Relationships begun now are: noncommittal, friendly, detached, spirited, aloof. Its time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans. You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. The professionals and people in business activities of this . Mar 8, 2023 (Mar 7, 2023 to Mar 23, 2023) Mer 10th H. Mar 9, 2023 (Mar 9, 2023 to Mar 9, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. Nov 7, 2022, at 3:42 AM Venus biquintile Chi Gemini natives would also be lucky and successful in their career if you put hard work and effort into it as per 2022 Gemini life predictions. This is not a time to push yourself or to be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. People see more of the private or personal side of you whether you want them to or not. May 15, 2022, at 8:12 AM Venus 14 Ari 44 Conj Chi 14 Ari 44 Charm, spontaneity. Saturn continues to feel like an ally and a stabilizing force in 2022. Mar 8, 2023 (Mar 8, 2023 to Mar 10, 2023) Moo 5th H. Mar 23, 2023 (Feb 11, 2023 to Jul 27, 2023) Plu Trine Asc. For Gemini ascendant 2022 natives from April onwards these natives will feel more want for money and likely temptation to make money in negative or illegal ways, negative people will surround and influence the native and even can force to do wrong deeds and fetch native into unwanted problem. Relationships begun now are: emotionally charged, domestic, potentially long-lasting, somewhat privatethey run deep. Nov 15, 2022, at 2:20 PM Mercury 27 Sco 34 Sesqu Chi 12 Ari 34, Dec 6, 2022, Jan 7, 2023 (Jan 7, 2023 to Jan 10, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Your communication and interaction with others is colored by emotional considerations and your need to have an emotional rapport and to feel a kinship with others. Ainsi, si votre ascendant est le Poissons, votre descendant est ncessairement en Vierge. Feb 5, 2023 (Feb 4, 2023 to Feb 8, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Feb 8, 2023 (Feb 8, 2023 to Feb 8, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. As long as egos dont interfere, love will reign! You have a creative way of communicating your ideas and modify it as per the emotions of your audience. There may be a lack of support or indifference to your own needs which you sense on either an internal or external level. You make an excellent first impression now. Dec 21, 2022 (Dec 21, 2022 to Dec 22, 2022) Sun Qucnx Asc. There can be some sluggishness during the retrograde period because Mars, the planet of energy, anger, activity, and sexuality, is moving backwards (retrograde) in your sign. Gemini Good Days Calendar, 2023 Preview Gemini Horoscope Either way, this ushers in a cycle in which crucial. Dec 21, 2022 (Dec 20, 2022 to Jan 20, 2023) Sun 8th H. Joint financial affairs and investments are likely to be an issue at this time, and it is a good time to clarify each partys expectations and to take care of legal business, insurance, wills, and so on. How: Friendly, helpful, tolerant, breezy manner. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 15, 2023 to Jul 5, 2023) Jup 11th H. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 20, 2023 to Feb 20, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. Gemini students will be favored by luck in their academic . Dec 29, 2022 (Dec 28, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022) Moo 11th H. A need for community, fellowship, emotional contact with kindred spirits, friendship, and supportive others is accentuated now. If you have been acting with integrity and building on a firm foundation, you are likely to come into prominence in some way but, if not, this can be a period of severe chastisement and defeat. A romance begun now might be characterized by sensitivity, concern, and care on the positive side, but it could also be a moody, clinging one. Feb 10, 2023 (Feb 10, 2023 to Feb 13, 2023) Moo 5th H. Feb 12, 2023 (Feb 11, 2023 to Feb 13, 2023) Ven Sqr Asc. Therefore, you have more energy and more fun at this time. , if spoiled relation then will turn positive and helpful. However, events from the past and subjective assessments and feelings which may have little basis in the present may also influence your thinking at this time. It is a good time to get such affairs in order. The native with Sun in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant gets happiness and blessings from his mother. Oct 27, 2022, at 10:56 PM Venus biquintile Jup, Nov 2, 2022, You can be more ardent in your pursuit of a person or a relationship, or someone could be ardently pursuing you! However, its now in your public and professional sector, and, for those hoping to meet a significant other, your best bet this year is through business or other professional interests. You may feel like filling the relationship void that currently exists. If you know your birth time, but dont know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here. Times/dates are Eastern. It may force you to deal with certain secrets so that you can eventually lead a more authentic and freer existence. Oct 29, 2022, at 1:32 PM Mercury 29 Lib 52 Qucnx Jupiter 29 Pis 52, Nov 2, 2022, Signs: Ari = AriesTau = TaurusGem = GeminiCan = CancerLeo = LeoVir = VirgoLib = LibraSco = ScorpioSag = SagittariusCap = CapricornAqu = AquariusPis = PiscesPlanets & Points: Asc = AscendantMerc = MercuryVen = VenusJup = JupiterSat = SaturnUra = UranusNep = NeptunePlu = PlutoChi = ChironPal = Pallas, Aspects: Conj = ConjunctionSxtil = SextileSqr = SquareTri = TrineQuncx = QuincunxOppos = Opposition. Jan 25, 2023 (Jan 25, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023) Moo 11th H. Jan 26, 2023 (Jan 26, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023) Ven Sqr Asc. When Mars is in this sign, there's a buzzing desire to share, learn, and verbally spar. You begin to reap the just rewards for the course you have been following the past few years, so this may be either a period of success and achievement or one in which you must face the failure of your endeavors. Jan 9, 2023 (Jan 9, 2023 to Jan 12, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Jan 10, 2023 (Jan 10, 2023 to Jan 11, 2023) Sun Qucnx Asc. Cafe Astrology .com. Your romantic life may hit a period of lull or retrospection while Venus, the ruler of your romance sector, is retrograde from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022. You can enjoy sports, games, entertainment, and creative activities. Nov 25, 2022, at 1:46 AM Mercury 12 Sag 18 Trine Chi 12 Ari 18 You can have a great deal of nervous energy running through your body now. Its a playful, lighthearted, and magnetic period for love, particularly for casual love affairs. Feb 28, 2023 (Feb 27, 2023 to Mar 2, 2023) Moo 1st H. Mar 2, 2023 (Mar 2, 2023 to Mar 5, 2023) Moo 2nd H. Mar 3, 2023 (Feb 28, 2023 to Mar 5, 2023) Mar Conj Asc. Jul 31, 2022, at 10:04 AM Venus 16 Can 22 Sqr Chi 16 Ari 22 You are apt to feel at odds with yourself or other people right now, as if you cant quite get into a comfortable rhythm or flow with what is happening in your environment. Jan 18, 2023 (Jan 17, 2023 to Jan 20, 2023) Moo 7th H. Jan 20, 2023 (Jan 20, 2023 to Jan 20, 2023) Moo Qucnx Asc. Vijaynagar, Ghaziabad, Feb 12, 2023 (Feb 12, 2023 to Feb 14, 2023) Moo 6th H. Feb 14, 2023 (Feb 14, 2023 to Feb 14, 2023) Moo Oppos Asc. Feb 22, 2023 (Feb 21, 2023 to Feb 22, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. At this time you are inclined to invest your time and money into making your environment more beautiful and comfortable. And with that, spooky season also known in other circles as "autumn" comes to a close . Also, your desire for beauty stimulates your creativity. See what you can do to secure your valuables or your finances. Nov 14, 2022, at 3:19 AM Venus 27 Sco 36 Sesqu Chi 12 Ari 36 Oversensitivity and childish impulses are stronger than usual. If you are interested in a more detailed and personalized forecast, see our Future Forecast Reports. Mar 8, 2023 (Mar 7, 2023 to Apr 2, 2023) Ven 11th H. Mar 10, 2023 (Mar 9, 2023 to Mar 10, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. Horoscopes on this page generated using the excellent Sirius software by Cosmic Patterns and the Advanced Forecast report option, with customized options. If one is searching for guru then it is highly likely that during this time Gemini native can meet someone . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Indulging in your desire for beauty or luxury is likely at this time. Also, cultural events or participating in some group effort is satisfying. Apr 30, 2022, at 5:14 PM Venus 27 Pis 58 Conj Jup 27 Pis 58, May 6, 2022, Mars in Gemini 2022 means the Warrior God entering the fast-acting and even faster-talking sign of Gemini. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 20, 2023 to Feb 22, 2023) Moo 10th H. Feb 22, 2023 (Feb 22, 2023 to Feb 22, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. Jan 11, 2023 (Jan 11, 2023 to Jan 13, 2023) Moo 4th H. Jan 13, 2023 (Jan 12, 2023 to Jan 14, 2023) Mer Qucnx Asc. Nov 25, 2022, at 7:51 PM Venus 12 Sag 16 Trine Chi 12 Ari 16, Dec 19, 2022, Gemini Rising's Relationships. Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. This is a time when short trips, excursions, errands, etc. Feb 14, 2023 (Feb 14, 2023 to Feb 16, 2023) Moo 7th H. Feb 16, 2023 (Feb 16, 2023 to Feb 16, 2023) Moo Qucnx Asc. Mercury emphasizes your ability to communicate well in society. People in your immediate environment appear to thwart, interfere, demand, or simply be unreasonably uncooperative toward you. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 17, 2023 to Feb 18, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. By Samantha Maffucci Written on May 19, 2022. This feels easier to do with Plutos harmonious transits to outer planets in 2022. At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. Feb 4, 2023 (Feb 4, 2023 to Feb 6, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Feb 6, 2023 (Feb 6, 2023 to Feb 6, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. Midpoints are included as well. Dec 9, 2022 (Dec 8, 2022 to Jan 2, 2023) Ven 8th H. The dates above are broad and general. Nov 21, 2022, at 5:55 PM Mercury 7 Sag 09 Conj Venus 7 Sag 09 Underlying motives come to the surface and relationships become deeper and more meaningful. Your ties to nurturing or comforting people and your need to connect with important people in your life are emphasized. Apr 27, 2022, at 1:11 AM Mercury 27 Tau 11 sextile Jup 27 Pis 11 at 5:24 PM Venus 17 Cap 34 SSqr Jupiter 2 Pis 34, Mar 6, 2022, Overall this is likely to bring ease and engender positive feelings in your interactions and personal relationships, but in a situation in which you need to move forcefully on your own behalf it could work against you. Enhancing love now: Enjoying domestic activities together, nesting, spending quiet time together, expressing nurturing and protective traits towards a lover. Mar 5, 2023 (Mar 4, 2023 to Mar 7, 2023) Moo 3rd H. Mar 7, 2023 (Mar 7, 2023 to Mar 7, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. Jan 20, 2023 (Jan 19, 2023 to Feb 18, 2023) Sun 9th H. This is a time to lift yourself out of your usual mundane concerns in order to get a larger perspective on your life. Contact No: +91-8178341336 This ascendant can give you a gift for teaching and language, whether you're instructing an ESL course as you backpack through Asia or living the digital nomad life as a coder. Select a SignAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces. Concern over health, diet and nutrition, putting your life in order, and self-improvement is also accentuated. This is not a time to force issues. Ideally, buried problems are stirred so that you can resolve them and put them behind you. Nov 3, 2022, at 5:15 PM Venus 14 Sco 29 Sesqu Jupiter 29 Pis 29 Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. There can be intense relationship with the opposite sex and this could at times lead to loss of reputation in society or family. Someone with Gemini on the Ascendant/Rising Sign will have their identity guided by the energy of Mercury, wherever it appears in the chart. At the very least, youll learn something about a friend or lover that helps you understand them. Starts quickly and expectations are such that the relationship is exciting and maintains spontaneity. Mar 7, 2023 (Mar 6, 2023 to Mar 10, 2023) Moo 4th H. Mar 8, 2023 (Mar 7, 2023 to Mar 9, 2023) Ven Sxtil Asc. Dec 20, 2022 (Dec 4, 2022 to Dec 30, 2022) Jup Sxtil Asc. They radiate energy and pride. You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it all yourself. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report, Major Love Trends in 2022-2023 for Gemini. It may be that you are more focused and devoted to your own well-being, so any commitment or dedication outside of your personal or vocational needs has no purpose for you. As a result, this phase will be a favorable one for people in business. Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. Discussions about death are also likely to arise, both over legalities (wills, inheritances, and so on), and the more emotional, personal aspects of it. Gemini Ascendant Daily Horoscope Jan 3, 2023 (Jan 3, 2023 to Jan 6, 2023) Moo 1st H. Jan 6, 2023 (Jan 5, 2023 to Jan 8, 2023) Moo 2nd H. Jan 8, 2023 (Jan 8, 2023 to Jan 8, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. See also 2023 Summary Horoscopes for neat summaries of the year ahead for each sign, 2023 Yearly Horoscopes for detailed forecasts for each sign, 2023 Preview Horoscopes, and 2023 Love Guides/Horoscopes for Each Sign for forecasts in the areas of romance and relationships. Inner harmony and a sense of flowing along comfortably with events and people are accented now. The Gemini Ascendant is also called the Gemini Rising Sign in your horoscope. You can be second-guessing yourself, and this is a natural process as you reassess how you have been going about meeting life and reacting/acting. So you know alllll about Gemini, but what about Gemini Rising? Characteristics of Mercury in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant. at 4:35 PM Mercury biquintile Jup The transiting Sun, Moon, planets, Chiron, and the four major asteroids are interpreted in relation to your Sun or Ascendant. Jun 29, 2022, at 5:52 AM Mercury quintile Jup, Jul 4, 2022, Where: Each sector of a chart represents certain areas of your life. Jul 23, 2022, at 1:52 PM Mercury 8 Leo 40 Trine Jup 8 Ari 40 at 1:13 PM Venus 13 Sco 01 Qucnx Chi 13 Ari 01 Feb 24, 2022, at 12:06 AM Mercury 10 Aqu 17 sextile Chi 10 Ari 17, Mar 4, 2022, Dec 19, 2022, at 11:23 AM Venus 11 Cap 57 Sqr Chi 11 Ari 57. Gemini Moon Sign Compatibility Jan 18, 2023 (Jan 17, 2023 to Feb 12, 2023) Ven 9th H. Jan 24, 2023 (Jan 23, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023) Moo 10th H. Jan 27, 2023 (Jan 26, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. Now is a good time to make a presentation, go for an interview, or meet the public in some way; the response is positive. Feb 8, 2023 (Feb 8, 2023 to Feb 10, 2023) Moo 4th H. Feb 8, 2023 (Feb 7, 2023 to Feb 9, 2023) Sun Trine Asc. Retreating from confrontation and allowing matters to take their own course may well be the best path now. Your need to be together and to share loving feelings is very strong. Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. Your outlook on life in terms of the big picture could be more cautious, and you might find that you temporarily have less faith, hope, confidence, and optimism. Last year, it happened in your sign, but this year, its in your intimacy sector. This retrograde affects all of us in general, mainly in the areas of love and finances. Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign - which means you need change and variety to feel alive. Relationships begun now are: Relationships begun while Venus is transiting a particular sector of your chart tend to take on some of the characteristics of that sector. You want familiarity, homogeneity, a sense of belonging, and mutual support at this time. Frustrations and obstacles in your relationships with others arise at this time. Your lovemaking is passionate. *** Daylight Saving Time ends *** Despite the good placements this year (dreamy Jupiter-in-Pisces, say), we've also known that the dreaded late night flight of August was coming. Choose your company carefully. Jul 27, 2022, at 12:55 PM Mercury 16 Leo 24 Trine Chi 16 Ari 24, Aug 5, 2022, Throughout the year, luck and fortune would befall you in economic life. Jan 26, 2023 (Jan 25, 2023 to Feb 20, 2023) Ven 10th H. Your career, social standing, or reputation is favored at this time, especially by making personal contact with superiors or by socializing and making friendly contacts at work. You come across assertively, competitively, and energetically now, so much so that you may arouse others animosity. Mar 3, 2023 (Mar 3, 2023 to Mar 3, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. Since the native with Mercury are intelligent, they have vivid memory and memorization skills. Feelings of love, a desire for beauty, and the urge to be creative are strong. Oct 10, 2022, at 9:15 AM Venus 14 Lib 01 Oppos Chi 14 Ari 01 However self-absorbing this sounds, it can still be a fortunate period in which to find your own satisfaction and rewards in your work and personal endeavors. Gemini born May 22 to 31 *or* 0-10 Degrees Gemini Ascendant, Gemini born June 1 to 11 *or* 10-20 Degrees Gemini Ascendant, Gemini born June 12 to 21 *or* 20-30 Degrees Gemini Ascendant, 2023 Love Guides/Horoscopes for Each Sign. Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. at 2:05 AM Mercury 29 Sag 04 Sqr Jupiter 29 Pis 04 Gemini Ascendant Love, Marriage and Relationships Restless, Witty and Talkative, Gemini Ascendants have their Relationship houses in Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Dec 21, 2022 (Dec 21, 2022 to Dec 21, 2022) Moo Oppos Asc. This year, Saturn will go into Aquarius on 29th April, and the Gemini natives will be affected by Saturn. You are likely to make an important change at this time. Jupiter is in your sector of career, the public, reputation, status, and responsibilities as follows; 1) from May 13-July 28, 2021 (last year), 2) December 28, 2021-May 10, 2022, and 3) October 28, 2022-December 20, 2022. Gemini ascendants are sensitive when it comes to their personal space. You easily respond to each other with sincere love and respect and should take advantage of opportunities to display the best and most positive traits which you can offer in the relationship. Jan 14, 2023 (Jan 13, 2023 to Jan 16, 2023) Moo 5th H. Jan 15, 2023 (Jan 13, 2023 to Jan 18, 2023) Ves Sqr Asc, Jan 18, 2023 (Jan 18, 2023 to Jan 19, 2023) Ven Trine Asc. When Venus transits that particular sector, you may have better chances finding love while traveling, doing adventurous things, or furthering your education. You want to give to your friends and loved ones and may spend generously in order to make them happy. Jan 5, 2023 (Jan 5, 2023 to Jan 7, 2023) Moo 2nd H. This is a time for taking care of your possessions and personal belongings. Parties or other gala events are favored. Remember that if you know your Ascendant, you can read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. at 2:14 AM Mercury 8 Can 06 Sqr Jupiter 8 Ari 06 Nov 16, 2022, at 10:43 AM Mercury 28 Sco 53 Trine Jup 28 Pis 53 For those of you born with your Ascendant or Sun in the second ten degrees of Gemini (10 to 20 degrees Gemini), this is your daily horoscope guide to the month ahead. Dec 27, 2022 (Dec 27, 2022 to Dec 27, 2022) Moo Sqr Asc. Feb 6, 2023 (Feb 6, 2023 to Feb 9, 2023) Moo 4th H. Feb 9, 2023 (Feb 9, 2023 to Feb 9, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. Ascendant Sign Horoscopes: The following horoscopes for the current month are divided into 3 groups (or decanates) per sign for more accuracy. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 18, 2023 to Feb 20, 2023) Moo 9th H. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 15, 2023 to Feb 24, 2023) Jup Sxtil Asc. We hope you enjoy your Astro-Forecast. . A nostalgic mood is accented. Feb 13, 2023 (Feb 12, 2023 to Feb 15, 2023) Moo 7th H. Feb 16, 2023 (Feb 15, 2023 to Feb 15, 2023) Moo Qucnx Asc. The transit effects of Ascendant Lord Mercury for Gemini natives in the year 2022: Since Mercury is the ascendant Lord and it stays in a sign for around a month or so depending upon its speed and retrogression. Jupiter is the ruler of your partnership sector, and a key factor in your relationship astrology, dear Gemini. Loving relationships, giving and receiving affection, and attracting people into your life who are good for you are very likely at this time. Gmeaux / Sagittaire. at 12:09 AM Mercury biquintile Jup You beautify your surroundings and pay particular attention to your appearance. Feb 24, 2023 (Feb 24, 2023 to Mar 13, 2023) Mer 9th H. Feb 25, 2023 (Feb 24, 2023 to Feb 28, 2023) Moo 12th H. Feb 28, 2023 (Feb 27, 2023 to Feb 28, 2023) Moo Conj Asc. Gemini (Born June 1 to 11) and Gemini Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Gemini: December 2022 Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends December 2022. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. If you are unwilling to do this, a general sense of static or dissonance both within and without is likely. Youre thinking about the big picture rather than the mundane circumstances and details of your life. Domestic or family matters are emphasized. June 28: Neptune . There are few hurdles in this area and you have to be worried about competition from other members. Gemini Monthly Horoscope Mars is in your partnership sectoruntil January 24th, 2022. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 17, 2023 to Feb 19, 2023) Moo 9th H. Feb 18, 2023 (Feb 17, 2023 to Feb 19, 2023) Sun Sqr Asc. Expressing open-hearted interest in a lover, listening to a lovers side to the story, compromising. Spending time with those you truly trust and enjoy should be no problem. Differences between people or encountering strangers may bother you more than usual. Jan 24, 2023 (Jan 23, 2023 to Jan 26, 2023) Moo 10th H. Jan 26, 2023 (Jan 26, 2023 to Jan 26, 2023) Moo Sxtil Asc. Gemini Ascendant Daily Horoscope Love comes to you rather than your having to pursue it. The transiting Sun, Moon, planets, Chiron, and the four major asteroids are interpreted in relation to your Sun or Ascendant. Dec 20, 2022 (Dec 3, 2022 to May 16, 2023) Jup 11th H. Expanding your social involvements is emphasized now and you are likely to meet new friends and benefactors through participating in groups or community activities. Many of your habits may no longer feel appropriate. May 19, 2022, at 9:33 PM Mercury 1 Gem 42 sextile Jup 1 Ari 42 Feb 8, 2023 (Feb 7, 2023 to Mar 10, 2023) Sun 9th H. Feb 10, 2023 (Feb 10, 2023 to Feb 10, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. Jan 4, 2023 (Jan 3, 2023 to Jan 7, 2023) Moo 1st H. Jan 4, 2023 (Jan 4, 2023 to Jan 5, 2023) Mer Qucnx Asc. This is a good time to treat yourself or do something fun just for you. Thisisa period of introspection, caution, and personal reflection. Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience. You may also have to re-examine some matter you believed to have already been concluded and resolved. Dec 26, 2022 (Dec 26, 2022 to Jan 30, 2023) Mar 12th H. At this time, youre likely to feel that you cannot make your desires or influence felt, and that things go awry when you try to assert yourself, make an impact, or get things done in a forthright way. May 10: Mercury Retrograde is back, and it's in Gemini. You need and want to socialize now. at 7:43 AM Venus biquintile Jup You are disinclined to stir up trouble or cause unpleasantness of any kind at the moment. Enhancing love now: Sharing and comparing your spiritual, religious, or philosophical interests with a friend or loved one may open up a whole new dimension of your relationship. Mar 5, 2023 (Mar 4, 2023 to Mar 8, 2023) Moo 4th H. Mar 7, 2023 (Feb 26, 2023 to Mar 15, 2023) Sat Sqr Asc. Feb 20, 2023 (Feb 19, 2023 to Feb 19, 2023) Moo Sqr Asc. Jun 28, 2022, at 11:51 PM Venus 7 Gem 19 sextile Jup 7 Ari 19 *** Daylight Saving Time begins ***, Apr 1, 2022, Mercury is your intelligence, your communication skills, your siblings, and your technical skills. Oct 23, 2022 3 AM (Oct 22, 2022 to Oct 24, 2022) Ven Qucnx Asc. Dec 19, 2022 (Dec 19, 2022 to Dec 19, 2022) Moo Qucnx Asc. You may instinctively wish to shield yourself from the emotions and problems of others. Mar 7, 2022, at 4:16 AM Mercury 25 Aqu 53 SSqr Chi 10 Ari 53 If your rising sign is Gemini, people perceive you as bubbly and talkative. For Gemini ascendant 2022 natives during April- May month and October-November there are chances that brother, father or younger sibling or spouses father anyone among them can suffer due to trouble in health, mental/ physical troubles during this time hence care need to be taken, worship lord Sun by offering water during this time. How: By expressing and emphasizing your domestic qualities, devotion, quietness, nurturing qualities. Jan 12, 2023 (Jan 11, 2023 to Jan 14, 2023) Moo 4th H. Jan 14, 2023 (Jan 14, 2023 to Jan 14, 2023) Moo Trine Asc. Things run smoothly and your work is likely to take an enjoyable . You gain what you want through diplomacy or charm and by enlisting the support of your friends, rather than by being forthright and bold. Relationships begun now are: Intense, all-consuming, emotionally-charged, deep, possibly stormy and characterized by possessiveness, obsession, or power games; passionate and erotic. You may not always feel that the ball is in your court during this period, however. Personal relationships are also harmonious now, and there is an increased appreciation for each others goals and aspirations, and you help each other more in achieving these goals. During this cycle, you could find that you are less confident about expressing yourself in adventurous ways. You could be a little tired and more accident-prone, so be sure to rest up. Gemini Venus Sign Compatibility, Best Times for Business Success, Good Luck, and Romance & Sexuality. This is a harmonious, enjoyable time for you. Feb 11, 2023 (Feb 10, 2023 to Mar 2, 2023) Mer 9th H. This is a good time to plan or take a journey to a distant land. They tend to be easygoing and fun but not always passionate and intense. Some of you will make a partnership official or public. You will be able to handle the instability with hard work and determination. Aug 24, 2022, at 1:31 PM Venus 15 Leo 53 Trine Chi 15 Ari 53, Sep 5, 2022, Each sign has a ruling point.

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