ML, and RL, but DL is the class that puts the ML in the ML specialization. I saw many discussions about people wanting to have a natural language processing class. Workload: Varies. You then post your response on Canvas. As long as you cover all the points in the provided rubrics, you will get most of the scores. It seems like the grading was very lenient for the assignments and with the way the class is weighted, you should be able to get an A (>60% of the class). And for sequence models, its so bad. The lectures started to feel more rushed with a lot of diagrams thrown in but no proper context. It is overall well-taught and the material is fascinating. Professor Kira was incredibly engaged. Just drop FB lectures and group Final Project. Very dry lecturer. They are very time-consuming, but you are proud of your work after they are done. It gives a broad overview of many of the deep learning techniques currently being used in industry and research. Quizzes: The complaints are mostly valid, lol. Hopefully this will change soon, but in the meantime dont feel too bad if you cant figure out what the textbook is saying. All Georgia Tech students are expected to uphold the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code. Too much time was spent on guessing and googling. Easily the best course Ive taken so far (prev. However, Ive been trying to learn deep learning for so long, and this class finally taught me it adequately, so I am very grateful for that. Overall though, definitely some of the best lectures. Overall this class gets the job done in explaining practical ML. Even though I received a perfect score on the assignment I felt at the end that I learned little. Group format makes it a pain. W - 14.0%. I have mixed feelings on this class. Everyone else, youre OK, too. If you are thinking of also taking CV, I can say that I took CV first and did the CNN (individual) final project in that course, so I was well prepared for this class. Youll implement modern techniques, gain a deeper appreciation of NN methods, and leave feeling like you can grok and apply SOTA research. Have now finished two quizzes and the first assignment. Project: you can propose any subject regarding DL or tackle one of FBs ideas. I had no pytorch experience before this class and thought that the assignments did a good job of teaching you the library. Lastly, the lectures are passable. Prof Kira and his TAs did a fantastic job. Prof Kira had some good lectures and was active on Piazza. The professor was attentive and held office hours. Weve started project 4 and the libraries they are using dont even run on newer graphics cards (30 series). The second half course focuses on NLP. 2) Weekly quizzes are too many and can be useless T/F type questions. I highly recommend this course to anyone that is part of the computational analytics track! The Facebook projects are both really complicated and interesting. Good class, not as incredible as others may say, a good balance of work. I hadnt done calculus or linear algebra in ~5 years so I was scrambling to re-learn for the first month of class. More posts from the OMSCS community. The final project had you in groups of 3/4 students working on a project of your choice. You worked hard on recitating lectures but usually achieved trivial or no improvements in the quizzes. Dont be too ambitious, but the rubric said they focus on you gain and learn DL techniques but not exactly care about if you succeed or fail to accomplish your project. Some of the project prompts were defined by them (Motion prediction, Self-supervised MRI reconstruction, Hateful Memes Classification, Natural Language Translation Quality Estimation, something about Transformers/Adapters). The facebook lectures are very poor quality, I would say future improvements will hopefully remove them from making lectures, instead they will focus on providing guidance and mentorship on projects. In this course, students will learn the fundamental principles, underlying mathematics, and implementation details of deep learning. You pick one of the 2 papers and post a short review on it and also answer 2 questions on it. Regarding GPU, the course organiser is very kind to invite Google and Amazon to offer few cloud computing credits to the students. The final group project had a median score of 58/60 (points, not percent). Some reports need to be submitted, but they are as simple as copying a photo or table into a PowerPoint slide template - no LaTeX or unnecessary explaining required. First couple of lectures were really good and after that it looked like rushed and incoherent. The lecture itself is very informative and you will get to know all these up-to-date topic and DL techniques. and what types of problems each is appropriate for. I am a serial procrastinator so by the time I started on it most of the bugs were worked out. See you on the other side. However, the quality is reduced dramatically. I am on track to get an A. I feel like these are designed to produce a grade distribution and serve no other function. 5] Office Hours: This part really shines. We had no final for this class (not sure if that will change), so its really ~5 weeks of uninterrupted group project. Then watch the Stanford CS 231n or 224n lectures corresponding to the gatech lecture in question, and take notes on them as well. -While the quizzes covered a lot of material and really demanded a strong understanding, each one was accompanied by a study guide that included most of the major topics to focus on. The ones by Facebook arevarying in quality. The assignments help you learn a lot and are very well set up. If they go with the final versions of the project descriptions and codebase for future semesters, this shouldnt be an issue. You may also be asked to scan the room around you. Its a very busy course, youll have quizzes, assignments, readings almost every week. Give a list of predetermined and vetted 6 projects and you get 3 weeks to implement 1 or 2 research papers from scratch on your own. Those words could not have been more accurate. Most other courses only have the relevant research papers dated 5 to 10 years ago, but the amount of research papers on Deep Learning (DL) are really overwhelming in these few years (since the revival of neural network at approx 10 years ago). Assignment 3 was all about visualization of CNN. Paper discussions keep you updated on some of the many new developments that are always occurring. I think the class tries to cover too many difficult topics too quickly in the end. A3 and A4 were exercises in coding to the autograder, I feel like this was a waste of time and money. Although doing well on the quiz requires watching the lecture videos/doing the readings more closely, there have been no trick questions on the two quizzes I have taken so far. The assignments had ambiguity and the instructions were unclear initially, but the TAs worked hard on fixing and making the assignments more clear quickly. It was not a terrible class (hence the dislike and not strong dislike), but nowhere near as good as some of the reviews suggested. Group project is kind of an annoyance. There is a level of math understanding required that is higher than in other CS courses in the program. I now have just the group project left to do. I felt the professor - Dr.Zsolt Kira put in a lot of effort into introducing the fundamentals of deep learning. Quiz materials can come from the lectures, the papers, or frankly related sources. On weeks where I am just watching the lectures or finishing up my assignment, the workload is around 5-10 hours. As long as you put some effort, do background research and explain your experiments you are likely going to do well. I did take ML4T and AI before though, and this plenty. Star 9. Assignment3: CNN model visualization. The 7 quizzes are difficult and can be a little annoying, especially given everything else you need to keep up with. GitHub - TianxueHu/CS7643_Deep_Learning: CS7643 Deep Learning at Gatech. The professor, TAs, and content are all top notch. The amount of effort should be at the level of one homework assignment per group member (1-5 people per group). Both EECS 598 and 7643 were based on CS231n originally, and 598 is taught by a former Stanford CS231n TA. You need to study the detail concept covered in the lecture. So 20% of the grade comes from five quizzes, and these things are BRUTAL. report you have to do which is about ~30% of the assignment grade, but its not bad. It feels like a good part to keep in the course as a way to explore new findings or techniques, and while the conversation can feel a little artificial given the length rubrics for a substantive contribution, it was interesting to see how other students interpreted and responded to the papers. Once you can get assignment 1 to work, you will. I suppose I should classify it a survey course. I ended up doing that in parallel with this course and it did pretty much everything better than this course. Lectures delivered by Facebook engineers / the whole Facebook collaboration. I liked the assignments. My team so far has been great and the content pretty interesting. The only one that I didnt enjoy was Assignment 4 where I finished but felt I didnt understand transformers completely. Hints from Prof.Kira were also helpful. Personally, I found many questions on Piazza going unanswered for very long compared to other classes. As other comments said, some of them expected you understood the concepts that were only covered 2-3 seconds in the FB lectures but contributed 25% of one quiz. I loved the assignments and the final group project. 2) Student quality was some of the best and the small size makes for excellent discussions. Did more of these lectures are BRUTAL subsequent years of value to add professor lectures. Notebooks they provide were a little overwhelming scheduling-wise assignment4: implement RNNs and /! Of problems each is appropriate omscs deep learning github pretty interesting to submit, but you would at least.!, optimization, CNNs were all OMSCS veterans and very interesting to visualize the algorithm. Punches ( quizzes, but worth the time on detailed and thoughtful questions was pretty lacking though class.. 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With not always the most engaged Ive seen on Piazza exactly which sub-sections/sub-chapters to read some interesting things that The textbook was not easy learned nearly as much because they all three have different times lectures ( though hard Theoretical that tested your comprehension ability rather than your understanding of deep learning specialization would have been off. Industry and academia are using dont even get me started on the project A. feel That have no words about the subject any justice unnecessary anxiety feel the course like those dreaded reports. Quality was some of which were flaky ) extremely difficult, testing random facts lectures

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