When the user selected one element, the dropdown state is set to the element value . It is working fine for static column, not working when to try place inside ng-template. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. API Reference of the jQuery remove Method, Loop through the rows to remove the expand arrow on the desired items by using the. privacy statement. http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#configuration-columns.template, Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular 2 components, Try our brand new, jQuery-free Angular components. Already on GitHub? We have this exact requirement that you mentioned where we want to hide or show a column based on a global property. Solution Subscribe to the dataBound event of the Grid. }); a column cannot be hidden for one Add some CSS to the Freezable columns grid so that they can't be scrolled. Below is a sample: <script> var grid = $ ("#myGrid").data ("kendoGrid"); grid.bind ("dataBound", grid_dataBound); <script> function grid_dataBound () { if (MustBeHide) this.hideColumn ("Name"); } </script> This will hide "Name" column. I see "hidden" in kendo-grid-column is not working. 'title' : 'Is Admin', "#grid").hide(); The following example demonstrates how to hide the columnMenu options for some of the columns and expose the filtering for them directly in the popup. The following example demonstrates how to pass a value in the ViewBag for a key and give it a true or false value in the controller, and then access it in the Razor template . Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Please disable your ad blocker if this screen remains blanc and reload the page. Indeed, that should work fine. All Rights Reserved. An example on how to conditionally show the filter and sort options in the columnMenu of the Kendo UI Grid. . See Trademarks for appropriate markings. $(".k-grid-edit", All Rights Reserved. Sorry, my bad - forgot to trim the curly braces, see property binding: thank you @tsvetomir ; it is working as expected. Here is my code snippet that I am using inside template ng-template, ` Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. Whatever answers related to ". Conditionally Show ColumnMenu Options per Grid Column Environment. Download free 30-day trial. And when the user clicks on Edit, we want to show this column. Can you advise me on this issue. We need to have some JS logic so that on vertically scrolling of non frozen. Define a DataBound event for your grid and there decide to hide the columns. When you specify a template on your component, the content of this template will be processed by the Vue compiler that will return a render function.. gee vee travel day trips 2022 chesterfield, can you be an alcoholic if you only drink once a month, can a neighbor drain water onto your property michigan. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. Web. Initially the user is in read only mode. All Rights Reserved. flutter flex. $(document).ready(function () { Supported file types: PNG, JPG, JPEG, ZIP, RAR, TXT. onDataBound: function (e) { Kendo provided a beautiful drop-down UI element. Conditionally Hide Hierarchical Grids Environment Description How can I show just a child Grid on certain elements in the hierarchical Grid? Define a DataBound event for your grid and there decide to hide the columns. thank you @tsvetomir , will raise the ticket. Kendo UI is rich in UX experience the following examples are based on the kendo UI JQuery. 'hidden' : '#if(isSuperUser == false) {# true # } else {# false #}#', Then based on a page event, you can simply call showColumn (and then hideColumn to reverse the operation). When using multicolumn headers, using an index will hide a top-level column together will all its "child columns".In such scenarios, using field names or column objects may be more appropriate. Hide Kendo Grid Column based on condition in ASP.Net MVC kavithav on Aug 13, 2019 03:45 AM 11172 Views Answered Below is my kendo grid in this grid i need to hide Case Number column conditionally that means if (admin== true) i need to show this column or else i need to hide this column how can i do this We'll need a more complete code sample to assist. Parser Error: Got interpolation ({{}}) where expression was expected at column 0 in [{{column.IsHidden}}] in ng:///TbModule/ReportsComponent.html@40:103 (" ][hidden]="{{column.IsHidden}}">, "): ng:///TbModule/ReportsComponent.html@40:103 I am unable to find any property or event to set the hidden property of column dynamically.