No hazardous atmosphere is permitted within the space whenever any employee is inside the space. Hoses having more than one gas passage shall not be used. Any additional permits, such as for hot work, that have been issued to authorize work in the permit space. If the object to be welded, cut, or heated cannot be moved and if all the fire hazards cannot be removed, positive means shall be taken to confine the heat, sparks, and slag, and to protect the immovable fire hazards from them. Preservative coatings shall be considered highly flammable when scrapings burn with extreme rapidity. Permits usu-ally are valid only for the length of the working shift; but never more than 24 hours. English 02/23/2023. Torch tip openings shall only be cleaned with devices designed for that purpose. 1926.1420 - Signalsradio, telephone or other electronic transmission of signals. 1926.705 - Requirements for lift-slab construction operations. INTRODUCTION . 1926.1103 - 13 Carcinogens (4-Nitrobiphenyl, etc.). 1926 Subpart R App G - 1926.502 (b)-(e) Fall Protection Systems Criteria and Practices. If a leak should develop at a fuse plug or other safety device, the cylinder shall be removed from the work area. hb`````P}AX8v00 x(dAn^>OM 5a&FAA@2 (h `@y mA`93N03d7(`pa8 TPj~!A2uWqV )2,[X{0=# If this action does not stop the leak, the use of the cylinder shall be discontinued, and it shall be properly tagged and removed from the work area. The California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 8, section 341 and section 341.1 require employers to obtain Project Permits and Annual Permits from Cal/OSHA before conducting certain construction activities. If a plug or safety device leaks, the cylinder shall be tagged, removed from service, and moved to a location where the leak will not be hazardous. Arc welding and cutting operations shall be separated from other operations by shields, screens, or curtains to protect employees in the vicinity from the direct rays and sparks of the arc. If a regulator attached to a cylinder valve will effectively stop a leak through the valve seat, the cylinder need not be removed from the work area. Chemical storage guidelines, flammables. If it is necessary to enter the permit space to eliminate or isolate hazards, such entry must be performed under 1926.1204 through 1926.1211. Overnight and at the change of shifts, the torch and hose shall be removed from the confined space. Employees in areas not protected from the arc by screening shall be protected by appropriate filter lenses in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. Nothing shall be placed on top of a manifold, when in use, which will damage the manifold or interfere with the quick closing of the valves. To the extent possible, hot work shall be performed in designated locations that are free of fire hazards. If filter lenses are used in goggles worn under the helmet, the shade numbers of both lenses equals the value shown in Table G-1 for the operation. Workers, supervisors, fire wardens, and contractors should be trained specific to their roles. 1926.153 - Liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas). Hose subjected to flashback or showing evidence of severe wear or damage shall be tested to twice the normal working pressure but not less than 200 p.s.i. Pressure regulators. |_W+ 1926.1002 - Protective frames (roll-over protective structures, known as ROPS) for wheel-type agricultural and industrial tractors used in construction. Permit space entry is performed at the same time that any activities that could foreseeably result in a hazard in the permit space are performed. Where relocation is impractical, combustibles shall be protected with flame proof covers, shielded with metal, guards, curtains, or wet down material to help prevent ignition of . 0000001616 00000 n Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. 0000018793 00000 n 1926.406 - Specific purpose equipment and installations. 1926.61 - Retention of DOT markings, placards and labels. When welders are exposed to their own arc or to each other's arc, filter lenses complying with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section shall be worn to protect against flashes and radiant energy. CFR Toolbox Law about. When the hot work operation is such that normal fire prevention precautions are not sufficient, additional personnel shall be assigned to guard against fire during hot work and for a sufficient time after completion of the work to ensure that no fire hazard remains. 1926.407 - Hazardous (classified) locations. Cylinders shall not be kept in unventilated enclosures such as lockers and cupboards. 1926.65 App A - Personal Protective Equipment Test Methods, 1926.65 App B - General Description and Discussion of the Levels of Protection and Protective Gear, 1926.65 App E - Training Curriculum Guidelines - Non-mandatory. hot work hazards and control measures pdf. 1926 Subpart V App A - Appendix A to Subpart V of Part 1926 [Reserved], 1926 Subpart V App B - Appendix B to Subpart V of Part 1926-Working on Exposed Energized Parts, 1926 Subpart V App C - Appendix C to Subpart V of Part 1926-Protection From Hazardous Differences in Electric Potential, 1926 Subpart V App D - Appendix D to Subpart V of Part 1926 - Methods of Inspecting and Testing Wood Poles, 1926 Subpart V App E - Appendix E to Subpart V of Part 1926 - Protection From Flames and Electric Arcs, 1926 Subpart V App F - Appendix F to Subpart V of Part 1926 - Work-Positioning Equipment Inspection Guidelines, 1926 Subpart V App G - Appendix G to Subpart V of Part 1926 - Reference Documents, 1926 Subpart W - Rollover Protective Structures; Overhead Protection. Hot work. Welding, cutting or heating of toxic metals. 1926.95 - Criteria for personal protective equipment. Insulated connectors of equivalent capacity shall be used for connecting or splicing cable. Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Outreach Training Program (10- and 30-hour Cards), OSHA Training Institute Education Centers, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. 3. Hose which has been subject to flashback, or which shows evidence of severe wear or damage, shall be tested to twice the normal pressure to which it is subject, but in no case less than 300 p.s.i. Hot work includes cutting, welding, brazing, soldering, and any process involving the application of a naked flame. The written program must be made available prior to and during entry operations for inspection by employees and their authorized representatives. When welders are exposed to their own arc or to each other's arc, they shall wear filter lenses complying with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section. OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Fatalities, Injuries and Illness. hot work training. Structures or pipelines acting continuously as ground return circuits shall have joints bonded and maintained to ensure that no electrolysis or fire hazard exists. Who Issues the Permit? Hose couplings shall be of the type that cannot be unlocked or disconnected by means of a straight pull without rotary motion. 1926.962 - Grounding for the protection of employees. The control apparatus of arc welding machines shall be enclosed, except for operating wheels, levers, and handles. 0000007871 00000 n 1926.1403 - Assembly/Disassemblyselection of manufacturer or employer procedures. 1926.22 - Recording and reporting of injuries. Employees shall be protected from radiant energy eye hazards by spectacles, cup goggles, helmets, hand shields or face shields with filter lenses complying with the requirements of this paragraph. Inform the controlling contractor of the permit space program that the entry employer will follow, including any hazards likely to be confronted or created in each permit space. The employer must implement measures to protect employees from the hazard before any subsequent entry takes place. 1926.151 Fire prevention. Defective hose shall be removed from service. 0000009131 00000 n 1926.352 (b) Insert the date. Sharing policies. Additional rules. 1926.904 - Storage of explosives and blasting agents. Occupational Safety & Health Administration. 1926.1211 - Rescue and emergency services. How and when to acquire a hot work permit and who can supervise them. This section applies to all hot work operations, except as provided in subsections (a) (1) and (a) (2). 1926.350 (a) (3) Cylinders shall be moved by tilting and rolling them on their bottom edges. Employees exposed to radiation shall have their skin covered completely to prevent ultraviolet burns and damage. The following terms are defined for the purposes of this subpart only: Acceptable entry conditions means the conditions that must exist in a permit space, before an employee may enter that space, to ensure that employees can safely enter into, and safely work within, the space.. This requirement may be met by inserting a reference on the entry permit as to the means used, such as a roster or tracking system, to keep track of the authorized entrants within the permit space. sb`aY Ground return cables shall have current-carrying capacity equal to or exceeding the total maximum output capacities of the welding or cutting units served. 0000020449 00000 n OSHA 29 CFR 1910.252 required fire prevention actions for welding/hot works. If, when the valve on a fuel gas cylinder is opened, there is found to be a leak around the valve stem, the valve shall be closed and the gland nut tightened. The employer shall ensure that only manual electrode holders intended for arc welding and cutting and capable of handling the maximum current required for such welding or cutting shall be used. 1926.14 - Federal contract for "mixed" types of performance. Drums and containers which contain or have contained flammable or combustible liquids shall be kept closed. A hot work permit is a legal requirement in certain areas or job sites that gives workers or contractors the authorization to proceed with hot work activities. A suitable cylinder truck, chain, or other steadying device shall be used to keep cylinders from being knocked over while in use. In the case of manifolded or coupled cylinders, at least one such wrench shall always be available for immediate use. If the workplace contains one or more permit spaces, the employer who identifies, or who receives notice of, a permit space must: Inform, in a timely manner and in a manner other than posting, its employees' authorized representatives and the controlling contractor of the existence and location of, and the danger posed by, each permit space. 1926.107 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. 1926.305 - Jacks-lever and ratchet, screw, and hydraulic. No damaged or defective cylinder shall be used. The hot work permit helps the permit authorizing individual, hot work operator, and fire watch recognize potential hazards. 0000005574 00000 n 1926.1127 App A - Substance Safety Data Sheet - Cadmium, 1926.1127 App B - Substance Technical Guidelines for Cadmium, 1926.1127 App C - Qualitative and Quantitative Fit Testing Procedures, 1926.1127 App D - Occupational Health History Interview With Reference to Cadmium Exposure, 1926.1127 App E - Cadmium in Workplace Atmospheres, 1926.1127 App F - Nonmandatory Protocol for Biological Monitoring. In flammable or potentially flammable atmospheres: On or in equipment or tanks that have contained flammable gas or liquid or combustible liquid or dust-producing material, until a designated person has tested the atmosphere inside the equipment or tanks and determined that it is not hazardous; or. 1926.913 - Blasting in excavation work under compressed air. Fuel gas shall not be used from cylinders through torches or other devices which are equipped with shutoff valves without reducing the pressure through a suitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve or manifold. Hose shall be inspected before use. Ventilation and employee protection in welding, cutting and heating -. Torches with such defects shall not be used. Cn|lv }9! 1926.1441 - Equipment with a rated hoisting/ lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less. Unless cylinders are firmly secured on a special carrier intended for this purpose, regulators shall be removed and valve protection caps put in place before cylinders are moved. 0000031614 00000 n 1926.1407 - Power line safety (up to 350 kV)assembly and disassembly. The controlling contractor must debrief each entity that entered a permit space regarding the permit space program followed and any hazards confronted or created in the permit space(s) during entry operations; The entry employer must inform the controlling contractor in a timely manner of the permit space program followed and of any hazards confronted or created in the permit space(s) during entry operations; and. osha hot work permit requirements 1926. hot work procedure. Continuous forced air ventilation must be used, as follows: An employee must not enter the space until the forced air ventilation has eliminated any hazardous atmosphere; The forced air ventilation must be so directed as to ventilate the immediate areas where an employee is or will be present within the space and must continue until all employees have left the space; The air supply for the forced air ventilation must be from a clean source and must not increase the hazards in the space. The employer must ensure a safe method of entering and exiting the space. 1929 wheat penny. 0000041672 00000 n Defective torches shall not be used. Before entry operations begin, the controlling contractor must: Obtain the host employer's information about the permit space hazards and previous entry operations; and. No one shall use a cylinder's contents for purposes other than those intended by the supplier. 1926 Subpart CC App A - Standard Hand Signals, 1926 Subpart CC App B - Assembly/DisassemblySample Procedures for Minimizing the Risk of Unintended Dangerous Boom Movement, 1926 Subpart CC App C - Operator CertificationWritten ExaminationTechnical Knowledge Criteria, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. Read your safety permit carefully. 1926.804 - Definitions applicable to this subpart. Unless a host employer or controlling contractor has or will have employees in a confined space, it is not required to enter any confined space to collect the information specified in this paragraph (h). When a cable other than the lead mentioned in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section wears and exposes bare conductors, the portion exposed shall not be used until it is protected by insulation equivalent in performance capacity to the original. A hot work permit is a legal document that is required in certain situations where work is being performed that may generate heat, sparks, or flames. Arc welding or cutting equipment having a functional defect shall not be used. 1926.350 (a) (2) When cylinders are hoisted, they shall be secured on a cradle, slingboard, or pallet. 0000006757 00000 n 1926.1433 - Design, construction and testing. Compressed gas cylinders shall be secured in an upright position at all times except, if necessary, for short periods of time while cylinders are actually being hoisted or carried. When hot work must be performed in a location that is not free of fire hazards, all necessary precautions shall be taken to confine heat, sparks, and slag so that they cannot contact flammable or combustible material. 1926.251 - Rigging equipment for material handling. 1926.702 - Requirements for equipment and tools. The in-plant handling, storage, and utilization of all compressed gases in cylinders, portable tanks, rail tankcars, or motor vehicle cargo tanks shall be in accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-1965. 0000010051 00000 n The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), better known as Cal/OSHA, protects and improves the health and safety of working men and women in California and the safety of passengers riding on elevators, amusement rides, and tramways - through the following activities: Setting and enforcing standards The OSHA 300 Log must be maintained by employers unless there is an exemption, based on the NAICS code or the size of . 1926.1429 - Qualifications of maintenance & repair employees. They shall not be intentionally dropped, struck, or permitted to strike each other violently. TITLE 8 CCR Sections 4794-4799 and articles 82,83,87,88, & 90 (29 CFR 1910.251-255) (29 CFR 1926. Contractors are required to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state and local regulations as well as any specific requirements that are set in place by Cornell University. 1926 Subpart P App A - Soil Classification, 1926 Subpart P App B - Sloping and Benching, 1926 Subpart P App C - Timber Shoring for Trenches, 1926 Subpart P App D - Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring for Trenches, 1926 Subpart P App E - Alternatives to Timber Shoring, 1926 Subpart P App F - Selection of Protective Systems, 1926 Subpart Q - Concrete and Masonry Construction. Valve protection caps shall be in place and secured. 1926.1410 - Power line safety (all voltages)equipment operations closer than the Table A zone. 0000046103 00000 n Use the e-signature solution to e-sign the form. 1926.500 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart. Hot Work Safety Guide 06/2015 1 . Employees in the space shall wear supplied air respirators in accordance with 1910.134 and a standby on the outside shall maintain communication with employees inside the space and shall be equipped and prepared to provide emergency aid.

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